a snowy day

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leave me alone i ran out of cool names for the chapter so im thinking and boom it pop

i do hope  u like and 



a month later

a lot happen that blue creture was the fastest thing for speedsters the first one before anyone, seems like berry threaten it with his upcoming force of speed, wally has his speed but u never had a change to really meet him in his suit but by accdent when u were at a friendly time with meeting him irsis and berry also joe at their house when a beep heard and he left after he came back they he didnt know that u didnt know(as normal) know about the speed, u promise not to say anything for a good reason with everything going on, irsis just invited u to tell u who the flash is by his word she sid he will show when we go to star labs to say hi to everyone

thus this is where u are at gitters after a long day at work, like teasing and being wierd and irsis making sure u didnt hit anything helping everyone, u came back a few weeks ago from the others since u had to cllest everything there


i smile walking in gitters seeing irsis i had to change twice one for sonic and one for the coffce that was spill that was mine when i walked out with irsis, i was indeed upset but help the person up she look familler but nothing more, probly just your mind

sitting down across from mine friend irsis as she smile, handing me mine drink, i sip it and brighten"wow u recall what i like to drink irsis~ thanksss~~"i said happy she laugh at this but calm down" so u ready" i nod"u sure he fine with it? i mean i feel like i shouldnt since he never told me" i said a bit unsure, i was a bit worry that she telling me because i help her and without her knowing team flash a lot and made sure no one was going to where they are for a reason or evil deed

oh turns out mine father IS alive he just drop off for a while that cause me to get inform he was dead i learn that he was indeed alive when i saw power in mine old home since i wanted to grab what i didnt have..

"he totally fine with it! the team choose this and agree u should know with everything u did i was the one that brought it up" i blink wow ok i cant say no"i cant say no to that when mien favorite assasint says that now can i??" i said she turn a bit red but laughing a bit

she knows i mean it but how i said it was t i bet ya"okay here u go"she said taking a breath"berry" i blink"what about berry?" i said cunfused she sigh"berry is him" she said"who?" she sigh again"how about we go to star labs to see berry?" i blink"he knows where it is?"i said she sigh again am i missing something?

at star labs

i smile and wave at everyone"hi!" i said"so where berry?" i said looking for him"he coming" i blink"where is he?" i ask cisco"right here"i saw a dot move"oh flash picking him up?" he stare at me" um y/n" i smile at joe"hi joe~" i said he laugh a bit"berry right there he not getting picked up by flash"

i look cunfused" um then how he getting here then irsi u said he be here ah im soo cunfused" i said rubbing mine head catlin let me sit as flash came in"hiya!" i said his face was off"ohhhh so that what u ment!" i said he look at me then everyone"what? ohh berry they said your name and i didnt under stand they meant u were flash" i explain his cunfusion he nodded seeing why i said now

"so now u know, suprise?" suprise i wouldnt say that at all its beong beilef not in mine catacory that he was the flash, then again they cant tell im sonic speed sooo"someone upstairs" catlin said we look at the camra i blink, its that lady" i will deal with her dont worry~" i said spinning"i mean i did buy this place to try to clean it up~~" i sang a bit spinning away

where the lady is

i smile at her as i walk to her"hello miss" i said she came to me"f/i(fake identiy u use this when staring to get away since u left to central u stay at some places and use that till central) oh thank goddness your ok!"she said mine head swarm with cunfusion when she said"im sorry mine memory is a bit fussy who are u again?" i said apolgizeing a bit

" i dont blame u i mean u and mine daugter were best friends till u move here" it hit me"miss.spring? what u doing here? and up! your normally bed ridden!" i said getting a chair helping her down i got mine self one and held her hand"whats going on? where clare?" i ask her she began to sadden very much, she almost burst into tears is i didnt hug her like i did with clare"oh its tarrable! someone took her! f/i i dont know what to do anymore! she was there with me then then this blue crature show up and took her! saying that she held usefulness to hsi plan" sabitar how dare he?!

