The transfomer

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It must have been a couple hours since I had super with the family here I'm out here in the middle of the night working on the truck. It was going to need a lot of repairs but nothing me and my dad couldn't fix a yawn sunddelly escape my lip the sound of a car door shutting cause to look up .

Quickly standing to my feet I look around the barn and saw I was the only person their " what the hell is going on ?" I thought I look towards the truck and saw it door open rolling my eyes I walked over and shut the truck door , I'm going crazy my brain said I peeked under the truck and saw two wires disconnected a smile appeared on my face this had to be the truck main problem.

I graft ahold of the two wires and contended them the radio in the truck started to go staid " Calling all transformers, calling all transformers " the truck radio repeated my eyes widen "No way ! It's a transformer!!!!" I stream and hide under the table of my desk . " it's from the battle of Chicago " I mumbled to myself . I'm not ready to die ! Not now !

The next thing I know , the truck began to transform into a robot I quickly ran out of my hiding spot but soon tripped and fell . I turned around to see the huge blue , red and silver transformer . But , it looked hurt .. very hurt .

" I'll kill you !!" The transformer shouted I stood up carefully and looked at it with my hands up in surrender I gulped as the growled and pointed it's gun at me . " Don't shoot , Don't shoot " I said with one hand covering my eyes and one hand held out slowly dropping my hand I looked up at the transformer
" I'm not going to hurt you " I said softly the transformer lowered it's gun.

And sat down " My autobots , they're in danger " the transformer said " They can repair me ." He said again before coughing a piece of his face fell off and landed straight in front of me " I if you can reach them , I can fix you I'm Kendra and your in my barn " the transformer looked at me with its blue eyes .

" Kendra I am in your debt my name is Optimus prime ."


As I was fixing Optimus, we didn't talk at all , all I could tell he was doing was looking at the ground . While I was just working .

Every minute or so I stopped to see if I was hurting him or not , but over time I realized that I wasn't looking at him to see if he was hurt , I think I was looking at him because of something else. But I don't know what .

" Kendra , why are you willing to help me ?" Optimus asked , finally breaking the silence. I stop working on his shoulder and look at the ground what should I say ? " Because I know what it feels like to be alone " I tell him , in embarrassment way . He looks at me for a second and turns his head to the ground again .

" Their I think you can find your autobots now ." I say with a smile Optimus then tries to stand up but falls back down again " Weapons system damaged ." He states Agh damn it I forgot that .

" Oh shit sorry ." I gulp before working on his weapon system " You humans really use foul language a lot " he says with a sense of humor  in it . I scratch the back of my neck in embarrassment. " Er , yeah i guess . It's just a way to show anger "

It must have been at least two hours since I started put was finally done " And done !" I say with joy , before the screwdriver in my hand gets thrown across the barn " Fu-- uhh flip !" I slutter , remembering what Optimus had said before " Nice save " he smiles I smile back at him " Well , now you can back to your auto- " I was soon cut off by someone opening the barn door .

" Hey Kendra guess who's h- what the fuck !" Now I know it's my dad I quickly ran to him and saw Elizabeth beside him " Mom ?" Elizabeth said shocked " Its okay , it's okay I was their all night with him ! And I'm fine " I explain to both of them " Are you sure your okay ?" He whispers I nod and slowly walk with my dad an daughter towards Optimus.

" Who's this ?" Optimus asks in his deep voice I can hear a gulp coming from my Dad throat .

" My name is Cade Yeager , I'm an inventor." He says calmly " He's my dad Optimus and this is my daughter Elizabeth " I jump in Optimus looks at me weirdly , as if I said something wrong . " Did she inherited most of her mothers genens " Optimus asked my dad rolls his eyes .

" Yes " Dad replied Optimus look back to me and Elizabeth I shake my head and walk back over to him . " I guess this is goodbye?" I look up at him he looks down at me and nods but before else could happen , a group of cars parked I gasped in fear I knew it had to be the government.

" Optimus you have to hide !" I whisper shouted I was then taken by Dad and Elizabeth hand that lead me outside five cars and one helicopter all of the men came out with guns and snipers in their hands one man came over to Dad and spoke to him " Mr . Yeager , I am James savory from ksi we heard that a old truck had been driven to your property and we would like to know where it is ." He said with an evil smirk on his face Dad didn't reply so he decided to continue " We are concern Mr. Yeager , that old truck is more dangerous that you could possibly imagine ."

" What's more dangerous is you being on our property." Dad stated sternly the man chuckled and sighed . " Search the property." He said my eyes widen and I was just praying that Optimus found a place to hide .

Tessa and Kara then came up Kara held my hand strongly . " What's going on ?" She whispered " the truck they want the truck " I replied still with a quite voice . " Where is it " she asked I shook my head and didn't reply even though we were being really quit you never know " it's not just a truck , it's a transformer " I said super quietly . She gasped and I held her back " Not a word ." I whispered she nodded cautiously.

All the men that went into the barn came out and said that there was nothing. I signed with relief and stepped forward " Well no truck , so might as well leave " I said to the James savoy person " Who are you to talk to me " he said I scoffed and before I was going to say anything Dad stepped forward " Hey Hey hey calm down the temper Kendra and Mr . Savoy we don't know anything about an old truck we don't know anything about him " he says shit dad you just said him .

I breathed heavily and held Elizabeth tightly " Mr . Yeager , you just said him " he chuckled and got out his gun " take him down ."

Then two men got me Elizabeth and Kara while a few held Dad down I heard Tessa streaming while I pushed Elizabeth under me Savoy guy come up to Dad with Lucas, Lucas was struggling to get out of his grip .

" I'm going to ask you once , where is Optimus prime?" He asked coldly Dad didn't look at him , I just hoped that Dad would think of something to say "I don't know what you're talking about " Dad said . Savoy frowned but then chuckled evilly his gun then when to Lucas head and shot him I covert Elizabeth eyes so she couldn't see i heard Lucas body fall to the ground .

Shoot the blond and her daughter " he ordered I wrapped Elizabeth around me a gun was place behind my head tears stared rolling down my face " Grandpa help me " Elizabeth cried .

" Your going to shoot my little girl " Dad gasped I breathed uncontrollably " if I have to " he smirked " They don't know ! I do leave her alone " Kara yelled all Savoy did was smirked at me and continue " 2 seconds "

Optimus, please do something.

I kept repeating that over and over in my mind , and somehow it came truce Optimus burst out of the barn letting pieces of wood fly all over the place I kicked the guy behind me and help Elizabeth up I then heard a gun click and boom I fell back on the ground Elizabeth stood beside me " Mom " she cried the blood came rushing like a water fall darkens began to flood my vision I saw Optimus come rushing towards us .

I got up and race towards him he transformer back into his truck Dad Tessa and Kara got in pushing Elizabeth forward I went in after her " is everyone okay " I heard Dad said as Optimus when down the hi-way.

" N-" I was about to say put pass our .

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