Chapter 46-le héros du château!

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!!!!!!!!MEGA WARNING!!!!!!!!!
Ok yeah this is gonna be like super fucking dark and there's no way to sugar coat it like seriously things aren't gonna look ok for rochuex I apologize to all you lovable psychopaths who are rochuex fans/simps yes I said simps

*last chapter Akumu and Hyde just won their battle against the deranged mad woman Roxie and now molly is on the scene to battle obsidian!*

=few minutes prior to last chapter with molly=

Molly:*was running down a long hall as she stopped and looked around*damnit I've got no idea where I'm even goin...*sighs with frustration*damnit if I don't do something who knows what's gonna happe-*then she heard the sound of loud footsteps ahead of her*what the?

*she moved closer quietly to see obsidian exiting a room with rochuex*
Molly:!!!!*thoughts*what the they were hiding in a room this whole time?!*saw obsidian saying something but couldn't make it out*damnit can't hear em....*began to quietly follow them only for them to enter a large room with double doors which closed after they entered*SHIT!!!*tried breaking the door open but it wasn't working*

Molly: ugh!*began to punch the door using her quirk matching its material and began making progress but then she heard a scream*DAMNIT!!!!!!!!*smashed through the door to see obsidian chocking rochuex when she saw this she began charging and landed a punch on obsidian causing him to stumble dropping rocheux*<YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!>

(And now we're caught up everyone good? Good)

Obsidian:gah!*held the side of his face and looked at molly*so one managed to make it through*looked at rochuex who was gasping for air as she slowly got up from the ground*tell me <girl> did she make you do this because if so you can leave this is a family matter-
Molly: family matter you were suffocating her!!!
Obsidian: again this is none of your concern isn't that right child*gave a subtle glare towards rochuex who saw this and froze*
Rochuex: h-he's right I'm f-

Molly: YOU AREN'T FINE!!!!!!*rushes over to rochuex and puts herself in front of the smaller girl*look at yourself your not ok!
Rochuex:*her face and eyes were practically lifeless and there was marks on her cheek and neck from Roxie's slap earlier and the recent suffocating marks from obsidian*im fine really I'm ok..

Obsidian: I recommend you leave now girl before I make you*began to crack his knuckles*
Molly:<make me>*took a fighting stance*
Obsidian: alors c'est ton enterrement*cracked his knuckles as he slowly made his way over to molly before cocking his fist back and slamming it with devastating force into Molly's stomach*
Molly: UCK?!*went flying into a wall and gasped as she emptied the contents of her stomach and thought*sweet Christ I think he shattered my ribs!......

Rochuex:*was violently picked up by her hair by obsidian as he threw her to a farther corner when she landed she saw she was bleeding from her head a little head*huh he didn't throw me that hard.....*thoughts*been awhile since I've been home....

~flashback to when rochuex was 6~

(Ok yeah things are going to get actually get dark I know I have a warning at the start of the chapter but this is just a tiny reminder and also like the yuleong chapter rochuex and her family will mostly be speaking French indicted by <>)

*it was a early fall morning as a young rochuex woke up to see her room was the same small walk in closest it always was*
Rochuex:*was wearing a large baggy shirt with her beanie held close to her like a stuffed toy and her signature earring was around her neck as a necklace she yawned and quietly exited the closet to see it was barely light out and slowly made her way to the manors kitchen*

*as she entered the kitchen she saw her older sister Roxie at the table and tried to hide*
Rochuex:*thoughts*<she came home late last night I hope she isn't angry....>
Roxie: gah this hangover sucks!!!!!
Rochuex:*thoughts*<and she's angry...>

(Ok for age references real quick Roxie is 18 in this flashback and Jack is 20)

Roxie:*saw rochuex out the corner of her eye and snapped her fingers*<hey brat get me a water quick!>
Rochuex:*shivered in place before Roxie stomped over and made her face her by pulling on her hair*
Rochuex:*squeaked in fear*
Roxie:<well answer me!>*dropped rochuex who quickly bolted away*HEY!!!!!!!!*growled before holding her head*<your lucky in hungover!>

