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"For I will into the valley of Avalon to heal me of my grievous wound: if thou hear never more of me, pray for my soul."
- Le Morte d'Arthur

The return to Camelot took a day and a half. Fira rode Aland, surrounded on all sides by the Knights of the Round Table. Technically she was a prisoner, but Arthur made sure no one treated her as such. Nevertheless her heart sunk each hour they rode towards the city. She hoped Arthur would elect for exile, and figured he would, but the mob of angry townsfolk might see to it she never made it to leaving.

Mid morning of their second day of travel, the citadel came into view. When they rode into the citadel and dismounted their horses, Arthur struggled. Merlin had been watching him closely, and feared the worst. The wound wasn't healing, and in fact had gotten steadily worse since the Battle. The only thing he knew to cause that kind of wound was a sword like Excalibur. The damage a blessed sword could do was deadly.

Together he and Arthur went up the stairs, leaving Fira with the knights. Already several servants stood whispering and pointing from where healers began spreading the news of her sorcery. Gwaine clenched his fists.

"Come on," Leon murmured. "Unfortunately, for your own safety, a cell is probably your best option right now."

Fira frowned but nodded. "I understand."

She allowed herself to be led towards the dungeons. Fira did not protest, but she didn't intend to allow herself to die either. If Arthur made the decision to execute her, however unlikely, she would force her way to safety. She doubted it would come to that though. As they placed her in a holding cell, she sat against the back wall. The ground felt cold to the touch, and dirt lay everywhere. There even seemed to be a bit of dried blood.

"I'm going to stay," Galahad told the others. "You go see to Arthur."

Fira sent him a small smile. The others looked unsatisfied, but they knew Arthur needed them more. Together Gwaine, Leon, Elyan, and Percival hurried to the royal chambers. Once there, they found Merlin looking particularly troubled, Gaius beside him. Arthur lay in bed, obviously in pain, his face pale as the bedsheet he lay beneath. Guinevere dotted his forehead with a wet rag.

"What's wrong?" Elyan asked quickly. "The wound wasn't deep."

"I think the sword that pierced him was enchanted," Merlin frowned. "I can't cure it."

"Are you saying this could kill him?" Leon demanded.

Arthur rolled his eyes and tried to sit up. "Merlin has a solution."

"There's a place... it's called Avalon." Merlin began slowly, trying to figure out how best to put his idea into words. "It's the gateway between our world and the Otherworld. Kilgharrah had told me before that the Seelie Court is willing to heal the Once and Future King, if ever he is near death."

Arthur nodded. "Merlin, bring me that paper over on my desk, and a quill with ink."

Everyone looked utterly confused. Gwen helped the king sit up against his pillows and headboard. Merlin brought the paper and a wooden tablet for him to write on.

"As of this moment, magic is legal in Camelot again. I am repealing the laws my father put in place." Arthur explained this weakly. "Fira is to be set free, and granted the title of Dame. Merlin, you are to be made First Advisor and Court Wizard."

Merlin froze. "What?"

"I thought you'd be happy, clotpole." Arthur joked. "Help me sign this."

Merlin dipped the quill into the ink and handed it to King Arthur. After a moment's hesitation, he signed it into law. Merlin grinned like a child with candy. But as Arthur's face contorted in pain once again, he snapped into physician mode.

"We need to get you to Avalon." Merlin looked at Gwen. "It's a day's ride from here."

"First I need to announce this new law," Arthur said, shaking his head.

"I will do that," Guinevere insisted. She turned to the knights. "Prepare a carriage for him. We'll leave in three hours."

The four knights bowed and sped off to do as instructed. Guinevere flagged down a servant to gather the townsfolk. She would address them as soon as possible.

Within the hour, the whole of the town had gathered outside the citadel. Guinevere went to the balcony to address them, wearing her finest attire and her regal crown. The people hushed as she smiled at them.

"Loyal citizens of Camelot. It was with great pleasure that I can formally announce the defeat of the Lady Morgana and her army."

Applause and cheers went up from the crowd. She raised her hand for silence.

