Chapter 45-Hyde & Seeke

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*last chapter akumu's past was revealed as he and Hyde have entered a deadly encounter between the psychopath Roxie!*

Roxie: YOUR BOTH DEAD!!!!!*swung her leg up then had it come crashing down leaving a small crater into the floor causing Hyde to fall onto his back and crawl away in fear*
Hyde:*thoughts*holy shit I'm dead as balls if that even hits me once!!!!!*looked at Akumu who had just gotten up and shook himself into a stable state*

Akumu: <son of a bitch she hits hard!>*cracked his neck and make two tendrils appear and rushed at Roxie throwing Hyde into a safer spot as he continued to throw punches at Roxie while using his tendrils to keep her legs at bay and thought*damnit I can't land a single hit on her it's to dark!
Hyde:*gulped and went back to finding a light switch*come on come on!*thoughts*where is that damn switch?!

*then seeke appeared next to hyde*
Seeke; shit shit I'm useless here maybe I should just run away!
Hyde;*grumbled*damnit not now!
Akumu: oh great that thing aga-shit!*blocked a axe kick from Roxie only to have his arms frozen together then be roundhouse'd towards a pillar*AAGH!!!!!!

Hyde:*thoughts*calm down Hyde just stop to think clearly and he'll calm down-
Seeke: that lady is gonna kill me what am I gonna do oh crap I'm gonna die here today!
Hyde:*thoughts*that isn't true that isn't true don't listen to it Hyde!!!

Roxie: oh that must be your quirk I'm guessing heh this will be easy!*rushed at Hyde who dived out of her way*what's the matter little bit don't you want a piece of this~*smiled and then coated her calf in a axe head of ice before rushing towards him slashing and kicking at him*
Hyde: crap!*got his cheek nicked by the ice blade and grabbed a random ice chunk and threw it at Roxie who dodged only for it to enter Seeke and spit it back out hitting Roxie in the back of her head*

Roxie: damn!*rubbed her head*some sorta pocket dimension quirk?!*rushed at Seeke only for it to continuously dodge her attacks*hold still <you annoying pest!!!>
Hyde:*thoughts*great at least Seeke can keep her busy while I-
Seeke: I gotta find that light switch where in hell is it!
Roxie:*stopped then looked at Hyde and then Akumu*oh that's your plan is it?*smirked*

Hyde: I can't help it whatever it says is a result of my subconscious not like I can just tell it to be quiet!*got pinned to the wall by Roxies foot and slowly having his neck be frozen*s-sshi-shit!
Akumu:*rushed forward and grabbed Roxie by her hair and threw her into a pillar*you ok?
Hyde:*rubbed his neck*y-yeah

Roxie:*got up and laughed*oh boys your little plan ain't gonna work only way to get all these lights on is if you somehow overload the remote I have on me and there's no way your even getting close to grabbing it hehehehe~ so be good and let me freeze you both solid!!!!*coated both her legs in blades of ice and rushed them*

Akumu: you dive left I go right!*went to the right as Hyde dodged to the left as Roxie came at them flipping onto her hands spinning before slamming both her legs into the wall where Akumu and Hyde were standing near*
Akumu:*sent a tendril at Roxie arm pulling her off balance temporarily for him to knee her chin causing her to bite her lip*grab her!!

Hyde:*froze as seeke appeared*
Seeke; is he crazy no way in hell I'm doing that!
Akumu: OH THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW!!!!!*roxie grabbed him by the face and lined him up for him to get spring kicked into a wall hard enough to make him cough up blood*

Hyde:*thoughts*crap she's practically toying with us*looked at his body seeing it was shaking from how cold the room was*and this room is gonna freeze us to death if we don't do something I've gotta do something I.....why am I even trying?....

~flashback to when Hyde was 10~

(So new thing I'm going to try is when a character is having a flashback I'll use " " to have a voice over effect let me know what you lovable psychopaths think!)

Hyde: I swear it wasn't me!*was in a corner surrounded by other kids his age*

Kid1: we know it was you your the reason we all got in trouble!
Kid2: yeah you probably snitched on us!
Hyde: I-I swear I didn't d-
Seeke:*appeared above hyde*I can't let em know I ratted em out then id be dead meat!
Kid3: we knew it!!!!
Hyde: eek!
Kid4: get him!!!

*after a few minutes hyde was on the ground with bruises all over his face*
Hyde: ow.......

"I was always considered a liar just because my quirk said my inner thoughts......"
Hyde:*got up and slowly started walking home*
"Even at home my dad didn't trust me because he was worried I'd spill household secrets through seeke"

*at Hyde's house*
Hydedad: son what are these grades!*held up five different sheets of paper with F's on them*
Hyde: I'm sorry....*looked down and thought*not my fault you didn't help me when you knew I was already fail-
Seeke:*appeared next to Hyde's dad*not my fault your a bad dad who doesn't help me when I need it!

