friends like sisters

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boom done 

not done dont think that k? i meant for the name ok

i hope u got it



two days later


so far so good she seen most places other then star labs and where i work or where i go to tease mine busy workers, i did check how everything going and everything been going great! we still number two and no on e has try to run us up one did couple weeks ago but then i expose when i was snic speed what they been doing with a video camra and said this was given to me by a protector who dont want false news to sell drugs

lets say it wasnt much when that happen, i havent check mien phone that team flash irsis wally and joe has and i dont want to check scared a bit what they said or what it looks that like"ne ne y/n" i snap back to see her in a light blue blouse and black short, i nod" wow c that looks so cool! rocking the shorts now" i said she stuck a pose i laugh as she bought what she pick and wore what she just show me, i stop her and did her hair in a small high pony tail, i dont do it much only with her i also poke her neck she jump i laugh

"so what?" i said refuring to the question she try to say before going to buy shoes, black ones without the high heels"right right! i was wondering how the capture going?" when i try to track the guy i go at night since in the morning she wants to go out, this is why i stay fit even if i want to not use mine powers and become a bit cubby she wasnt going to allow it after the speed talk

"nothing i did have luck but i almost got shot in the eye with that red beam and doge when i look around he was already gone" i told her she slum"man hey why dont u ask team flash? " i rub mine neck

"wellll"her eyes narrow"what happen"she said"when iw as looking for u they said that e had to go in with a plan and i refuse i kinda walked out without argurment ?" i said"so your scared a bit what the might said?" i nodded as mine phone for sonic speed rang, huh this seem diffren" answer it" i nod, she knows about the phones as well"hello?" i said"sonic can can we meet i i need someone to talk to" catlin, i sign her quickly she nodded signing' say your trying to find u as sonic got it and u save me but not u when she sees me ok? or if not say im a helper' i nod"sure ok im giving u a place to go to go there i will be there quickly wel as quick as normal" i told her she sniff i can tell she was clearly upset"catlin calm down think of anything happy ok?" i told her

"o-ok"she said as we rush to were we been at

catlin comes in

i let catlin sit, i ask clare for those black rings as she came with them her eyes and hair about to change again but i put them on stopping her, knowing that her hair was pure white and eyes kinda blank but when i answer the door her eyes turn back her hair faded back to brown

it stop she smile thankfully at me" i didnt mean to"she blurded out i sat down clare handed her tea"go on tell us" she said softly she nodded and told me and calre what happen, seems like her friend almost boyfriend got back she gotten hurt and he took that necklace since they found out about her powers by cisco and never told me or y/n tencally both of me and she went a bit out of wack till she recall y/n or me and what she said to her and what i said to her as well

i pat her hands together"its going be ok, im here for u" i told her she sniff and nodded i recall what it was and quickly made a slightly bad way but strong holder for her as i slip it on i took off the rings she still was fine, i sat back down"when we get time im going to help u with your powers in controling them"her eyes widen"but i cant i might turn into"i sto her" ok stop let me tell u a small tale"

clare eye me i shook mine head"once apon a time a man and women got marry and had a child, this man was studing a lot about speed and how to cause people to go faster and with healing so without his wife knowing when they had a child he took it and did all sort of stuff on this child"clare eye me knowing i was using it to tell mine tale a bit, catlin not seeing it look intrested and worry"what happen then?"

she ask a bit softly"the mother died when the experment on the child was complete, the male was angry thinking it was the child fault so he train it to be evil, so evil that he has a reason to get rid of his own child" i said as memories i wanted to forget came back clare notice and gave me a warning look on not going to far

i nod"but the child excape the child did not become evil, even though the child was scare of her own powers and how it might hurt someone, so she stop using them for a while but then someone change her persepevtive and the child became good and doing good, want to knwo what that was?" i ask she nodded not seeing that i told her a bit of mine life story i gave her a smile and pat her shoulder" the person told the child this 'even if u were raise to be evil and u think this power will make u evil but your not! the power is inside uu choose to be evil or good, if u want to be evil then go what that man taught u and let him win! but if u choose good then control your power because thats all it is your power u chontrol it u make your own choice' " i said looking a bit at clare

she smile softly at me glad had that in mine meory so long, catlin look at me"did she choose good?" i nodded"she did and train she did at firs she did a bit bad she made sure no one was by her scared a bit that she was going to hurt someone, but u know what cause her to use that more frely?"she nodded

"a person was about to get kill and she use her power to stop it she save the person who was going be kill, the person thank and thank the child and the child felt pride and happyness in this, u can do that catlin first we start soon on what u can do without anything then u go out and if u see something that life threating or not then u can do it, sure i know u said that u kinnap that soon to be boyfriend but u can they can tell everyone u were being control, which is mostly true but it was the power controling u not someone but since it kinda like its the same as a person controling u" i pat her and smile 

she smile back"is it ok if i stay the night im tired to go and" i nod"oh sure its fine! its fine!" i said"um who might u be?"catlin said looking at clare"a helper for sonic"she said i almot laugh at the tone then a red beep happen i was alret catlin was woken up mostly since she was falling alseep by it"catlin protect her i have to check something"i said catlin nodded a bit cunfused as i open the door i was shoot back clare and catlin back up seeing me"oh my god!" clare said about to go to me but catlin stop me i doge a red beam"found u" the guy said coming in, i try get up but fell down"oh ho ho ho u cant get up now can u? i had this little thing that slows dwn anything! well parlize a person and makes u fall! what u do now?" he said i press in mine thing for star labs

