The Truck

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It had been two hours since my dad left to get the truck I was excited to finally be able to help my dad fix a real vehicle up finally finishing up the necklace  a proud smile was planted on my face as I put the necklace around my neck .

" Kendra !" I heard Tessa yell looking from the barn door to her a mad expression was on her face she must have found out about Dad getting the truck " How could you let Dad do that " she barked rolling my eyes I stood to my feet .

" Tessa what ever Dad buys is not my fault " I hissed back looking her in the eyes she huffed " Your just like him" she growls I laughed causing her to look at me weird " At least one of us has to " I hinted she kicked at the dirt and huffed .

" Why can't anyone be grown around here! " she complain .

I felt my hand getting warm from the anger that was happening between us I took deep breaths to try and stop electrical bolts that where developing in the palm of my hand " Kendra calm down " Kara Called as she came running towards us I nodded and back away from Tessa facing away from her .

" Calm down Tessa their no need to cause Kendra to get upset " Kara told Tessa she nodded and left only leaving me and Kara in the barn I wipe the in coming tears that wanted to come Kara looked . " Everything is going to be okay " she stated placing a arm on my shoulder .

" I know put why is it so hard " I cried trying to calm myself down .

" You know where not like other people Kendra we have special powers that no one will understand " she explained to me a smile grew my face.

"Your blessed with electric powers and I with water nobody can chance that "

She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight " Sisters have to stick together no matter what " I said she smiled and soon ended the hug Dad pulled up with the new truck I ran up to see Kara came beside me i looked in Aw .

Dad climbed out of the vehicle that was pulling the truck and came towards me and Kara he laughed at the sight of me and pulled us into a hug " How do you like it ?" He asked I smiled and answered " It's incredible " I shouted in excitement running up I climbed in the truck and saw the seats where wore out and needed to be sore up put other then that it was perfect I jump down Dad caught me .

" How does it look " he asked I turn to look at him " The seats are wore out and need to be fix up put other that that it's perfect " I cheered Dad smiled at me .

" Super will be up in a couple hours" Kara said walking back inside Dad looked and called " Thanks honey " Kara looked back at Dad " Your welcome " she claimed causing me to laugh .

It took me and Dad a while to push the the truck into the barn after I closed the barn doors and look back at Dad he began to look under the hood of the truck " How bad does it look ?"I say kneeling down to see what see saw .

" It needs a lot of fixing out nothing me and you can fix " he stated witch cause me to smile "Let's get started " I said happily as I slipped under the truck to see what I could fix .

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