Hydedad:*looked at Hyde angrily crushing the papers in his hand pointing to his sons room*YOUR GROUNDED TO YOUR ROOM!!!!
Hyde: b-but I!-
Hydedad: ROOM!!!!!*pulled Hyde by the arm and threw him into his room slamming the door shut and locking it*

Hyde:*banged on the door*im sorry I'm sorry I'll do better!*cried and slowly slid down the door curling into a ball but looked up to see seeke appeared*go away I hate you I hate my quirk!!!!
"It eventually devolved to the point me and my dad didn't talk at all and the worst part of it all was-"

"I didn't hate my quirk I hated myself....but that changed one day"

~flashback to when Hyde was a second year in middle school heading home~

Hyde:*was walking down the street on a quiet cloudy day and seeke appeared*go away damnit I don't wanna deal with you
Seeke: man it's boring hope it doesn't rain
Hyde:*grumbled and saw a homeless guy shivering and sighed and pulled a umbrella and blanket out of seeke*hey take these

Man1: h-huh?*saw Hyde offering the blanket and umbrella*
Hyde: sorry it isn't more but it's probably gonna rain so better to have something then nothing
Seeke: it's not a trick please don't hate me for helping!
Man1: thank you young man*took the blanket and umbrella and slowly made his way away from hyde*

Hyde:*sighed and looked at seeke and continued walking ignoring it*just ignore it and it will le-
Seeke: I'm not leaving you know
Hyde:?!*froze and turned around to see seeke frowning with its ears pointing down* no I'm hearing things*began walking again*
Seeke: try all you want I'm here to stay
Hyde:*walked faster*
Seeke: i know you don't want me but I'm a part of you
Hyde:*began running as it started to drizzle*
Seeke: I practically am you-
Hyde: YOUR NOT!!!!!!!!*stopped and turned to seeke as the rain started to intensify*all you are is some damn part of my mind that makes it so everyone practically hates me all you do is make my life worse all your good for is being a portable closest!

Seeke: hate me all you want I'm still a part of you and you can't stop that
Hyde: really because if it wasn't for you I'd probably be living a normal life not one where I'm constantly worried your gonna fuck it up!!!!
Seeke: then get rid of me

Seeke: quirk suppressors exist I know you look them up because of me i don't mean to cause you trouble I just say your thoughts i can't control it either but if you hate me that much that just means you hate yourself as much as you hate me
Hyde: that.......*looks down and begins walking and quietly sobbing*damnit I'm really talking to myself this is so wrong....

Seeke: I can't stop you from doing what you want but I know you better then you do sometimes and I know sometimes you may hate yourself and you hate the fact I ruin your life but it makes you happy knowing you that you make other peoples day better by giving them the stuff you put in me
Seeke: so if you want to go ahead it's your choice*poofed away*
Hyde:*looked up as he looked behind him and thought*i really hate myself....

*after Hyde got home he saw his dad sitting at the dining room table*
Hyde:.....*walked passed his dad but stopped*hey dad
Hydedad: what do you want another lie to spin me?
Hyde: can I go help you with work this summer?
Hydedad:?!*sat up and looked at his son*you'd want to help me why some ulterior motive

Hyde:*was about to speak when seeke appeared*
Seeke: I wanna make myself better I wanna stop hating myself for something I don't have control over and prove I'm more then just one flaw of my quirk!!!!!
Hydedad:.....*looked at his son to see he was soaking wet and shaking*come on boy let's get you warm and dry
Hyde: you didn't answer my question....

Hydedad:.....we get up at 6 in the morning don't be late we got a lot of people to help
Hyde:*looked at his dad and smiled*right!

"That day I realized something seeke is apart of me and I'm apart of him I just need to work towards a goal and eventually my whole block recommended me for UA they saw the good in it's time to do some good"

~flashback over~

Hyde:*thoughts*no I can't think like that!!!!*ducked as he saw Akumu be thrown over him as his hat went flying off as it revealed he had to little floating rabbit ears*SEEKE!!
Seeke:*appeared*yeah Hyde!
Hyde: time to show this bitch a hat trick!*rushed at Roxie with seeke at his side reaching over*

Roxie:*thoughts*this kid must have a death wish oh well~*raised her leg in a striking position*Prepare to die brat!!!!
Hyde:*thoughts*Hat trick-*reached behind him and began to pull something large out of seeke*-54 DECK ROULETTE!!!!!*pulled a large sledgehammer marked with the number "23" on it and smashed it against Roxie's leg causing the ice blades to shatter and make her loose balance*NUMBER 23!!!!
Roxie: WHAT?!

Hyde:*dropped the sledgehammer and reached into seeke again*come on give me a good one hat trick-54 deck roulette!*he went below Roxie and pulled out a shock baton with the number "10" on it from seeke and smiled*yes number 10!*turned it on to its max voltage and slammed its end into Roxie's side shocking her*

Roxie: FUCK!!!!!*she rolled out of the way to see the remote was smashed*crap!*the lights turned completely on to show the statue horror of the room with the pillars being filled with corpses and the entire floor being the same*
Hyde: holy crap!*backed away and picked up number "23" and held it loosely*

Akumu:*got up and shook himself to a more awake state and looked around*holy crap what did I miss?!
Hyde: uhhhh a lot*looked behind him and then to where Roxie was to see she was practically fuming with anger and her skin icing over*and I think I made her angrier.....
Akumu: well then*cracked his knuckles as multiple large shadow tendrils formed from him*laten we de teef laten zien waar we van gemaakt zijn!

