Chapter 5-quirks for all

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Nezu: excellent! Now students who's next
Hari: I'll go*walked forward and coated the sides of his arm in needles and threw them at the target with pinpoint accuracy*
Nezu: ok your up young aizawe
Eri:HI!*a cluster of red sparks began to form around her hands*uhhh sirs I'm gonna need to need someone to help me with this....
Aoyama: oui young child~ allow me to be your aid
Eri:*bowed them and rushed at him and placed her palm on him and the red sparks spread all over him and held him in place*WOO!

Eri aizawe's quirk-dilator- Eri can temporally slow things in time as long as she makes contact with them the longer the contact the longer she can hold them in place!

Aoyama: I can't move.....
Eri: oh it should wear off in about a minute or so!

Nezu: while my assistant is stuck like this who's up next!
???:*a guy with large hands that are red in color he seemed to be the tallest in the class with their hair tied up into a bun stepped forward*I'll go
Nezu: care to tell us your name?
Scott: hachigastu scott yoichi but i prefer Scott
Nezu: alright then Scott
Scott: someone throw me an object any object
Eric:*threw him a ball*
Scott:*the palms of his hands began to glow and he put one hand towards the air and the other one where the ball was coming from as the ball hit his ball it vanished and reappeared in his other hand*heh

Scotts quirk-sleight of hand- Scott can teleport objects via his palms though the object must make contact with his palms to work and must be a none living object!

Scott:*juggled the ball in his hand before giving it back to eric*
Eric and eri: so cool!!!!!*rushed up to him with starry eyes*
Aoyama:*now able to move*who's n-*the mystery girl with the wild brown hair and black and orange beanie walked forward*
???:*cocked back her arm and put her hand up palm open then practically rocketed towards the target and Romansu swore he saw some sorta after-burn coming from her legs and elbow because once she launched her palm strike the target broke in half*there done

Rocky onnie's quirk- draconic overload-she can charge up energy within her arms and legs to unleash devastating kicks and palm strikes the downside though is that if she over uses this her arms will ache for hours on end if she doesn't rest

Rocky:*went to the back of the group and went back to listening to her music*
Romansu:*thoughts*she practically demolished that thing?! How in hell did she do that but why were her hands bandaged up....hmmm
Nezu; whos next
Ame: ME ME I'LL GO!!!!!!*soon a small cloud appeared above her head*

Ame:*made the cloud float over to the new target and it got blasted by a huge bolt of lightning*woo!

Ame yoho's quirk-rain cloud- ame can make a rain cloud above her head depending on how angry she is the worse and more powerful it becomes though the more powerful it gets the more unruly it also becomes!

Ame: phew lightning takes a lot out of me....
Mitsuo: I'll go next:*opened a portal next to him he hoped in and then another portal appeared in the air and he hoped out of that one into a one below him and landed back where the first portal was made*how was that?

Mitsuo akiyama's quirk- space tear-Mitsuo can create rifts to a sparkly hammerspace he can also use his own body as a rift though he can't make to many portals at once or else he gets really fatigued!

Mitsuo: phew need to work on my stamina....
Eric: ooooo a warp type quirk interesting those are very rare!!!!
Eri: agreed!!!!!!
???: I'll go next*a girl with lots of hair pins in her white hair made a small cut on her finger and wiped the blood on Eric's cane and began to lift him up*

???: hehehe

Bibi's quirk-possession- bibi can use her own blood to possess stuff all objects are fair game but the bigger the object the more blood required the same for if it's very complicated the effects last until the blood dries!

