Chapter 4-first day of hell!

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*it was early in the morning as Romansu began to walk towards UA high in his uniform*
Romansu: glad they had a short sleeve for the undershirt...........*sighed and went into deep thought*my first day of UA....I wonder if anyone in my class will hate me for my parents well at least I have a new start my time to shine my time to be a hero my ti-*got trampled by a few students*ow......

Romansu: grrrrrr*hurried and made it to UA in the nick of time*UA....well here's to something.....
*as Romansu began to walk towards his class he felt glares staring him down like as if he was the reason they'd been hurt so much by his parents for whatever reason and there he was room 1-A*

Romansu;*took a deep breath*here goes shit*opened the door and got a hit kid with grey and white hair thrown into him*@~@ ow....
???: WHAT WAS THAT FIR YA CUNT I'LL MAKE YOU BROWN BREAD IN YOUR BREAD LOAF IF YOU DO THAT AGAI-*just noticed he was sitting on romansu*whoops sorry laddie*stood up with the help of a cane*
Romansu: no problem*walked into the class room and nearly got a needle to the side of the head*.........
???: sorry was aiming for the midget

???: IM NOT A MIDGET!!!!!
???:*a girl with bandages covering the entirety of her hands and legs and had earbuds in as her wild king and fuzzy looking brown hair draped over her back and kept her face hidden with her black and orange beanie*
*it was only the four of them in the class at the moment until a girl with a large grayish horn and a smaller one walked into the classroom*
???: h-hello is this class one a
???: indeed lassy who might you be?

Eri: my names Eri azawai nice to meet you*she had long white slightly spindly hair a scar across her nose and few piercings in her ear she turned towards the small guy*and who might you be
Eric: names Eric vonhome nice to meet ya*held out his hand and when eri shook it she got a shock and saw he had a joy buzzer*hahaha

Eri: ow ok then who are you*turned toward the kid who threw a needle at Romansu*
Hari: hari that's all you get*he was tall for someone of their age he had long spiky looking white hair and pink eyes and had what seemed to be a needle in his mouth*

Eri:*had a little sparks of red energy resembling one of those angry clouds someone would get in a cartoon next to her head didn't even bother with the beanie girl who seemed to be to inverse in her music then turned to Romansu*hi I'm eri
Romansu: Romansu toga*eri froze at that name 'toga'*

Eri: a-as in h-himiko toga
*this got the other three students attention as more people were entering the class two of which were a kid with pitch black skin and purple eyes and a girl with a tiny cloud above her head*
Romansu: y-yay is there something wrong*was afraid he was about to get blasted out of the window by whatever quirk eri had*
Eri: h-how are you related*her look turned from one of niceness to one of answer or it's your head*
Romansu:*gulped*s-shes my mom*at that moment eri froze and a few of the other students stood there in place as they looked at their classmate and then one of the classmates a girl with green hair with white hair underneath it she appeared to be floating as she went over to romansu*
???: your saying your related to one of the most dangerous villains in history either this is a really bad joke or your trying to just make everyone angry

Romansu: it's not a joke.....
*that made the class go quiet then hari stood up and walked in front of him*
Hari: then I recommend you leave
Romansu: what?
Hari: I said leave Villain
Romansu: ok one I'm not a villain two I earned my spot in this class so back off pin cushion
Hari: what was that
Romansu: you heard me pin.cushion.
Hari: heheh funny you call me that*soon long thin needles began to grow from his arm*because I am one

Hari's quirk-paralytic needle-hari can grow needles from any point of his body and they have a special toxin in them that can cause his enemies to temporarily paralyze though it's a small chance so the more needles he lands onto them the better!

Romansu: what the?!
Hari:*was about to practically impale Romansu if the teacher hadn't come in*
nezu: ENOUGH!!!!!
*the entire class looked to where the voice came from*
Nezu: down here*then they looked down*hello students
Hari:......the fuck*got lasers into a wall*
???: LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN~*it was the sparkling hero-Can't stop twinkling!(at least I think that's how his hero name is spelled and bet none of y'all were expecting that !)
The class:....*thoughts*uhhhhhh what just happened?

Nezu: greetings students I'm nezu am I a bear a mouse a dog no im your homeroom teacher!
Aoyama: and I'm can't stop twinkling~ but you can call me aoyama sensei!
Romansu:*thoughts*so my teachers are a gaybo and a lab animal...........
Nezu: now students take your seats for now because it's time to*pulled out a flash card with the words "introduction" on it*introduce yourselves!
???:*took her earbuds out and just put her head down trying to nap*

???:*a kid with bright red hair and a small snaggle tooth and a bandanna on his hand raised his hand err tie?*sir what do you mean by that?
Nezu: well first we'll have a quirk target practice out in the field where you'll introduce yourself and show us your quirk you don't have to show us your quirk but it would be preferable

Eric: ohohohoho this shall be intriguing
Hari: hmmm
Romansu: quirk targets?
Nezu: follow me!*was actually being carried on aoyama's shoulder as they walked out the door*make sure to get changed into gym uniforms!
*soon it was back to awkward silence til someone spoke up which happened to be he guy with pitch black skin*
???: well it's nice to meet you all I'm Mitsuo akiyama
Romansu: nice to meet you akiyama*held out his hand which akiyama shook*
Ame: well I'm ame yohō (her name literally means rain forecast) nice to meet ya to*romansu's hand went over her mouth*
Romansu: please call me Romansu I prefer being called that
Ame:*thumbs up*
Eri: sorry I don't mean to be rude actually I do but I don't trust you and probably never will*walked off to get changed along with hari and the floating girl*
Romansu; first day and people already hate me........*heavy sigh*

=after everyone had changed=
Nezu: you all look great in those uniforms now the exercise is simple use your quirk on that*pointed to a robot holding a giant target*
Eric: hmmmm and for those of us who's quirks can't attack it?
Nezu: that's for you to decide
Aoyama: oui~ a hero must be able to show what they got in any situation so don't stop twinkling students!~
Ame and Romansu:*thoughts*this guy is weird......
Nezu: now who's going to go first!
Eric: I shall!*walked up towards the bit with his cane in hand and snapped his fingers and two strange little sphere objects appeared*

(This is the sphere)

Eric:*made a finger gun and the two spheres were in front of it*bang*the spheres went forward  and when they hit the target they imploded and blasted out a powerful blast causing part of the target to get destroyed*hehehehe

Eric vonhome's quirk-orbital Buddy's- Eric can produce small hyperspheres to be used as projectile attacks though at the moment he can only use two but eventually he could earn to use over 50! The downside is though their very fragile and weak but can form into a massive gravity surge!

Eric: how was that teach
Nezu: excellent! Now students who's next
And that's chapter three the class has been introduced and Romansu appears to have already made enemies let me know your thoughts on them in the comments!

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