"g-guys" catlin saw and went to the back room"sonic?"cisco said"woh! whats going on? right when u talk your thing went into danger mode!" cisco said in a panic voice"well then u going get up?"  he shot me again i groan in pain as i went threw the door outside since i try to get behind him, he step out"this is fun! yes be in pain!" he shot mine leg i hiss in pain"sonic!" he yell"dont worry i got where u are flash going there" he tells me"n-no!" i cough"he has a b-blast that makes anyone parlize!" i cough out as i hit the second floor i yell in pain since i just went threw two stories down

he came down grinning like a mad man, he wants me good there safe "sonic!"berry said i saw him look up"oh look a friend!" he was going to hoot i move berry and we both miss the beam, i heard cisco tell berry he look at me a bit worry"are u going be ok?" he ask helping me upi cough"other then mine ribs might be broken from falling down two stories peachy" he shook his head at mie humor as we face the man, seems only 8 shot then refill"what only 8 and u cant shoot no more?" i said berry knew this was a chance and ran quickly and shot lighting at him the guy flew back knoing out almost falling out but i caught him, i held him up"hey here ya go" i toss him to berry he eye me wondering why i did that

i normally ask if i can"u sure everything ok?" he ask once he came back, i look at the gun and un loaded it " peachy " i commented as clare with catlin came down clare jump on me"oh my god are u ok! i heard u fall and i didnt hear nothing! i was worry that that"she sniff i pat her head" hey hey calm down calm down C im ok just a bit burse" i told her as she hug me not letting go i nudge catlin to stop hiding she stop"catlin!" he said i rose a brow"ok one dont shout at her its rude for one, for two she fine she staying here for the night ok?" i told him

he nodded apoligze for yelling she forgive him"tell cisco jullien and the others to make a good thing to hold it ok?" i said he saw what i have for her and nodded"im glad your ok catlin"she smile nodded"thanks"she said he look at clare"who she?" i blink"im a  helper boy"she said sticking her tounge out"sorry she like that" i told him when he look at her weirdly at that

catlin stay by us i pat clare twice as she relise me i went to her, i put a soft but worry look when i look at him "C take catlin up i need to talk t mine buddy here" she nodded

she said for a bit and she was the one to come up saying i went missing to calm down, stay like this for a bit so that u be worry what they might said i agree telling mostly every )place) news that im going on a vecation and not to call me for a couple weeks, of course everyone saying that they know since its not like this havent happen before but the only diffrence is im actually not going anywhere

as they left i pull berry as we walk out he look at me cunfused"lets go to star labs"i stated as he nodded we flashed there everyone look at me i held a worry stern face"what happen to y/n?" i said cisco blink"y/n?how u know-" i cut him off"because she a person who knows mine identity she was the second person other then mine helper who with catlin right now" i said sternly jullien brighten up"catlin ok?" he said i nod i look back at them with the same face not soft at jullian anymore"where is she" i said"woh what u mean?im sure she at home" joe said i look at him" has she answer any of your calls seen at work or evn been at her house?" i said looking at him sternly meaning im not kidding

"no"he said"why do u need to know?"wally as ke coming by me "because if im correct y/n has gone missing now what happen" i said looking at cisco as he pull up what i made i look"this is everything sabitar hits" i nod"what about zooms?" i said he look cunfused but put it up, it almost lined up but one spot thats how i knew where it was" ...damnit y/n" i mutter not seeing the part where sabitar has a wearhouse in a area since he most spotted but i cant check that right now i got to much to do


as sonic look she mutter something her eyes held worry in them, she must mean a lot she didnt want y/n to be in danger because of stuff she knows and y/n a very inprotant person, i hope she ok" why did u go y/n"she mutter, why um why did y/n go ou- oh right!"um hey sonic?" she didnt hear"sonic!" she look at me blinking"what?" she ask"do u know a girl name clare? she was tooken by sabitar" she look at me weirdly" no a parnter of zooms aka the guy we took out , but someone else was there also i bileve if u can tell, cisco pull up who owns the wearhouse"he did it has two name" see two dont know who the other guy but both work with zoom, it wasnt sabitar he after u he wouldnt attack inncence like that out of the blue" she stated muttering a bit

after looking up"well one was the guy u two fought but the other i cant find him" cisco said joe left saying he going check for his work, i look and she still had worry i put a hand on her shoulder i notice when i did the tense in her shoulders and a bit wetness in it, when she look i remove mine hand closing it

"dont worry we will find her"she hums looking back"but how long?" she said i was cunfused but seeing how much she worrly right now i cant do anything or say anything" im going back ok? catlin will come with me tomorrow ok? no scaring her" she poke me" like this guy here" i try not to huff in her cheeky reply as she speed out i went in the speed room and open mine was cover in blood'sonic why didnt u tell the truth?'i thought looking at mine hand then wiping it clean

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