Chapter 40-the onxy's!

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*last chapter the doors to the onyx manor opened inviting the guests of the Galla in but suspicions may already be rising*

*when everyone entered the manor everyone noticed it was a very Victorian Gothic style most of the paintings on the walls were of mysterious creatures people who haven't been to the home before don't even recognize as the butlers and maids were slowly leading them to where the party actually was*

Romansu: and we called Blod's room freaky-*got jabbed in the side by blod who was wearing what appeared to be a traditional Nordic dress*ow sorry sheesh
Mask???: I agree many of you have been here for the first time so I understand why the master and his family's taste in art may be strange

Akumu:*walked past a painting of a dragon having its head impaled through its eyes and mumbled*strange is an understatement.....

Yuleong;*looked around and payed close attention to how the butlers were acting and thought*hmmmmmmm aren't maids and butlers supposed to normally answer questions the guests ask so far that's the only question of sorts that's been asked and even then it was cryptic
Mask???; we have arrived*two maids opened the door to lavish and large ballroom where tables have been set and a band was playing classical music*please enjoy

*from there everyone split off into various clicks and groups some were already dancing to the music while others were enjoying the food*

Romansu: oh man I don't know where to start*was eyeing the food table almost starstruck before being bonked by a fan*ow what the shit-*was bonked again and he turned to see kushinbo and hora*
Kushinbo: language!
Romansu; what are you two doing here!
Hora: well we were invited you know*was wearing what appeared to be a flamingo dress as she closed the fan*
Romansu: and why are you dressed like flamingo dancers?
Kushinbo: oh we plan to cut some rug later

Hora&romamsu: you did not just say that.......
Kushinbo: give me a break!
Romansu: well I ain't dancing so if you need me I'm gonna grab a bite to e-*was grabbed by his coat collar and dragged away by his adoptive parents*or I guess not.......

Molly: geez some people*was sitting with her family as they looked around*
Capper: well the don likes this shindig especially the grub*ate a bite of steak*
Akumu: still somethings not right this many people and pro's for a small time party makes me feel odd.....

Molly: agreed ain't it also weird our host hasn't even shown up yet
Mmom: oh hun be patient the nights still young-

*and suddenly everyone stopped when they heard thundering foot steps coming from the other entrance to the ballroom and then they saw a man standing at 7ft flat wearing what appeared to be heavy armor that shimmered with obsidian his face was obscured by a crown like full face mask as he had a jet black cape behind him with large golden gauntlets with small bits of obsidian decorating it*

Eric: holy heck who is that guy?!
Eri; that's the fortress hero-obsidian he used to be top 10 pro hero but for some reason he got his title revoked......
Obsidian:*a butler handed him a small microphone*welcome guests to my home I'm holding this Galla to honor the students of UA's sports festival who fought long and hard in grueling battles against their own friends

*all of the 1-B kids excluding Mabel and Dipper gave each other sideways glances*
Obsidian: even though it pained me to see my daughter have a break down during her fight I believe in spirit she fought til the end

Obsidian: now my beloved children will come out and greet you all individually except my youngest daughter for she wishes to stay by me
*next to him was rochuex she was wearing a outfit similar to Molly's but she had a skirt that reached down to her ankles instead of her knees at a closer look her eyes looked completely emotionless and lifeless*

Akumu: somethings off about her
Molly: yea-wait where'd yuleong go?
Capper; oh the don saw her wander off*ate another bite of steak*

*meanwhile with yuleong she was currently walking over to eri who was talking with ame and mitsuo*
Eri:-and that's why I'm positive somethings u-*saw yuleong*oh hey.....
Yuleong; look I know you hate me you have every right to fucking hate me for what I did I was nothing but a selfish bitch......
Eri:*was taken aback and saw ame and mitsuo had left and thought*goddamnit guys!

