the death of irsis....or is it irsis?

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haha beware forswear that no matter what lies will not be told in the sense unfolds!

haha hope u like this!!

question!- which deah saddens u the most?


a month later

i stare at mine copy as i hand her the body changer i ask h.r for"ok u use this once u get to irsis got it? make sure no one sees u also change her into me got it?"she nodded"the real u or" i nod"the real me" i said as she nodded rushing off irsis was tooken and i made this and gotten it quickly as i can, i dont know where the others but i cant be sonic speed, i mean i wish but i cant

at her death part

i got there i held mine hand to mine mouth"irsis!"  said he look at me since no one was around yet no one on the roof or down here or comig yet"y/n" i held mine ground"your the speedster" i back up" how u know" i said"give irsis back!" i added" no u were tooken away from me now i have u back!! and she the reason u die" he held mine clone since i saw a bit of diffrence in her i was intrested on what he meant"what u mean!" i said"i dout she can hurt me!" i added"no but she proclam she gotten hurt by the red speedster and u went on a rage, we never saw u again" mine eyes widen,'again with the red speedster this guy means trouble' i thought i took a step when berry and everyone showed up

"berry! save irsis! plase!!" sabitar look at berry"your to late flash as in slow mode mine clone got stab before berry took the last step, i cover mine mouth as he said something rush off he grab mine neck though i stuggle "next time i wont be folled easly" he drop me well real me behind the tree as i went over here before berry showed up and before everyone else show up before berry

"no!"he scream i stay beside the tree line, i saw him look down i notice it was a ribbin i have on me always he look back i saw everyone coming down she move the thing and un cover her self"-y-y/n?"he said in shock mine clone smile"h-hey berry" i heard mine self said it goign be hurtful when it gose away and comes to me 

"what what are u" irsis came as she was undone"she came and and gotten me berry she change before i had a say in it" irsis said her voice was down i watch, one way i keep them safe is for them to know hat im not y/n i wanted to rush over there and say 'hey im not dead look!' but i cant" no no! u cant be your our friend y/n" mine clone smile" and i know mne heart feels diffrent when im with u guys"mine clone look up" i havent felt this much warmth since i was a little girl" i felt mien heart tug, wally was by me" so" i look at him suprise"sonic speed going go over there" i was going to speak when he intruped me"that i know wasn u from the star your never like that and i saw a mark u got as sonic on u y/n"

i look at him then back"dont tell" i told him"wouldnt dream of it...what u plan to do about this?" i look at him" say i made a request to u about taking mine body to a place that clam and that u were only one to take me, keep going as if im living" he nodded rushing over when mine clone hand drop as he spoke what i said and ome his words i saw irsis cry it tug mine heart he went by me" come on" he said i put mine mask on since i had mie suit when berry look over  saw saddness in his eyes


i look over to the left and saw wally and sonic tere, i look at her as she was conflickted to tell me something tell us something but couldnt wally mutter something to her as she look up i saw blue coming off y/n and was cunfused 'blue?? that only happen when' mine eyes widen a bit'if a ripple happen 'i stare at them as sonic look back at me then look away they both speed off, what is it that cause her eyes to be so sad and conflited?

a week later

everyone been sad with this berry took out sabitar and we were there i relize whats goign happen and smile at everyone" hey im going outside for a min" i told everyone as i went outside but before i could the building shook i knew wha it meant as we all rush outside

"red skies" irsis said as a blue vorte open whos that?" mom" berry said shock, his mom? as his mom who is the speed force talk i couldnt let berry go in that where he has work out here to do! when he was about to go in i push him away everyone but the speed force was shock "sonic?" he said on the ground" sorry berry but" i smirk" u have to much to do out here, i think that this time i step up and done something" i said "besides y/n would ofwanted me to do"wally look at me"we will get u back " he said" no u wont " i saaid"w-w" irsis stutters" i dont plan on going out nor do i want to be save do what u have to save the world here guys"

i look at berry"and do whats your heart tells u to do" i smile as i took the hand of berry mother
run berry run and make this place better then ever" i said as i step in the thing close the speed force look at e changing into mine moter since i only seen her in pictures" that was a brave thing to do "she said" i know," i took mie mask off and look at it" i may have been the fastest in that group and out there but...berry has to and i dont want to be haunted anymore or get chase by it anymore" i look up to see a living room"the couch sit and u will be there"she said"whats the prise?" i ask her

"nothing i promise it wont be bad, depending on how much good u can handle"i felt mine hearttug" then"i stutter out"this would have been if i was alive" she said aas she left when is at down

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