the truth?nah well maybe drink first?

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haha this is a brillent name for this chapter!!


oh wow i sounded llike a weird evil person..........oh well!\



a few weeks later

after seeing that no one was mad or upset u left u came back actling like u save your self, of course clare scare the living day light out of u the day after at your work while talking with irsis and berry, i calm her and intruduce berry and irsis to your friend, she didnt say nothing but smile u knew she was a bit shy meeting the super hero that she didnt help become also she still thinks he has the hots for u and u gave her a 'really' look 

but sabitar is still on the loose and berry went to the future by accdent and saw irsis get killed, u didnt want that so when they got to work u on both sides wet to work also helping them when they need u and when u go off like right now where clare was not happy about what your planning to do


i groan as i held mine book and camra in hand while she looks at me not happy "come on its for mine assasint life clare! u know this i told u a bunch of times!!" i told her as she huff"but still! asking wally without him knowing to make a rip in the speed force like when he and berry did it then jump in is nuts i mean it what the hell he going to say to the others when he relize what happen??"she pointed out i quickly wrote a note and let her read it over, she gave me a blank look

"really?" i smile then pat her head"dont worry once ill come back it be like i never left"i told her rushing to where wally is as he jump up seeing me"sonic! oh i didnt think u be here"i saw he was watching something before he lose his coputer i blink"its fine but i need your help" i held the camra" i think i have a plan but i need u to open a rip"he rose a brow"um sonic why u" i gave him a look he sigh"fine fine" i nod as he rush to get his as we went to an open spot, he ran around i ran with him and the warp force open

he stop when i jump in i drop the note so he can catch it and i went to the future

in the future

i skitted in an ally way as i huff 'woh what just what just happen?'i thought 'this looks like central but ' i turn around seeing it wasnt'nope future got to recall this' i took a few photos just to make sure then walk out i thought i saw someone who look like cisco but shook it off i have to see berry or mine self or someone from team flash

i rush to star labs as i got in i was shock the place look horrid! "s-sonic?" i turn around seeing cisco so it was him"hey cisco "i said seeing him about to cry, he ran up and hug me, i was suprise but hug him back"hey calm down im here whats going on?" i ask him he look at me"wait your dead!" i blink"huh" was all i could get out"after this black speedster almost killed berry u went on a rage yelling after he try to come here that no one harms your friends and speed off... berry found u and"his eyes shince with tears i hug him again" im sorry cisco" i mutter

"so y/n" i froze" berry took off your mask in front of us saying who ever sonic speed was should be honoered but turns out it was weird loving y/n" he sniff i took mine mask off putting it in mine poket

"imnot from here cisco i only cme here from the past to get answers" i told him his eyes held tears" but u ave to st-" i cut him off"the berry from mine time well your past with me in 2017 is coming soon he can help without knowing it ok?"i poke his noise" but for now i need your help irsis, she died a few months in our time at least a month maybe two left, who is he?" i ask he look down"no one knows maybe berry from here can say?" i nod"guessing here?" i said he nodded as he told me what happen here after irsis died but he wouldnt bring up me and sometimes berry s we reach down"u coming?" i notice he still in the elvator"no i shouldnt be here anyways" i turn"y/n?"i hu"thank u for letting me see u..." i smile turning around"of course cisco" i said as i walk

where FB(futrue berry) at

i look around "who are u?" someone said scaring the heck out of me"oh my lord who was that? is this place become haunted??" i said looking around FB step out his eyes widen seeing me"y-y/n?" he said with a slight suprise in his tone i smile"berry your hair" i said coming over gently holding it in mine hands" its so long" i said he grab mine hand i look at him

"your here" i nod he saw what i was wearing"your from the past" he cunclude i nod "yah 2017...berry what happen?" i said holding his cheek it felt right seeing him so lost his head lean in mine hand"after irsis died i almost gave up everything mien sister mine best friend mine first crush just died and i couldnt do a thing but" he close his eyes"u snap me out of it y/n, i was shock u went that far even though u show a bit in intrest in me or the team coming a lot happen and and then a villan came took some of our speed to give it to make his own and"he sigh" i was almost shot with lighting but i doge thanks to u but " i look at him with worry, he seem so broken"when u died mine whole world crash"he cry i couldnt help but to hold him


while in the elevatior i look at cisco"ok i need to let u know one thing ok?"he nodded with slight cunfusion"when berry from your past and in mine time come dont say i came here ok?cause look like i got stop and didnt go threw with it" i told him he nod"so i got to act like u never came?"i pat his head"hey i can give u a picture of me for u to hold ok?" he smile"thanks" i nod as he contiue on what been going on