Bibi:*put Eric down*sorry about that little boy*patted Eric on the head*
Eric: your lucky I'm a gentlemen or else I would have launched you into the hemisphere.......
Bibi: what was that*gave a glare*
Eric: n-nothing
???: yo I'll go next*a another white haired kid with a hat covered in pins as a small strange floating object with eyes and a mouth appears next to him and he pulls out an umbrella from the small thing*thank you seeke
Seeke-no problem Hyde

Hyde's quirk-rabbit hole- Hyde's mind can create a pocket space that can be accessed through seeke winged emoticon but since seeke is made from Hyde's subconscious he sometimes blurts out Hyde's inner thoughts

Hyde:*thoughts*damn theres some hotties here wonder if I can score a date with them
Seeke: damn there's some hotties here wonder if I can score a date with them!
Hyde:*froze in place as he got glares from his female classmates and gulped*

Nezu; who's next!
???;*a tall girl who appeared to be half spider stepped forward*m-me*made a cats cradle with strings coming from her wrist*

Kumo kiomi's quirk-spider- she can do anything an orb weaver spider can!

Kumo:*saw a spider and panicked*AHHH!!!*ran and hid behind hari like a wall*
???: I'll go next*it was the snaggle toothed kid as he walked up to the target his sleeve formed into some form of hammer and slams her a hole through the target* hm!

Kayu ukai's quirk-fabric manipulation- kayu can manipulate the clothes he's wearing or any form of fabric at will as long as he sweats on them he can change the fabrics shape and density either making them hard as steel or as sharp as a knife!

Aoyama: what a dazzling quirk young man
Kayu:*turned away*t-thank you sir
???: I guess I'll go next out I'm gonna need someone to try and hit me first
Ame: ok!*was about to throw a punch at ??? Before she slowed to an almost halt as he sidestepped and brushed back his hair in a slow mo style*
???: heh!

Kenta uriyama's quirk-slow-mo- kenta can slow down anything within a close radius to him though he has to make the conscious decision to do this or else it won't end well for him!

Kenta:*stopped his quirk which caused ame to face plant*sorry sweet cheeks but I'm just slow
Ame: ow......
Romansu:*thoughts*damn if I end up fighting any of these guys it won't end well for me.....
Nezu:*looked at his watch*oh we have time for one last quirk show off students so who's gonna stand and show off their stuff
Romansu; I will

Hari: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHATS A VILLAIN GONNA DO STEAL A PURSE HAHAHAHA*some of the other students bursted our laughing to*
Romansu:......*walked in front of the target and unleashed a large vortex of maroon fire at it causing it to burn to a near crisp*thats what I can do*wiped the ashes off on hari's gym uniform*and know this just because my parents were villains doesn't mean I am you jackas-*got tackled by Eri Eric and ame*
Eri ame and Eric: THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!*the three of them had starry eyes*
Romansu; my ribs........
Nezu: well students head home for today because tomorrow your gonna have to pack up since your moving to the dorms
Scott: oh that's right this school has dorms
Hari: guess that means we're all gonna be living with each other starting tomorrow
Romansu: Eh I'm used to living with a lot of people

*so the day ended and students began to head home to say temporary goodbyes but as Romansu got home he immediately got dragged in a suffocating bear hug by hora*
Romansu: h-hora I cant b-breathe

Kushinbo: she thought you were gonna come home without your head attached to your body
Romansu: I may have already made some enemies but that's a bit ridiculous even for you ho-*hora switched the hug to a headlock*I CALL UNCLE UNCLE!!!!!
Romansu: TRY ME BITCH!!!!!!
Romansu: I'LL FUC-*he and hora got bonked*
*soon the small but crazy family were arguing but else where in Tartarus prison*

=at Tartarus=
*in a cell a woman with a amputated leg with blonde hair and sharp teeth humming as she was reading*
Toga: hmhmhmhmhm~*sowing what appeared to be some sorta blanket*
Dabi;*had let his hair grow out and was smoking a cigarette in his mouth as a guard came to their cell*
Guard: you two have a letter as for who wants to send it to you beats me*threw them the letter then walked off*
Dabi:*he stood up and handed toga the letter and once she opened it her eyes began to water*toga what's wrong

Toga: a-are baby he's still alive and made it into ua*smiled as she cried and hugged her husband*
Dabi: hm doing better then we did at his age....
=back with Romansu*
Romansu:*woke up in the dead of night with some tears running down his face*..........why am I crying

And that's the end of chapter four! Let me know what you think

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