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Kendra pov

Deep from inside the ship came a loud roar the sudden sound causing me to stand on up from the ground and turn towards the ship " That doesn't sound good .." I mumbled quietly
" You think there's no telling what kind of monsters were still in there when we hijacked the damn thing Crosshairs mumbled shaking his head at my statement a few minutes later .

And Optimus still hadn't returned my stomach began to twist and turn in worry Dad and Kara watched me " You got to be kidding me " Crosshairs whispered watching as the Prime emerged from the ship with four larger autobots each of them having dinosaurs like characteristics my eyes widened in awe .

As my gaze landed on a very familiar Dinobot who appeared to have the jaw of a Tyrannosaurus rex on each shoulder plate his bright red optics stared down at my smaller form and he stopped mid-stride Kara came beside me and watch " Legendary warriors , the power that created us now want us all extinguished we must join forces or else forever their slaves " Optimus called up to them watching as the Dino-bots stood before him .

" So today you stand with us , or you stand against me " He continued to hold his ground before the larger bots in front of him I continued to watch in silence before the Tyrannosaurus rex Dino-bot roared in protest before he swung the large mace he carried towards Optimus, narrowly missing the prime a shocked gasp left my mouth as Optimus dodged the blow , before getting to his feet and dodging the following attack from who I gathered was the Dino-bot leader .

" We'll let Prime figure this one out .." Crosshairs mumbled quickly walking in the opposite direction of the fight " Very wise " Drift agreed following closely behind the bright green mech " So you're just going to sit down and do nothing!?" I scolded both of them turning away from the fight so I could stare at the two bots  " There's no fricking way I'm staying down there with them .. no way " Crosshairs answered sitting down on the ledge of a waterfall and turing his helm in the other direction. Drift just shrugged his shoulders slightly agreeing with Crosshairs statement I however rolled my eyes and turned back towards the fight, watching on in complete worry .

Optimus climbed up the arm of the Dino-Bot and jump into the air " Only together can we survive!" He cried swinging his fist which then collided the Dino-bots helm, sending green energon spilling to the ground below ." Let me lead you!" Optimus continue rolling away from the Dino-bot as he began to transform my eyes widened in shock and awe as a large Tyrannosaurus rex now stood before us , Roaring loudly as Fire expelled from his mouth "Oh No " Crosshairs gasped as he began to scramble further up the waterfall in a panicked matter " I was expecting a giant car " Drift stated in awe causing me to laugh ..

" Come here !" Optimus challenged enraging the dinobot more as the Tyrannosaurus rex charged towards him " We're giving you freedom!" The Prime cried swinging his arm which was in turn attached to a shield as it collided with dinobot sending him tumbling across the ground as dirt and debris flew into the air as the Dinobot rolled to a stop his piercing red optics landed on my form again once again and his whole demeanor changed his gaze softened and he let a low throaty growl . Signaling his defeat I slowly walked towards him , outstretching my hand towards the end of his muzzle i quickly casted my gaze towards Optimus who was watching both mine and Dinobots every move he gave me a Kurt nod signaling me to continue before activating armor that covert his face as a precondition in case something went wrong ..

I turned back towards the Dinobot staring deeply into his optics as my hand gently made contact with his muzzle I gasped shapely at the contact of the cold metal but the shock was replaced with a soft smile as the Dinobot leader  leaned into my touch the Dinobot growled before muttering one single word ..of rather a name " Grimlock " growled lowly watching me for a reaction I nodded my head  signifying that I understood him before I turned to stare at Optimus who slowly approached us .

" You defend my family " He growled darkly placing his right pede on the neck of Grimlock effectively pinning him to the ground "Or Die " he finished scraping the large blue and red broadsword just underneath the creatures horn As Grimlock rose to his feet with Optimus now on his back the dinoleader stopped to lower his head before me allowing me to climb on ..

I mumbled a quick "thank you " before climbing up and sitting in front of Optimus who held onto me tight " Autobots we're going to prove who we are , and why we're here !" Optimus explain lifting his sword into the air Grimlock roared loudly agreement ..

Kara and dad smiled before climbing on spinosaurus or better known as scorn " Autobots we charge together " Optimus cried the dinobots roared in union before following behind me and Optimus we where going to have to save a city Hong Kong ..

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