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“Yet some men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead...and men say that he shall come again.”

- Le Morte d'Arthur

Great laughter sounded in the practice yard as the knights sparred against one another. Fira fought also, mostly against Galahad. Now that all knew of her magic, it became a normal task for her to demonstrate how to defend against magic without having magic in one’s self.

Six months since King Arthur's stay in the Otherworld began, Gwaine found himself watching Fira send a spike of ice straight at Galahad. He dodged left and moved closer to her, forcing the sorceress to lift her left-handed sword in a block. Gwaine laughed as Fira dropped her sword and glared at Galahad. Her friend was in for it now. Fira spun away and grabbed Galahad’s arm. She enchanted a spell and he shouted as his arm grew cold. He dropped his own sword.

Tor, Morholt, and several other knights burst out laughing at Galahad’s indignant expression. Fira herself doubled over she laughed so hard. But soon enough she shook his hand in peace.


The knight spun around to find Elyan watching him humorously. “What?”

“Sparring, remember?”

“Oh right.”

Gwaine turned ferociously into Elyan, swinging like a man possessed to catch the dark knight off guard. The other man jumped back and shook his head with a smile. He held his sword up and swung back.

Suddenly, a rolling noise as of thunder sounded in the practice yard. The entire field looked around and at that sky in confusion. Today there wasn't a cloud in the sky, there hadn't been for days.

Gwaine froze. He knew that noise. And he knew the smell that now radiated around them. Apples. Elyan noticed his change in demeanor immediately and asked him what was wrong. Gwaine didn't respond.

With a flash, a tear between worlds appeared not far from them. The knights ran towards it with swords out, but Gwaine shook his head. He ran faster than all of them, standing before the tear with hope in his eyes.

Out of the tear came a beautiful woman. She was clothed in a blush pink dress that flowed about her in cascading waves. Her unkempt golden hair fell about her shoulders in a perfect mess. Her eyes, blue as pale sapphires, filled with tears when she saw him. With a soft laugh, she spoke.

“Hello, Gwaine.”


Gwaine grabbed her in a kiss as she walked over to him, barefooted on a soft grass. The Round Table couldn't control their smiles as Gwaine reunited with his faerie fiancee. But then Lorie beckoned to someone else in the tear. The man who stepped out was also blonde, with blue eyes and a soft smile. A crown sat upon his head and he was clothed in reds and golds.

Someone shouted, “The king!”

Arthur had finally returned to them. The king lifted his hand and bowed to Lorie, who in turn bowed back.

“Sire!” Leon ran towards him quickly and took his arm in a handshake. “You're back.”

“Indeed I am,” Arthur laughed. “And glad to be back.”

He walked among his men and shook their hands, embracing others. But soon he looked to the citadel and Leon took charge, ordering the knights to clear the way to the citadel courtyard.

Gwaine, Elyan, and Leon stayed beside the King as townsfolk cheered and shouted in joy. Lorie walked next to her lover, receiving many glances of awe at her otherworldly beauty. Quickly the moved to the citadel. When they arrived, Merlin and Gwen met them outside.

Guinevere embraced Arthur with a shout of joy. She kissed him, so overcome with happiness that everything around them melted away. Merlin, standing behind her, grinned and waited his turn to welcome the king back. As Gwen stepped away to gather herself, trying to stop her tears, Arthur embraced Merlin.

“You look nice,” Arthur laughed as Merlin pulled away, dressed in fine clothes. “I bet you even have a servant of your own now.”

Merlin laughed and rolled his eyes. “Yep. Philip is his name. Nice fellow.”

Together, the Round Table and the Queen of Camelot walked inside the citadel. Merlin flagged down a servant and had him spread the news, and begin preparing a feast in Arthur’s honor. The girl grinned widely and nodded, dashing away.

“So, how was Avalon?” Elyan asked.

Arthur smiled fondly. “I was fortunate enough to be placed under the care of the lovely faerie in our company.”

Gwaine laughed and kissed Lorie again. “She’s mine.”

“She made sure I was well taken care of. And I learned a lot about magic.” He turned to Fira and Merlin. “My father was wrong. And I have a lot to do to make up for his injustices.”

“We’ll be with you every step of the way,” Fira assured him, to which Merlin immediately agreed.

“Gwaine, you would've like Avalon,” Arthur added a moment later.

“Why’s that, princess?”

Arthur chuckled. “Lots of apples.”

Everyone gathered there laughed. But Gwaine merely winked at Lorie.

“The only thing from the Otherworld that I need is right here.”

Fira opened her mouth in surprise and smiled. “Gwaine that is so romantic.”

Lorie laughed and patted him on the chest. “I am the best thing that ever happened to this man.”

“Very true!” Gwaine nodded.

The group split up to prepare for the great feast that night. Gwen and Arthur headed to their chambers while Merlin and Fira decided to make sure preparations were going forward. Lorie and Gwaine disappeared, not to anyone’s surprise. The other knights went to clean themselves up after practice. That night’s feast remained in the memory of all who attended it forever. Legendary, is perhaps one way to describe it.

The return of King Arthur ushered in a golden age of Camelot.

The End

A/N: Thank you to all the readers who have stuck with this story. I very much appreciate it. Though Flames of War has come to an end, the series has not.

Restoration, a story focusing on Percival, Gwaine, Galahad, and Fira, plus introducing several new OCs from the Legends, will be up and running by the time you read this. As this was inspired by Le Morte d'Arthur, Restoration will deal with the Holy Grail story. Regular updates for Restoration will be Tuesday/Friday.

Please, review or PM me any time. I respond to all signed reviews.

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