"Unfortunately, our great King suffered a deadly wound at the hands of Mordred, the traitor. In order to cure him, the King has decided to lift the ban on magic."

Silence. Absolutely silence.

"This has been a long time coming. Fira and Merlin, two trusted servants within the castle, have both been protecting this city secretly with magic. They taught each of us that magic is merely a gift. What one does with it determines its danger."

A murmur ran through the crowd.

"By order of King Arthur of Camelot, Merlin shall be First Advisor to the crown, and Court Wizard."

Guinevere looked out and saw their shock.

"Fira shall be granted the position of Dame and continue to serve as assistant to the Court Physician."

Even louder murmuring rippled through the crowd. She continued quickly.

"Many of you have grown up believing magic evil, but I, we, ask you to realize this is not the case. King Arthur will be gone for a while, healing in place called Avalon. Until then, I rule in his stead."

She paused before ending.

"Copies of the new law shall be posted around the city for you to view, and knights will be able to explain for those who cannot read."

Guinevere left the balcony and took off her crown. She changed into traveling clothes and hurried to where Arthur had been placed in the cart. Merlin handed her her brown horse.

"Some speech!" He smiled. "Are you ready?"

She nodded. "Yes."

Suddenly they heard a laugh. Fira came running over, grabbing Gwen in a hug. The queen smiled and hugged her back.

"I can't believe it!" Fira shook her head. "When Galahad told me... I laughed in his face."

Galahad shrugged. "What can I say?"

Fira turned to the cart and fell serious again. "My lord, I misjudged you. For this I am truly sorry."

Arthur shook his head. "No harm done. I don't hold it against you. I can't claim to understand the struggles you've gone through."

Fira felt her eyes tearing up. "Let's get you to Avalon."

And so they set off. Elyan, Percival, and Leon rode in front. Following them was the cart. Merlin sat inside with Arthur, monitoring his health. It continued to deteriorate. In the back, Gwen, Fira, Gwaine, and Galahad kept rear guard.

They decided to ride straight through to the Lake of Avalon despite the dark falling. Arthur looked worse than before, and Merlin assured them his magic could protect the group. In fact, the ride when off without a hitch.

All found themselves yawning by the time they reached the banks of the lake. Leon and Gwaine helped the dying Arthur down from his carriage. Gwen lifted his face and kissed it.

"You come back to me, Arthur Pendragon," she ordered, trying to mask her solemn sadness. "For our child."

"I'll always come back," he assured her, struggling to speak.

"How does this work?" Elyan asked Merlin quietly. "It's a lake."

"I dont-"

As he spoke, a great rushing of water like a waterfall was heard. They all looked to the source and found a great bubbling and moving of water at the surface of the lake. As they moved closer, a figure stood from the water.

Merlin's breath hitched. "Freya!"

"Hello, Merlin," she smiled. "Bring the Once and Future King to me. I will take him across the worlds."

Gwaine and Leon hesitated only a moment. Merlin urged them on.

"I am the Lady of the Lake," Freya assured them. "He is safe with me."

"You can trust her," Merlin assured them.

Gwaine smiled. "You know her?"

"Yeah." Merlin nodded sadly. He looked back at her. "Yeah I do."

"Do not worry, Merlin," Freya smiled. "Someday, we'll meet again."

Merlin felt tears in his eyes but he nodded. "Please, just heal the king."

She nodded. "Bring him here."

Gwaine and Leon helped Arthur into the water. She took hold of him and nodded for them to leave. After another hesitant moment, both knights left the lake.

"Are you prepared, sire?" Freya asked Arthur as he struggled to stay awake.

With a small nod, he answered yes.

Freya sunk down into the water, and the rushing waterfall noise began again. Moments passed and their king had left the world. Gwen cried openly now, dropping her strong facade now that her husband had left.

"Do you smell that?" Gwaine paused as they turned to leave. "Smells like apples."

Leon snorted and shook his head. Together the entire company prepared to ride home. Fira and Merlin comforted their queen, assuring her that Arthur would someday return, fully healed.

"And he might learn something, too," Merlin joked.

Gwen nodded. "Yes. Maybe he will."

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