Chapter 39-family time

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*last chapter the kids of 1-A and 1-B went off to gain some formal clothing to wear to the mysterious gala they'd all been invited to by rochuex's sister*

*later at the 1-B dorms after everyone arrived back from the tailor shop*

Mabel: we're back!
Akumu:*yawned*im goin to fucking sleep......
Molly: capper ain't back yet hope he's alright
Akumu: the bastard can handle himself trust me*walked off to his room*

*akumu's room was overall dark in tone and color with a drum set and guitar in the corner with various band posters covering the walls and a very soft and plushy looking bed*
Akumu:*slammed face first into the bed and looked at the ceiling as he rolled over and thought*I wonder how she's doing........

*meanwhile with capper*

Capper:*was walking into a hospital carrying a book and asked a nurse if it was still possible to visit*
Nurse: oh let me check*typed onto her keyboard*yes it is as long as your a family member
Capper: the don is
Nurse: right I don't think I need to tell you where the room is right
Capper: correct*waves goodbye and began to make his way towards a hospital room with the patient label being "wen queen hitmen"*

*as capper quietly opened the door a girl with sea foam green hair with flecks of darker green blue hair with a breathing mask over her face surrounded by items from books like the little mermaid*
Capper: heya wen's the don's here sorry he hasn't visited in awhile things have been busy over at school*placed the book next to her head and gently rubbed her head with one of his fingers*the don also got a few stories for ya about the sport festival!

*and so for the next few hours capper told his unconscious sister all that happened during the sports festival censoring some of the more graphic bits and before he knew it capper had passed out*

*back at the 1-B dorms*

Molly:*was sitting on her bed looking out at the night sky thinking*there's something not right about this party why would a pro hero just invite two whole classes of people and their families out of the blue it doesn't feel right.....*then remembered rochuex's expression when Roxie put her hand on her shoulder*and what is up with that girl......?

*she looked down onto her stomach to see a parakeet sitting on her belly*
Molly; how'd you get out your cage rooster*chuckled and used her finger to gently ruffle the small birds feathers*
Rooster:*gave a small trill and hopped over to her shoulder and sat there*

Molly:*smiled and laid back before slowly dozing off to sleep before having one final thought*I wonder if she's ok.........

*in yuleongs room*

*her room was decorated with various objects such as large fans small wooden animal statues and sugar skulls with the centerpiece being a large round bed that yuleong was currently meditating on*!*fell back first into her bed and grumbled and looked at her hands then remembered all the stuff she had done to people before she entered UA then let her hands collapse onto her face*ugh I'm a horrible person.....

*she sat up and had flashbacks to all the times she had hurt,lied,and stole from people because she couldn't vent her problems*
Yuleong: heh <to think it actually took getting my own ass kicked to realize the things she put in my brain were truly horrible....>*she laid on her side before seeing a pair of her old glasses and held them in her hand*hm maybe it's time I actually make up for my mistakes.....*smiled and took her glasses off and put the older pair back on and walked over to a small desk and began to write a paper*

*in akumu's room*

Akumu:*was watching videos on his phone when he got a call*ugh.....*answered*hallo?
Akumu:*thoughts*gah theres no need to fucking yell!*sighed*I've been busy if you hadn't noticed I had an emergency appointment shortly after the sp-
???: that's not goddamn excuse to not call us we're your foster family your required to call us!
Akumu: actually last I checked I'm not
Fostermom: well your coming home immediately
Akumu: WHAT!!!!!!

Fostermom: we've already talked it over with the principal your quirk is ju-
Akumu: just what to "villainous"?*his words practically dripped with venom*
Fostermom: w-wha-what of course not we're just concerned for your safety after all your going to school with a villain!

Fostermom: what's so funny!
Akumu: oh nothing it's just you and the bastard call me a goddamn psychopath behind my back every time I'm not looking yet you get all concerned when I got an ass beating I both deserved and needed to set my brain straight <and you have the goddamn nerve to try and "fix me" after I came out and shocker you didn't fix me you just made my->

Fostermom:*had hung up*
Akumu: that's what I fucking thought.....*dropped his phone onto his bed and left his room to see capper still wasn't back*must have fallen asleep at the hospital room*sighs and rubs his eyes*fucking hell what's wrong with me....
Kushinbo: oh lots of things

Kushinbo: language!
Akumu:*rubbed where he got bonked*doesn't answer my question
Kushinbo: oh dorm check these happen every now and again usually either at night or when y'all are actually in school so young akumu what's troubling you?