'can i do that to berry here?' i thought as he held me crying i held him making sure he going be ok' dont know if i say that if it will hurt him more or not'i thought as he pull back but still in each other arms he took a breath"thanks i kinda needed that after seeing u" i smile wiping away the tear stains" berry u dont have to thank me i mean sure i dont know what we are before we died but right now in mine time were friends and this s what i think friends do" he smile he held mine hand on his cheek"u told me that when i almost got fired from mine job"

he said i chuckle a bit"sounds like me" i said to himi look at him"what was i to u berry? when i normally dissapper u get angry and upset that i was gone thinking i was dead but i never seen u like this, no offnce"i told him he shook his head as his forehead touch mien i look at him suprise

what he doing???????"berry?"i said clearly in a cunfused tone"y/n u were u are"he said as he stare at me i couldnt help but feel mine cheeks turn red'what he doing to me?!?! ahhh i never felt like this before!!' i thought he must seen i was slightly freaking out as he close his eyes" y/n u may be a friend right now but to me the future in this to me" he spoke i couldnt help but shiver as i clearly hear the diffrent tone in his voice now,he to grown up then the 26 year old berry i know

as he lean down his lips brush over mine i couldnt help but close mine eyes when he softly kiss me'wow 'was all i know i could say i thought i heard a noise but i didnt care he pull back brushing hair away from me

"im your boyfriend" i blink i was going say ehhh but i couldnt get it out i look at him asking him he knew sign as he sign me yes i sign 'if im in the future but im supposed to be in the past dose this count as mine first kiss?'he look at me as he sign 'no it dont count and why we signing?' he question 'i cant really speak?' he chuckle as his head hit mine shoulder"i know that you came here to know if i know who sabitar is or not"he said

"from the tone in your voice im guessing u never found out" i said gently this is weird the only time i use a gentle voice is when clare almost died but then she was save and i barely use it now but right now im using it and im acting soooo diffrent then normal its weird

"correct, i bileve that mine past self will come soon"he lift his head asi smile at him gently"look i know things may be rough but just u wait"i held his hands" i will make sure that the future is change ok? i wont allow u to stay like this i cant help but to see u hurt me inside like this" i said as he kiss mine cheek"i may be from the past but i will do more to protect u"i told him, before i speed off i look at him" i know this may be hard to hear but" he nod"dont let anyone know u were here?" i rub mine neck

"um yah can u? i didnt tell anyone but clear and wally" i said"no problem um do u mind if i say love u one last time?" i put mine mask on"not at all i start, goodbye berry i lo-lo"i furrow mine brows" u couldnt say it till the second month, i love u as well and this isnt goodbye dear its see u soon" i smile at him

"bye berry"i speed off but not before hearing"bye y/n"

i landed on the ground

"owwwwwwwwwwww" wally look shock as he held the note" 'in going to the future dont mind me just wait till i come back'?! dude! flash went there before u did!!"i blink"u suree cause i never saw him well i did see the others and holy mackroons i know what to do!" i said as i speed off to clare as she rose her head"hey" i smile at her big" ok ok i know what to do!" i told her mine plan as she and i work out the kinks

turns out she 23 and she move in with a 26 year old meh oh i was happy her mom said ok to it knowing that clear keeping me out of diying like geez give me a break i aint dead am i?

two days later

i stare at mine master plan this was going to wo-*BEEP BEEP answer answer its meh BEEP BWEEP* oh my god who change all the ringtones??"hello this is me your calling im not saying anything till i know who i am talking to since someone change each ringtone on mine ohone" i silently said ssss as i heard a bit shuffling" um hey y/n?its me berry?" he said i brighten"hey ber!ir is itbear? sounds the same meh anyways wassgoing onnnnn?" i said messign up a bit seeing i doge a pillow waking clare up, i stuck mine tounge out at her" um can we talk?"i blink

