Now and forever

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All I could feel was a throbbing pain from the back of my head I could hear the sound of two voices Optimus and Lockdowns they where arguing about something " She will never be yours !" I heard Lockdown say with venom in his voice wait they where arguing over me .

" I love her " Lockdown confessed I was shocked after all these years he still loved me " And you will not take her away from me Prime " I could hear Lockdown leaving slowly opening my eyes everything was blurry but began to get clear I was hanging upside down Optimus blue orbs met mine .

" Kendra are you okay ?" Optimus asked concern I nodded feeling a little dizzy .

" Where are we " I said looking around the small corner we where in Optimus was hanging upside he hid me in near his spark " We have to get you out of here " .

Optimus watch me as I crawl out of the net looking around hoping I would fine something to free Optimus but I couldn't fine anything " I be right back" I told Optimus .

" You can't go it's to dangerous" Optimus pleaded " I can loose you "

" I have to I'll be back I promise " before he could say thing else I quietly ran off the ship began to shake back and fourth what the hell was going on I thought as I continue to run .

" Kendra " Kara voice shout whisper smiling as I saw her come around the corner with a gun twice the size she was she also had another one place behind her back Dad came running behind her .

He wrapped his arm around me " Are you okay ?" Dad asked concern I nodded .

" We have to save Optimus "

Dad nodded and followed me to where he was I took the gun off Kara back as we quickly made it back to Optimus he was still hanging upside down when he saw me a smile form on his face .

" Are you okay ?" He asked concern

" I'm fine " I say opening the net that was between me and him with out thinking Dad shot Optimus down the ground shook witch cause all of us to fall the ground .

Optimus helped me up as the guards began to come " Follow me !" Dad shouted as we began to shoot the robots Optimus helped as well we ran down a couple halls before I saw a ship the size of a whale or even bigger " How did you get the ship " I say as we approached the ship .

" It's a long story !" Kara said as we all climb in the ship I sat down trying to catch my breath " Where is Elizabeth?" I say looking around the ship but she was no where to be found .

" She's with Shane and your sister " Dad explain to me as we flew across the city I saw Drift and crossfire driving us .

Inside the ship everything was quit no one spoke a word and everyone was suddenly scared of what going to happen i sat on the opposite side of Kara leaning against the wall of the ship whilst Cade and Optimus sat on the other side of the room .

" When you said you were done with fighting for humans , you didn't mean that did you ?" I heard my dad Cade mumble Optimus look to him I couldn't help but listen to the conversation.

"How many more of my kind must be sacrificed to atone for your mistakes?" Optimus asked my heart clenched making a wave of sadness wash over me " Well what do you think being human means " Cade reported " We make mistakes "

" You gotta have faith Prime , because she has a lot of faith in you " Cade said pointing in my direction suddenly both mine and Optimus gazes met I felt a feeling of something I never felt I'm pretty sure Optimus felt it to as his optics soften on my form in a way we all headed to the main part of the ship ....

" It's nice to see you guys ? " I say to Drift who gave a smirk in return Optimus step beside me and gave Drift a waning glance I laughed Optimus was jealous.

The ship began to shake I graft ahold to Optimus foot for support " What's happening ?" I shouted over the blowing of a engine.

" Where going down " Optimus said as he took my small hand in his " I have to tell you something "

" I know " smiling Optimus look to me and smiled in return " I love you Optimus prime " I say proudly .

" I love you to " Optimus told me before everything went black ...

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