Chapter 42-Queen of the dead!

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*last chapter obsidian threw the party into a massive hostage situation leaving the kids and party goers in a state of panic but now it's up to the kids of 1-B to handle the situation having left yuleong behind so she can handle the masked butler!*

Yuleong:*taking a deep breath and made her "mad right" appear*ok I'll admit that was a good shot you got in on me but it won't happen again!*rushed forward and threw a strong kick to the masked butler only for a regular one to intercept it*what the?!

Mask???: poor form your services are no longer required*crushed in the skull of the butler who took the kick for him*
Yuleong: WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!
Mask???: nothing we are but pawns and pawns are entirely disposable whether they like it or not*snapped his fingers and the butlers and maids formed an offensive barrier*after all I am the head pawn

Pione Règle's quirk-dominion-pione can assert his control over people and control them like pawns if he gives out an order the people under his control though if they have enough will power they can easily break out of his quirk!

Yuleong; wait your controlling them aren't you what sorta sick power is that!!!!!
Pione: ah I gave away my quirk hmmmm the master won't enjoy that but if the cats out of the bag yes I control people but only if they have incredibly weak wills which is why the master always makes sure to deliver people who have incredibly weak wills

*he began to walk around the various butlers and maids*
Pione:*held the head of one maid*this one is a drug addict*held the face of a butler*and this one is suicidal*both of the two mentioned began to attack yuleong:*dodged the attacks and knocked the two out but didn't notice the other butlers and maids begin to surround her and began to senselessly beat her*GAH?!
Pione: even the strongest of wills break and once they do their mine
Yuleong:*thoughts*damnit JUST DAMNIT NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!!

~flashback to when yuleong was 7~

(Heads up! For a majority of this flashback yuleong and her folks are gonna be speaking Korean as indicated by these <> and also this is about to get pretty dark!)

Yuleong: AH!*just received a cut on her arm from her father he was a skinny man with teal hair and had a single tattoo on his hand which was a cross*im sorry I didn't mean to break it!*was standing behind a broken vase*
Y-dad: lies you little sinner!*slapped yuleong who got out of his grip and ran to her room and closed the door and locked it and cried*

Yuleong: mianhae sagolago saeng-gaghaji anh-ass-eo mianhae!!*heard her dad bang on the door but suddenly it stopped and opened the door slightly to see her grandpa had knocked out her dad again*Hal-abeoji!*ran out and hugged him crying*
Hal-abeoji:<there there dear your ok did he hurt you again?>
Yuleong:*showed him her scar riddled arm and the newest one*
Hal-abeoji:<come on let's go clean it up and I'll make you some pork buns how does that sound?>
Yuleong:*sniffled and nodded and followed her grandpa*

*in the kitchen they saw her mom a very elegant looking woman with jet black hair wearing a suit looking over some papers in her hand*
Y-mom:*saw yuleong*let me guess my idiot of a husband hurt her again?
Hal-abeoji:<yes he did I'm gonna treat her wound then make her some pork buns->
Y-mom: you spoil her father she's never going to learn for herself if she always ge-*got whacked on the knee with his cane*OW!
Hal-abeoji;<watch your tongue!>

Yuleong:*as her wound got patched up she could feel her mom staring at her as she was looking over some of her test scores*
Y-mom:<hmmmmmmmmm you've been doing very well on your tests but we still need to work on your penmanship a little some of the words a little misspelled>

Yuleong:<y-yes ma'am...>
Y-mom:*patted her on the head and got up and walked out of the room*
Yuleong:*looked down and saw her grandmother come into the kitchen with ingredients for her pork buns*
Halmeoni:<what's the matter dear don't look so glum now once your grandpa fixes ya up would you like to help me?>

*soon later at night*

Yuleong:*was doing her homework when her dad came in clearly intoxicated from a obscene amount of alcohol*<dad?>
Y-dad: <you little fuck>
Yuleong:<h-huh?>*backed away from her desk as she saw bone spikes come from his knuckles*<d-dad your scaring me!>*hit the wall of her bedroom*

Y-dad:<I GOT FIRED TODAY BECAUSE SOMEONE REPORTED MY ASS ABOUT YOU!>*punched the wall missing yuleong barely*<you know how hard I work my ass off for this family well guess what that means for you!!!>*was winding up another punch*
Yuleong: STOP IT!!!!!!*put her palms together and "left guard" appeared and socked her father right in the jaw knocking him out and she curled on the floor scared for her life and began crying loudly*

*the following days her father had been arrested and she began going to a new school and when fifth grade rolled around a new girl with white hair and red eyes*

*after school*

Yuleong:*came home and saw her mom was furious*<mom are you ok????>
Y-mom:<no I'm not some bitch at work today stole the promotion I rightly earned.....>*sighs*<what about you how was school today?>
Yuleong:<we were told we're getting a new girl tomorrow she's got pretty red eyes and a white hair a horn to!>
Y-mom:*froze and looked at her daughter with disgust*<that girl is trouble>

Y-mom:<those are signs that she is nothing but a demon dear lord and just when that quirk of yours finally started acting up.....>*looks at yuleong*<yuleong listen to me that girl is nothing but living sin and as my daughter it is your job to make sure that girls life is a living hell!>

Yuleong:<what why she di->*her face was grabbed and her mouth clamped over as her mother looked at her with eyes of disgust and hatred*
Y-mom:<you.will.make.her life a living hell.are we clear?>
Yuleong:*nodded in terror*
Y-mom: good now hurry to your room and clean up we're having your favorite tonight

~fast forward to when yuleong was 12~

Yuleong:<I'm home.....>*was covered in bandages and saw her mom was seething with anger and thought*and her meeting today must have gone to shit.......*walked past her only to have her arm grabbed*
Y-mom: and where do you think your going?
Yuleong: to my room I have a essay I need to right u-*was slapped*
Y-mom: you aren't doing anything anymore
Yuleong: what do you mean?
Y-mom: the meeting went great until that bitch said that she's going to be stepping down and I'm not eligible to take her spot so it had an idea if I just marry you off to the CEO's child then I'm guaranteed the spot!