*after rochuex knew she got away she looked around breathing heavily and quickly and quietly made her way towards the manors library when she opened its doors she took a deep breath and sighed as her shoulders relaxed where she walked over to a shelf of books and took a small book titled "a little dragons first star"*
Rochuex:*smiled as she sat in a corner and began reading the book humming to herself*

*a few hours had passed and rochuex was still reading the book and heard the library doors slam open and froze and quickly put the book away and hid herself as best she could to see Jack was looking around*
Jack:<hey rochuex dads looking for you and let's remember what happens when you show up late>
Rochuex:*came out of hiding shaking only for Jack to roughly grab her by the arm and drag her to their fathers study*

Jack:*looked down at her when they stopped at the door*<just remembered you fuck up the rest of us suffer>*opened the door and pushed rochuex inside*
Rochuex:.....*looked up to see her father sitting there waiting for her to speak*<g-good morning sir....>
Obsidian:*stood up and began to lead rochuex to a training room*<im sure you know what to do at this point girl>*cracked his knuckles*

Rochuex:<w-why do I have to d-do this I don't want t->*was slugged in the gut and went rolling back reeling in pain throwing up what little food she's eaten*
Obsidian:<stand up and try again>*stomped over*
Rochuex:<yes sir.....>

*this repeated until evening hit where rochuex was covered in bruises and barely conscious from the "training" she had received*
Rochuex:*on the ground barely breathing from the pain as she was covered in bruises and blood and obsidian was standing there washing the blood off his gauntlets*
Obsidian:<abysmal performance today you can do better then this>*walked passed her as she sat up in pain*<I guess you and your siblings won't be eating tomorrow I hope your proud>*he left the room and rochuex began to cry out in pain*

~fast forward to when rochuex is 10~

Rochuex:*now wearing her beanie and earring properly and was sitting in the library reading her favorite book as she saw her sister walk in growling with anger and thought*her date must have stood her up can't really blame the poor fellow
Roxie:*saw her sister and stomped over knocking the book out of her hands*<what's with that look you fucking bitch!!!!>
Rocheux:*rolled her eyes and stood up to grab her book only for Roxie to grab her arm and started freezing it*<le-let me go....>

Roxie:<I'm talking to you bi->*before she could gen finished she found rochuex had snapped her forearm with her quirk*GAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!>*held her arm in pain and stumbled back looking at her sister with equal parts rage and fear*
Rochuex:<I told you to let go>*her eyes were lifeless void of any form of emotion or sympathy as she picked her book up and started to walk away*

*as rochuex got far enough away to her room she closed the door and collapsed to the ground taking deep breaths holding her arm shaking*
Rochuex: <she can't hurt me she can't hurt me.....>*she kept repeating this over and over until she laid on the floor curled into a ball looking at her arms and legs*I hate it....

*she placed her claws against where Roxie had touched her and began to dig her claws in breaking the obsidian colored exoskeleton causing blood to come from the fresh wounds*

Rocheux:*thoughts* I hate it....*she kept clawing*I hate it.....*she started clawing at areas away from where Roxie grabbed her*I HATE IT!!!!!!*once she stopped she saw her exoskeleton was more red then shiny black*i....I ha....hate it...*began to cry and sit there*mama why did you leave me here alone....

