Chapter 41-the party begins!

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*last chapter the the gala had begun and obsidian has now appeared to be putting some sorta plan in motion*

*meanwhile with capper and akumu*

Akumu: hmmmm may just end up using this suit as my hero outfit
Capper: does make ya look snazzy boogeyman-*got a buzz from his phone and took it out and saw he got a text message*hm who's texting the don?
Akumu:*pulled out his phone and saw he also got a message*hmmmm that's not a number I recognize

*soon everyone began to take their phones out and they all had the same message on it*

Molly:*thoughts*a voice message?*pressed play and suddenly jacks voice began to play*
Jack:*on speaker on multiple phones*hello dear guests you all are probably confused as to why you all have received this message to put it simply your all now both our hostages and don't worry we aren't going to harm you in any way or form we just kindly ask you to remain in the ballroom and as for the pro heroes-

*suddenly the maids and butters tasered all the pro heroes in the neck effectively knocking them out*
Jack:*still on multiple speakers*-they won't be a bother now don't worry everyone here will be ok as long as they don't cause a scene we wish for you to enjoy the party for some of you it will be your last*and with that the message ended*

*and as soon as it ended the room erupted into panic as people began to run around trying to escape*

Akumu; what the fuck is going on!
Yuleong:*ran over to akumu and the others with eri in tow along with a few other 1-A kids*they just kidnapped us that's what happened!
Molly: the bastards we gotta do something!
Hyde: how the pro's are knocked out!
Capper: we're pros in training the don can take whatever they throw at us!

*and the students grouped together and looked at each other*
Romansu: well so much for a nice party.....
Hari: we gotta get these people out of here along with the pros
Eric: that's gonna require a lot of man power most of which we don't ha-*then they saw rochuex walk past them up the stairs where obsidian was*the heck?!
Rochuex:*looked down at all of them and a few tears rolled down her face*<im sorry but this is the last time we'll ever see each other.....>

Molly: the hell!*rushed towards the stairs only for her to get punched back to where the others were knocking akumu and hari over as they looked to see obsidian punched her into them*YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!
Obsidian: You children have no place here to interfere now behave while my daughter preforms her last act as a hero*began to pull rochuex along into the halls of the manor as the masked butler closed the doors*

Romansu: what the hell!!!!!
Hari:*got up and shook himself off*gah goddamnit!
Eric: what are we gonna do should we go after her?!
Molly: let us go after her!
*the 1-A students looked at molly*

Molly: we get she's your classmate but our quirks are better for these sorta situations*gestures towards herself,akumu,capper,and yuleong*
Eric: sadly she's right half our classes quirks are long to mid range we don't have a lot of quirks useful for chasing people down or lasting in close range combat......
Capper: yeah let the don and his pals get your friend back while you focus on making sure these folks get out of here safely

Romansu: as much as I don't want to you guys are right but feel free to take at least one of us with you
Dipper: me and mabel are gonna stay behind we're better for crowd control

Hyde: who in their right mind would willingly go into that place!*then he felt akumu grab his shirt collar*oh fuck.....
Akumu: <thanks for volunteering>*looks at romansu*better so your job villain and not half ass it while we're gone!!!!
Romansu: you got it just make sure you get rochuex back

Molly: don't worry we will*looks at the beanie in her hand and thought*I hope that she's gonna be ok.......

*meanwhile with rochuex*

Rochuex:.........*was walking along side her father as she looked down tears still falling from her eyes*
Obsidian: quit crying your just showing your weakness
Rocheux: sorry si-*felt an ice cold slap across her cheek*......*looked up to see Roxie standing there now along side her*

Roxie: to think you'd actually do this ha! I always knew you were nothing more then a worthless walking corpse but I guess you finally have a decent use besides me prettying you up*held rochuex's face in her hand roughly*shame I won't be able to anymore after this
Rochuex: I'm sorry ma'am........*her face was let go*
Roxie: well I'll be in my gallery I have to see if I have any room for new additions*put a finger to her chin*I think I'll add that pair in the flamingo dance clothes their shit heros but they'll make wonderful models*chuckled as she walks away*

Rochuex:........*began to follow her father again til he stopped and saw jack*
Jack; well father so far it seems their not putting up much resistance though if they continue making that infernal racket it will be hard to focus
Obsidian: have the servants desk with them their nothing more then weak scraps*continued walking*
Jack:*looked at rochuex before he began walking away*
Rochuex:........*silently followed her father*

Obsidian:*looked down at rocheux who appeared to have mumbled something which led him to slamming her against a wall holding her neck*what was that you insolent child!
Rochuex: <n-nothing!>*chocking*
Obsidian: for your sake I hope that's all it was*dropped her where she began to take in deep heavy breaths*remember what you are child nothing more then my pawn who is meant to help me achieve greatness never forget your place*began to walk faster not even slowing to wait on his daughter*

Rochuex:.....*slowly stood up and began to follow him thinking*I hope for their sakes they won't be dumb enough to follow me........

*back in the main ballroom*

Akumu: FUCKING DAMNIT!!!!*kept trying to open the door with little success*what is this thing made of?!
Capper: stand back leg the don handle this!*began to repeatedly punch at the door at its hinges weakening them*
Molly: hurry we gotta move!
Yuleong:*made her "left guard"appear to help capper out and they successfully pulled one of the doors off its hinges*about t-*suddenly she was launched back into the ballroom by the masked butler*

Mask???: I'm sorry miss but I mustn't let you proceed any further
Capper: little lady!
Akumu; shit!*was about to activate his quirk*
Yuleong: no go on without me!*looked at mask???*im best used as a close range fighter you three and that pervert looking idiot-
Hyde: hey!
Yuleong:-are better suited for fights when you have full use of your quirks off the bat!*fixed her glasses*besides I could use the practice*smirked*

Molly:*sighed*just promise ya won't get yourself killed
Yuleong: oh don't worry I won't
*with that the other four hesitantly ran off leaving yuleong to face her foe*
Mask???; fighting us by yourself not a wise choice young lady*suddenly yuleong was surrounded*
Yuleong: hmmmm actually these are my kinda odds*entered what seemed to be a kicking stance*

Mask???:*snapped his fingers and the butlers and maids began to attack yuleong*
Yuleong:*flipped one over then kicked them forcibly into a wall as one tried to attack her from behind only for them to pulled into a leg lock and slammed them face first into the ground*really is that all you got?

Mask???:*suddenly behind yuleong*no but then again those ones were to be terminated either way*punched yuleong into a wall*
Yuleong: GAH!!*slid down the wall and stood back up shaking her head to regain her senses*bastard!

Mask???:*stood perfectly straight as the remaining butlers and maids stood behind him in similar posture*im sorry miss but I'm afraid this is the end of the line for you

*what is obsidian up to and what's the deal with these butlers and maids that yuleong is having to fight find out next time chapter 42-Queen of the dead!*


Oh poor things are getting intense already huh folks and looks like we're about to see yuleong in action for the first time since some of the earliest chapters tell me what you think the masked butlers quirk may be well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time!

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