no longer in the speed force

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haha since third season not out and wont be for a while im doing this kkkkk?????


question!-if u can have any superpower u want what would it be? and why?


two months later(for u its like 5 to 10 years later and after a year it went horrid because it couldnt make what fake real for u im sorry!!)

i fell down as i look around, where where am i?"miss are u ok?" i held mine hand as i saw this guy with the green hood(note i dont care what anyone saying season 5 suck and heart broken me so in mine book there all alive bitch...sorry for swearing,,,) "w-where am i?" i spoke out i let go of him, he look at me"its going be ok, please can i take u back to fix u up?" i stare at the man in cunfusion"fix...up?" he look at mine belly and i saw i had a gash" when i get this?"i said as i look at him suddenly i felt like i was falling down

it went black

i shot up wincing when i felt pain, i went back down as a girl with blonde hair was shock to see me awake" um oliver!!!"she reply 'oliver...where have i heard that before?' i thought as the guy who ask if he can fix me up came to view he sat across from me"hey are u ok?" i stare at him"where am i?who are u?" i said looking at them"im oliver this is felicity "he tells me as i stare at him 'i swear i heard these names before' i thought

"whats your name?"she ask me i furrow mine brows" mine" i said as i try to think "whats the matter?" he ask me" i dont know " i said"who am i?" i look at him with cunfusion"oh boy" was felicity reply

a day later

i met john and thea and a bunch of other people that i think i met before but i dont recall where, i listen to thea talk about star city"um thea?"she nods" yah?" she said"why cant i recall anything?" i ask her "i dont know i dont know"she said as she gave me a hug i hug her back


as thea held on to the girl who came out of no where where i was looking around i turn to john and felicity"any ideas who she is?" i ask"argest cant find anything from the blood u had on her and thats strange"he told me"whats more strange is that i cant find her in any data base i mean no record of her being born no hospital check ins for bing hurt nothing its almost like she nt supposed to be alive"felicity said showing no matches

"weird maybe something happen with the storm three months ago?" felicity already calling berry and we put it on specker"hello?" berry said a bit sleeply "hey what exactly happen three months ago?" i ask him"why u want to know?" he ask pointing it out"curosity that might might have it to related on what im working on, what cause it?" i said again

"well after this speedster name sabitar was defeted the place inside the prison for the speed force went out of control and needed a speedster in it, i was going to go in the speed force but sonic speed the girl u guys met a couple times with the sonic voice and the super speed, she push me out of the way told us to keep going and not to get her out and left,, the sky and everything went back to normal "he told us

"im guessing your still trying find a way out for this girl?"john said"yep but nothing we dont have a clue what to do"he said"question has anyone did something yesterday?" i said john show cunfusion why i ask

"yah actually we try this weird spell in a book that she carry around with her it said to bring back a speedster but i had no clue what it done or not" i hum a bit" ok well call u to let u know anything"i hung up "oliver what u thinking?" john said i look at the girl"she may be a speedster without knowing it, i mean coming out of no where after that speedster thingy? we seen strange magic and all that but maybe for this it may cause one to actually cae out" felicity nodded"that might be why i cant find anything! maybe its a weird diffrent time speedster that havent been born yet!"(eh no) 

she cuncluded"um whats a speedster?" she ask we att stare at her, when she get over here so quietly??" its a person who can move very very fast" i told her she nodded her eyes furrow " am i....a speedster?"she ask me with curuise eyes" maybe we dont know for sure" i told her she nodded" ine name....why cant i remenber it oliver?" she ask me with a worry tone" i dont know i dont know" i said 


i watch as felicity and the girl play a game of cards when the window broke, i jump to action when an arrow almost hit her and felicity "w-what?" she said suprise backing up "i i i alomst got got"she stutters scared felicity went by her as men came in i grab min arrows and bow and fought them i heard screaming and saw them getting taken"no!" i yell then got knocked out the last thing i saw was felicity yelling and the girl tying get free

fre hours later

"-ver oliver!" i shot up thea back up i look around"felicity and the girl" i said john shook his head"gone i call berry and the others thinking they might know something" i got up mine head pounding but i didnt care, i let mine love of mine life and a memory loss girl get kinnap and i couldnt stop it

"what happen in here?" berry said as another show up "i dont know one min i was coming in seeing her and felicity then the next i was knocked out and both gone"cisco look at me cinfused"her? whos that" i look at him"she dont remenber she pop out of the blue in a blue light yesterday, when u did that speedster spell she may be one but she has no menory"i told him he nodded"right now we have to find who ever did this"john said i nodded

with felicity and u

i look at the gir as she seem scare she went by me when we got shove into a glass box, a man show p "why is there two?" th man spat out"sorry sir she wwouldnt let go of the girl" the guy who kinnap us said hee smirks"its fine"he look at the scare girl i hug her making sure she not seeing him much"my my what a brave friend u have there y/n" he said i look at the girl 'y/n?' i stare at her 'this is the girl that supposedly died a couple months ago??' i thought "w-who are u!!"she stutters out his face twisted he was going come ina nd hurt her when his buddies stop him"sir! u cant go in there! remenber!!" they yell the man calm down

"well no matter, your never leaving here again" he looks atme"and this time she has a reason to stay"he laugh going away i look around i notice dry blood on the floor and look at her,'maybe she didnt die..she was here capture' i thought he held onto me scare like no tomorrow'if this is y/n the she has no memory because of what ever he did to her' i thought

and stare at her sadly'poor y/n' i thought as i calm her down"felicity im scared....we'll we be save?"she said in a tiny voice"ofcourse we will...dont dnout for a second our friends are looking for us" i told her she look around" i hate this place, not because we were thrown in but when we hit dirt instead of contrete" she said 'were out where there only dirt?' i thought suprise she figure that out " i sense saddness and pain and fear here, this box"she touch it as she pulls back"brings me fear and hurtfulness and pain, felicity i dont want to be here no more i wanna go sleep in that nice confy placr i eas in star city"she tells me as she lay on mine lap i went thrw her hair" i know i know dont worry we'll get out we will" i told her as she stay by me not moving 

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