Akumu: I'd doubt you'd understand
Kushinbo: come on throw your worst at me
Akumu: ok your loud,oblivious, and y-*his mouth got covered*
Kushinbo; I didn't mean that kinda worst.......
Akumu:*removed his hand*alright fine my foster mom called me and told me their pulling me out of UA
Akumu: what's so funny you overgrown rat!

Kushinbo: oh oh boy haven't laughed that hard in a good while kid they lied to you
Akumu: oh yeah that actually checks out
Kushinbo: your taking this surprisingly well?
Akumu: heh I've been lied to so many times I can tell when someone is just from the look of their eye

Kushinbo: hmmmmmmmmm I've been there well not the exact situation but I used to be in a really dark spot in my life
Akumu: you? Mister I hate swearing and cheery as a bumblebee?
Kushinbo: well I wasn't always like this it wasn't until I actually got married I tried changing my ways.......*looked at his ring*

Akumu: your point?
Kushinbo:*placed his hand in akumu's shoulder*look kid you've been dealt a shit fucked hand of life but it's not to late you just need to find someone to help you see the light
Akumu:......did..did you just swear?*smirked*
Kushinbo: I did grehehehe ok hit me as hard as you can maakt een grapje
Kushinbo:*looked at a book called "Dutch for idiots"*no I'm not kidding you come on take your best s-
Akumu: ok*kicked Kushinbo right in the jewels without a milliseconds hesitation*

Kushinbo:*fell to the ground*l-low blow kiddo
Akumu: yeah that's the point
Kushinbo:*got up and shook himself off*well I better be off think about what i said it could give you some good insight*began to walk out the dorm*

Akumu:......*thoughts*well not like my day can get worse

*the following morning*

Akumu:*thoughts*I stand fucking corrected.....
*1-B was going through Kushinbo and horas hellish obstacle course*

Kushinbo: you can all thank your buddy akumu here for this!*smirked*
Akumu:*thoughts*you motherfucker!!!!!

*and so the day ends with everyone getting word that the big event was about to start and they all started getting dressed*

Akumu: I'm not the only one thinking this whole fuckery is suspicious right?*was dressed in a jet black suit with a white tie and white shoes*
Capper: it's a party boogeyman what's their to hate!*had a dark green sleeveless blaster and a pine green shirt with the dress slacks*
Yuleong; as much as I hate to actually say it akumu here has a point*was wearing a cyan blue dress with long decorative sleeves that ended around her upper forearm with her long hair tied into a large bun*
Molly: let's just enjoy the party*was wearing a dark red suit with a plaid skirt*

Mabel: I'm with capper I've never felt this fancy before so let's enjoy it!*was wearing a strawberry red leather jacket with a wine red dress*
Dipper: can I please loosen my tie.......*was wearing a plain black suit with a red tie*
Shinpi: if you must dipper*was wearing a soft pink yukata with his petals forming a small scarf this time instead of its usual cloak form*
Ashe: hehehehehe*was wearing a long sleeved dressed with a swirling orange and black pattern on the sleeves with the actual part of the dress being a solid black color with orange scale patterns dotting the dress*

Romansu: I know rocheux left early to get here but feels pretty weird not actually having her here?*was wearing a dark blue button up shirt with a similarly colored long overcoat that reached down to his ankles with dress slacks and black shoes*
Hari: I'm sure she's fine*was wearing a grey yukata with what seemed to be a decorative needle like pattern on it and hari had his hair held up in a ponytail with two of his own needles*

Eric: I'm with our beloved pin cushion she's probably just trying to get ready for the festivities*was wearing a pale green overcoat with a white dress shirt with pants held up by suspenders along with his signature cane and top hat*
Romansu: if you say so......

*then everyone began to notice other people began to show up some were parents some pro hero's and others what seemed to be friends of rochuex's family*

Molly: lotta big shots showing up.....
Eri: yeah.....*was wearing a green dress with a white overcoat with a small bow in her hair*it's getting me excited*began muttering to herself*
Akumu: she normally mutter like that?*points to eri*
Eric: only when she gets excited about quirks-

*and then they saw the doors to the massive gothic manor open with servants lining the opening all with one standing in the middle who was wearing a mask that covered his entire face*

Mask???: welcome all to the onyx family home please enjoy our hospitality*bows*

*the doors have opened and the party has begun but where is rochuex and her family find out next chapter 40-the onyx's!*


Welp that chapter was certainly interesting felt like some bits could have been done a little better but we also got to see some snippets of capper and akumu's family so I want to know what do you think rochuex's family's quirks are going to be I think I gave a hint as to what Roxie's quirk is but I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time because the onyx Galla arc has officially begun!

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