(Did I not say this was gonna be fucking dark I meant it for those who thought I was kidding)

~flash forward to rochuex's last year of middle school~

Rocheux:*was walking home she had bandaged up her arms and legs completely to hide her exoskeleton and saw a pro hero behind her and thought*great must be one of dads sidekicks....*turned around and the pro froze*I know you belong to my dad's agency and I'm not going to go there....*tried to leave but the pro grabbed her by the arm*hey let me go!!!!!!*her eyes were filled with fear and saw how badly his face was covered with frostbite*

Sidekick1: ive had it IVE HAD IT WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!*suddenly rocheux felt her body go limp and she couldn't move then the sidekick dragged her to a alleyway where an event that would scar her for life would occur*

(Yes the sidekick did what your thinking and no I'm not actually going to say it or type it out)

*when rochuex returned home she broke down even causing her family to be surprised*
Roxie:<the fuck is wrong with you?!>*backed away*<ugh stop being a baby!>
Rochuex:*tried to say something but it fell to nothing more then pained whispers*
Obsidian:<get up this is unbecoming of you>*tried to pick rochuex up only for him to be blasted back by her quirk and see how bloody her lower half was*<go clean up and you better make it look like what happened was an accident>*walked away leaving rochuex alone with her siblings Jack stood there going back to his phone while Roxie laughed*

Roxie: WOW how pathetic can you be couldn't even defend yourself heh truly a failure*walked off and rocheux turned to Jack with pleading eyes asking no begging for words of comfort only for him to also walk away*

Rocheux:....*fell to the ground again with every bit of emotion leaving her body thinking*i....I'm nothing but a failure to everyone...

~flash forward to two months later~

*each of the onyx siblings were outside of their fathers study hearing nothing but sounds of destruction happening*
Jack: damn he's pissed off...
Roxie: yeah wonder why hey*looks at rochuex*head in there not like he won't notice you
Rocheux; yes ma'am.....*went into the study to see it was in tatters and obsidian was clutching a letter in his hand*<father what is wrong...?>

Obsidian:<what's wrong?!....>*slammed the letter down after Roxie and Jack had entered to reveal it was a letter from the heroes safety commission*they took my spot in the top ten!!!!!
Roxie: what?! Who!

Obsidian: some runt going by the name red riot
Jack: I've seen that idiot before all he has is a dumb hardening quirk doesn't have much else to it
Obsidian: and a brat like that took my number 7 spot*destroyed the desk with a single slam of his fist*these new found brats are taking all my hard work and throwing it in the trash!!!!

Rochuex:*thoughts*he's going to be training us tonight it seems...
Obsidian: so when I received it I thought of a plan this family only has one flaw to it*they all looked at rochuex*so our new goals are simple we make the world know we are getting rid of our flaw

Rochuex:.....yes father

~back to the present~

(Oh god that is single handedly the darkest thing ive ever written I mean dear god...I really hope this doesn't cause the book to be taken down)

Rochuex:*looked up to see molly was still hunched over taking deep breaths and thought*she's going to die because of me I'm a failure all I am is that...

Molly:*stood up and spat out a little speck of blood*so what's your plan asshole why are you doing this!
Obsidian: my plan is getting rid of the only stain of my family*points to rochuex*she's a failure at everything she does! And because of her I lost my power as a top ten hero my dignity my honor GONE BECAUSE OF HER!!!!!!

Molly: your blaming HER for your own failures she's your daughter!!!!
Obsidian: she's a bastard child
Obsidian: one drunken mistake and I learn I suddenly have a new daughter her mother was so weak and frail as a hero it was amazing she never died while on the job so I did her a favor and killed her
Molly: who.....WHO DID KILL!!!!

Obsidian; the former number ten hero red comet granted to be frank I didn't even kill her just put her in a coma but her career as a hero is over
Rochuex:*her eyes went wide when she heard that name and muttered*amiya levu....*her mind flashed an image of her favorite book and below its title was a that very name alongside the name of a hero the shining star hero: Red Comet*you.....

Obsidian:*looked at his daughter*hm?
Rocheux:*stood up her quirk flaring a deep crimson color*YOU KILLED MY MOTHER!!!!!!!

*the truth is out and rocheux is on a warpath against her father in next chapter chapter 47: Raging wyvern!*


Wow ok sooo that was very depressing to write so now if you need me I'm going to go watch some feel good shows and really hope your all ok after reading that my lovable psychopaths and genius rouges....until next time

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