Yuleong: WHAT?!*pulled her arm away*are you completely insane!
Y-mom: relax the child is a girl she's your age your into girls as sinful as that is
Yuleong: you've lost your mind!*backed away in fear*
Y-mom: oh then I guess you need a lesson!*pulled a knife off the counter and lunged at yuleong stabbing her collar bone only for her to be throw off and knocked out by yuleong's "mad right"*

Yuleong:*shaking and crying in pure fear as she held her wound and saw her grandparents come in and thought*im a monster.....a worthless monster

*the next day at school*

Yuleong:*saw eri and sighed and thought*I should just stop I've already made her life hell as it is.....*eri bumped into her and she saw a sad look on her face*
Eri: if your gonna say something say it you already made my life hell yesterday not like you can top it
Yuleong: ha you think I'd waste my time on you like that!*thoughts*I'm a monster......*your nothing more then a monster*thoughts*I AM THE MONSTER!

~fast forward to when yuleong's 14 just a few days after Mabel and dipper enrolled into the class~

Yuleong:*thoughts*the sports festival is soon knowing my luck I'm gonna get eliminated early o-*bumped into mabel*what do you want?
Mabel; oh sorry!*saw the bags and tear streaks on yuleong's eyes*hey are you ok?
Yuleong: I'm fine*tried to walk away when mabel grabbed her hand*!
Mabel: your not fine

Yuleong: so what not like I deserve anyone's help.......
Mabel: what why?!
Yuleong; I'm a monster plain and simple monsters don't deserve help......
Mabel; well good thing I'm a monster to!*smiled
Yuleong:*looked at mabel with surprise and confusion*
Mabel; just because your a monster doesn't mean you have to continue being one......OH hey do you mind if you help me out I'm having some trouble with my writing

Yuleong:*thoughts*this girl just said she's the same as me but with a smile on her face I don't deserve love I don't deserve to be here......but maybe maybe she's right*looked at mabel*fine follow me I'll help you out
Mabel: yeah! Oh if ya didn't know my names mabel!
Yuleong:......sogsag-im.....Yuleong Sogsag-im*smiled and thought*maybe it's time I stop thinking like a monster

~flashback end~

Yuleong:*thoughts*ya know what screw it*summoned "left guard" and threw all the maids and butlers off her and thought*I may have been given shitty parents and have people who are willing to help me*smashed her palms together*BUT THAT DOESNT MEAN I HAVE TO PLAY NICE TO ASSHOLES LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Pione:?!*thoughts*I almost broke her will enough to put her under my control what in hell happened?!*jumped backwards with the maids and butlers*
Yuleong: hahahahahahaha!*thoughts*screw trying to forgive myself for being a toy for my shitty ass parents if they wanted to raise a monster well they got their wish!!!!*made a complex hand sign*Mad Right-

*suddenly "mad right" appeared but this time it was larger and more spindly it had two small left arms on its left side now but it's right arms were massive in comparison with the fingers becoming more like serrated butcher knives rather then fingers and where it's head should be two heads have sprouted and we're biting at each other*

Pione: what the?!*saw "rabid right dog" slash its claws against him throwing him into a wall then seeing it knock out maids and butlers left and right(pun not intended) the it vanished*GET HER YOU WORTHLESS PIECES OF TRASH!!!!

Yuleong: left guard-*made another hang sign and "left guard" appeared but this one was larger more broad and sturdy in shape and it gained a single right arm while it grew an extra left arm both the size of bulldozers with the knuckles appearing more like solid blocks of bone then regular human knuckles*-fortress left ape/yosae oenjjog doen wonsung-i!!*slammed the remaining butlers and maids against the wall knocking them out*

Pione:*saw he was the only one left*what even are you?!
Yuleong: hahahahahahah! naneun jug-eum-ui yeowang!*dispelled "fortress left ape" and unleashed a barrage of kicks to pione who went into the air*Mad right and Left guard-undead execution/eondedeu cheohyeong!*both "left guard" and "mad right" appeared with "mad right" holding piones arms and legs together then "left guard" smashing its fist into his body effectively knocking him out*
Pione: GAHHHHH!!!!!*went limp as he lost consciousness*

(Translation-I'm queen of the dead!)

Yuleong:*panted as she fell to the ground giving a smile as tears ran down her face*I guess even a monster can be a hero huh....*passed out*

*meanwhile in a hidden monitor room*
Jack: damnit!*slammed his fist against a desk*if you want something done right*saw molly,capper,akumu,and Hyde running in a hallway near him*you do it yourself

*yuleong has defeated pione and his mind control quirk after letting loose now Jack is on the prowl for our remaining heros what sorta plan does he have in store for them find out next time chapter 43-the don rises!*


*sipping hot coco*that's right I made a chapter just for yuleong revealing both her past and some rather badass ultimate moves but tell me what did you actually think of yuleong's past and pione's quirk though I can already tell you know who's gonna be in the spotlight next chapter well I hope you enjoyed my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges until next time!

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