Yuleong: you don't have to be nice to me you don't even have to say anything the facts are true for years I treated you and other people like shit and didn't care it literally took you beating me up to make me see that*pulled out a letter*if you want a more detai-
Eri: just shut it
Yuleong:!*looked at her with surprise*
Eri: you think I care you treated me like I was a freak when I was still overcoming stuff I'm still struggling to deal with so what gives you any right to apologize all of a sud-
Yuleong: my parents abused me!*whisper yelled at eri with some tears swelling in her eyes*

Eri:what?!*pulled yuleong into a more private corner*you don't just say that kinda stuff and how do I know your not lying
Yuleong: because of these*pulled up her dresses sleeve to reveal a disturbing amount of scars some cuts some burns and some were harder to tell what caused them*

Eri:*covered her mouth*
Yuleong; my dad gave me these when I was six*points to her arm pulled the sleeve down*he got put in prison*pulled her dress down enough to show what appeared to be a stab scar on her collar bone and showed her other arm was covered in lashings*my mother gave me these when I was twelve she was arrested for well you can guess why among other things*covered herself back up*

Eri: I-I-*yuleong held out a hand*
Yuleong: you don't have to say anything these are mine to bare and mine alone what i did to you was because my parents told me quirks like mine and yours are nothing more than rejects of heaven I vented my anger unjustly and harmed you and others in ways I can never redeem myself for so if you never wish to see me again that is fine but do know......*cried a little*I will do my best to make sure I repent for my sins*began to calmly walk away*

(*drinking a soda and holding a sign saying "told ya so Frozefas "*)

*meanwhile with molly who had decided to wander the floor and found her way outside to a balcony where rochuex was*
Molly: well hey there what you doing out here all by your lonesome*leaned against the balcony railing*
Molly:*gave a concerned look and slowly put a hand on her shoulder only for rochuex to immediately slap it off*are you ok?

Rochuex: I'm fine*her voice sounded voided of life and emotion*
Molly: you don't sound fine*saw rochuex's bandaged hands*im sorry fer what happened back at the sports festival didn't mean for ya to have a break down...
Rochuex: it was entirely my fault I wasn't strong enough to-*had her beanie shoved in her face*?!

Molly: it ain't yer fault I did something that clearly upset you so much it made you lose it........for what's it's worth I actually thought that army of yer's looked pret-
Rochuex: ITS DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Molly:*jumped back a little when she heard rochuex yell*?!
Rochuex:*held her arms and looked down*my body is disgusting and horrid it makes me look inhuman......
molly; you ain't inhumane heck I don't get why you use those bandages their really pretty if ya don't mind me asking do they only cover your arms?
Rochuex:*looked away*they don't....they also cover my legs spine and-*blushed heavily*<c-chest>
Molly: uhhhh repeat that last part?

Rochuex:*took a deep breath and sighed and moved her shirt enough to reveal a glistening obsidian black exoskeleton covering the top part of her torso and there was a soft gentle red glow to it*
Molly:*turned away blushing redder then a tomato*
Rochuex: it covers part of my chest it's one of the few places that's to difficult to bandage I also have side vents along well my sides......

(Yes I just made that small scene and no I'm not making it any more detailed and NO her boobs weren't shown)

Rochuex:*covered herself back up but not before molly placed her hand against where rochuex's heart was*<w-what are you doing?!>
Molly: feels warm kinda like a little fire.........*just realized what she was doing and immediately pulled her hand away*im so sorry I didn't mean to do that!
Rochuex:*gave out a sigh and began to walk away but stopped and smiled at molly as the light from gala almost made her glow ethereally* Je suis content d'avoir pu te rencontrer même si ce soir est ma dernière nuit*and with that she walked away back into the ball*

Molly:.....*was blushing red and looked down at her hand and saw she had rochuex's beanie and thought*when did she give me this?.......and why was she smiling so sadly?

*meanwhile at the top of the stair case in the ballroom*

Obsidian:*looking down at the party as a pale man standing at 6'3 walked next to him he had on black gloves and a medical mask he seemed to be dressed casually unlike everyone else*how much longer til the obstacles are removed Jack
Jack:*moved his mask down so he could speak*everything's almost set dad we're just waiting for the clock to strike midnight*checked a clock behind them that said it was only four minutes away from midnight*
Obsidian: good*cracked his knuckles*now the party will begin mahahaha

*a cryptic threat from the host of the ball what does this mean for the guests and heros attending what did rochuex say find out in chapter 41-The party begins!*


And so we get to learn some things about both rochuex and yuleong which I know is gonna drive a certain person crazy zwehehehe but anyway what do you all think of obsidian so far and the little interaction I gave for molly and rochuex well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time!

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