"everythingok?"clare soot up after hearing me say thaat"u sound figitty" i saoud"is that a word?"he ask me"it is in mine book " i told him" um yah u can say that"he said"k where u want to talk?" i ask him"um your place sound good?"he said more figited by this"...bear u asking me on a bing movie watching? im in get over here now now "i end it as i think he try to say something i look at clear, she knew what i just said"movies and hue t.v with popcorn down stairs "she told me i nodded" thanksssss call me when your ready" i gave her a kiss like a sister would on the head leaving , i mean i kiss like a flisk on the head way  im not th way, plus she ask me why i was red like an apple after we walk b berry i couldnt say!!! mine face burns when i pass him i mean in front and talking im fine but one he out of sight nope nada nope nope face like the color red like his suit

i slid down stairs to the couch as i change the ringtones back to nrmal like really clare? reaally? a knock was heard couple moments later once i put in a movie, didnt see since i like to be suprise what i puin but i did grab it from ation funny movies so its a good movie and i open the door"come in!:i chirp as we walk in

"u are figity" i told himseeing him shift a bit while i sat down before i pointed it out, i look at him a bit worry"is everything ok?"i ask him"um yah at least i hope so"he sigh i went behind hind and massage his shoulders he relas almot right away i pat him before contiuing what im trying to do

"what ever it is u can tell me i mean i wont freak out like most people u know and i wont yell at u unless your telling me the spirders grown to the sides of garllias and u need mine help to stop them then i might yell what and faint" he laugh at thaat, see i have two fears the most common one is spiders i hateeeee them!!! i mean in the glass bo all i saw where spiders crawling on the box and trust me being sutck for weeks in that horrid box and seeing eight legged things crawling over what u think is u u get the fear also and mine other one is lighting i know i know a girly thing but i haaaate lighting scare me haft to death eerytime i hear it and and! i almost saw a man get kill by one if i didnt saave him!

i have the fear of spiders and lighting sue me since im super hero and i fear two little things"no spider didnt"i sigh in relif as i sat down by him with a bit of worry in mine eyes"ok flash/berry allen u tell me why u seem so tense anf figity right now"i told him bluntly but he didnt know it was bluntness 

he thought it was worry in it i heard mine blunt voice can be cunfused with the two but oh well"r-right um y/n"his eyes harden a bit making me narrow mne eyes unnotiably to him as i watch him be his self when he all stiff and he knows something that will make us all hate but knowing"sabitar....hes a clone of me"i blink a clon? how do u make a clo-dose he mean a ripple? those can hapen and i made them once or twice and gong to again with h.r help but nothing perminted that can go back in time and all 

"um berry i thnk u mean a ripple and what u mean he u?" he explain to me since i was well not there

i listen to every bit of it nodding"but we dont know what to do now"he tells me"dont worry the plan i have is set with this in motion"i told him"what pan?"he question"if i show u then he will know riiiight?" he nodded getting it" then i cant tell ya! besides only me and one other person knows and u also cant know who the other person is" i told him"now movie bing watching???" i ask him he sigh"fine"i grin""yip yip!" i said as we watch transformers

haft way threw the third one

i felt poking as i turn mine head to berry" if u went and saw your self in 5 years where will u be?" i thought about it as i pause the movie"hm i dont really see mine self in five years" i told him truthfully" if i did i guess im more open with u guys? i dont know five years is a looong time" i said to him i didnt miss the look on his face"what about u? where do u see your self in fve years?" i ask turning mine body to him" im guessing wit irsis " said"i dont know about that she says there a drift in us since i ask to marry her for her protectiong and love"i rose a brow

"she says that for real? dude take this if i was your feanses "he nodded"if i found out u did that and not tell me just because u protected me and u did it out of love i fell with over joy if u did that for me sure i be a little hurt but u did it out of love bro" i told him, he blink

"really?" i nod leanign back to where i was before"sure u did what thought was right and u did it for theperson u lo lo

i furrow mine brows"loved?"he said i nodded as i laugh a bit"seems like i cant say the word haha" i laugh a it i miss the look on his face"lets wath the movie again ne?" i said turning it on, sometimes i look at him from the cornor of mine eye as i held the blush, i cant bileve i said that!!!!!!

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