Roxie; fuck fuck fuck!!!!!! That hurt!*looked at both Akumu and Hyde her eyes gone bloodshot and the blades of ice on her legs reformed into more jagged less refined versions*forget just killing you IM GOING TO FREEZE YOU SOLID AND SMASH YOU INTO PIECES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*rushed forward and roared int anger*

Akumu:*side stepped Roxie as she charged him and grabbed her arm with two tendrils then pulling her back making her stumble enough for him to smash his elbow into her nose breaking it and making it bleed and throwing her into hyde*
Hyde: hat trick-*seeke opened it's mouth incredibly wide and spat out a large ball of metal hitting Roxie in the other leg causing the ice to completely shatter*hole in one!!

Roxie:*landed on her hands and spun making a large ring of blades ice form around her causing Akumu to get his arm pierced before he dodged*
Akumu: gah fuck that hurts!*saw Roxie was still not going down despite all the damage she's taken*oi meat shield have anything in that quirk of yours that can trap her!

Hyde: yeah but it's a gamble if I'll even get it!
Akumu: try anyway*caused his tendrils to retract as he seemed to be focusing*I need time to focus
Hyde: ok seek think we can handle it?
Seeke: last one I got in me before we're down for the count!
Hyde: got it!!*reached in seeke*come on come on!

Roxie:*looked at Hyde and gritted her teeth before breaking a piece of ice and mindlessly charging him*RAHAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Hyde:*saw Roxie and pulled out a net launcher labeled number "37" and fired causing Roxie to be tangled up before ducking out of the way*now!!!

Roxie:*looked at akumu*what the?!
Akumu:*had a swirling mess of shadowy tendrils behind him*oh this is gonna be fun!*swung open his arms and all the tendrils froze in place as the aimed at Roxie*Black light-*sent the tendrils forth like a writhing mass at Roxie going through her like a person caught in a stampede*
shadow slaughter/schaduw slachten!!!!!!!!!!
Roxie: GAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!*went limp as she passed out bleeding*

(Akumu's Black light-shadow slaughter/schaduw slachten is a ultimate move that requires him to concentrate on a single target focusing the maximum amount of shadow tendrils he can produce at the moment to launch and rush through the target this attack requires him to build up strength and have a clear path to his target along with a a large amount of light available with these conditions being met he can't use this move)

Akumu:*huffing as he stumbled over to hyde*fuck that was badass! So where in heck did you get all that stuff anyway?
Hyde: oh my family runs a mom and pop support item shop for local small time pros my dad made sure I was stocked up on stuff I could fight back with since my quirk doesn't have a lot of combat uses
Akumu: huh smart and the number shit?

Hyde: well there's a lot of stuff in there not like I'm gonna be able to pull out the exact thing I need unless I spend time searching for it in seeke
Akumu: ok have me there....*looked at himself and Hyde and saw how badly they were shivering*let's get out of here and let's take her to don't want her dying

Hyde: yeah....*helped Akumu drag Roxie out of the large ice room and collapsed to the ground from the cold he experienced*ugh everything hurts.....
Akumu: yeah....*slumped against a wall and slid down slowly passing out and thought*it's all up to you molly hope you find that girl we're lookin for because I'm pretty sure everyone else is either keeping the hostages safe or to beat up to fight back.....*passed out*

=meanwhile with obsidian and rochuex=

Obsidian:*smashed the monitor in his hand and threw it to a wall*damn useless brats!!!!!!*looked at rochuex who was looking at the ground*I hope you know this is all your fault
Rochuex: why.....
Obsidian; pardon me?

Rochuex:*looked up at her father with her still lifeless eyes*why are you even doing this you ruined your reputation with your methods of being a hero so why even bother trying to do any of this getting rid of me won't solve it and after tonight your nothing more then a vi-*was grabbed by the throat and held in the air chocking*

Obsidian: listen here you ungrateful failure of a girl I was on my way to becoming the number one hero but those damn brats from ua took it and made me lose my spot in the top ten to the point I'm a disgrace villains only exist to die because they refuse to accept the rule of the mighty and strong because there's only failures and successes and villains are failures at everything life,love,logic,morals everything that makes a human their failur-*was suddenly socked in the jaw by molly*

Molly: SHUT THE FUCKING HELL UP!!!!!!!!!!!

*Akumu and Hyde have bested Roxie in their deadly two versus one battle and now it's up to molly to save rochuex and stop obsidian from whatever his evil goal may be next time in chapter 46-le héros du château!*


And that was chapter 45-Hyde & Seeke and holy heck was it crazy we got to see some of Hyde's past and some badass ultimate moves! And now we're officially reaching the arc's climax with molly about to fight obsidian I want to know all your guesses on what obsidian's quirk is and definitely want to know your opinions on the new use of " " for voice overs but until next time my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges I hope you enjoyed!

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