"dont worry clare will be coming home to u ok? in the mean time do u want to stay with me?" i ask clare knew about mine speed but her mom didnt she was the only person till i went as sonic speed and mine father who knew, and promise not to tell

and she did i kept in touch till last year when i met irsis and with work its been almost two years since i talked or seen her, i mean i can visit her but it will be to weird, we both agree not to do that 

"ok thank u thank u" she said i wrote mien adress down and gave it to her, and mine extra key, knowing mine suit is hidden in mine training spot above mine home since i have bought two places soon for a house or a something to get it bigger

"here u go, if u need anything i mean anything use this cell and call me" i said giving her mine cell i have three so i know which one which who call me on what cell, help with everything the one i gave her right now? mine fake identity since i never told them mine real one i was planning to visit them actually before it hits decemenber and tell them mine real name and why or a bit why i told them mine fake name , clare probly understand and her mother might beat up who ever cause me to do that.....

"thank u again thank u, save clare please" i smile softly as she left i went back with a determen face i came in cisco look at me"so what she want?" i gently push him away as i pull a chair out and going fast looking threw, not fast fast but human fast on the computer i scroll threw diffrent places we seen him incuding where i seen him as sonic speed i place them all on the map and move it to the screen so i look around, a hand went on mine shoulder and i jump turning to see catlin with a worry expression"whats wrong? we been trying to get to u for 10 mins" i blink, wow it took that long?

huh"a girl was tooken by sabitar" i said looking back"what? why?"joe said suprise and angry lace with his voice"because she knows " i stop mine self, i cant say but i can make it where i ran into him and hurt him without knowing

"she knows?"irsis said a bit worry"me, i didnt know who that was till u fill me in irsis but he was hurting someone i bileve with black hair and i threw a iron bar threw the armor and hurt him" i said liying a bit, i did hurt him but i was sonic not mine self

"so he thinking u know about us?" irsis conclude" yes and i will do anything to get her back"i point it with lines with light red to the darkest part, i also put in where most people saw him, if it wasnt us it was pink her second favorite color "y/n u cant do that i mean anything for her? i get it i was the same way but who knows what he'll do to  if" i look at berry he step back"berry u have everyone here, i know i might step ver line but even with your parents gone jo went as your father figure irsis was a sister slash sometimes mother for u mostly sister and best friend then with these powers u gain a lot more that u cal call a family" i look back"i never got that pluesure" i got the part where he might held her i turn around catlin held mine wrist"y/n" she said with a soft voice

i actually feel like im going to cry, i havent cry since i was free from that glass torn power box,like a hell box i call it" catlin, let go " i said with a stren voice but it was soft since i wasnt and cant be mean to her since her powers were in her still and i havent told anyone"please we can" i cut her off"please" i said she felt the tense in mine body as she let go, mine hand fell to mine side i felt if i leave i wouldnt come back i turn around and hug her"i know about your ice powers, dont become cold ok? dont become what i almost became catlin thank u" i whisper running out when i got out i speed to mine suit and got it on and went to where it was

the wearhouse

i got in as i look around on high alert looking around i notice its very weird its almost, to real to be here.."f/i!!"i turn and saw clare in the air tied up in a chair she was crying a bit, i saw a cut and turn furuse, i had mine mask off and even i did she would of knew it was me due to how she gave me the little scar on mine forehead that gose in mine hair line, small but seen fully not so small a least 3-5 meters on mine head only 2 meters poking out

she knows it me no matter what"clare!" i said"dont worry i will get u down!" i said as a guy who is not sabitar show up"sorry but i cant-" i doge a red light"let u do that " he smirk"who are u! are u working for sabitar?!?!" i yell doging "who's that? i work with this guy name zoom, before u know u took him down!" i doge it but it hit mine leg sice he went more times and skidd into a wall i hiss in pain i saw it was burn damn

"f/i!" she yell seeing me hurt" dont worry clare!" i smile at her she calm down mine eyes flash as i try what i saw happen in a earth 32 yes i went to a diffrent world, buuut without them knowing i ask a girl who like cisco( i cant spell her name...) so i call her time jumper she fine with it seeing i never get her name wright and gave her a cool nickname

"oh she should be worry" i put mine mask on as i rush to hit him but i got hit in the ribs and side i still hit him, i got up broke the chain holding her when i jump up we fell threw a window she was cut a bit as i broke the chain but red beam came threw the door i cover her, she look at me worrly

"f/i your hurt" i gave her a grin"i heal fast recall, oh and i have to tell u something in a min ok? but hold on" i said as i grab her rushing off not relizing i got a iron bar that went threw me and came out when i moved to help her out

after changing and walking back and telling clare about her real name and some of why she left 

i finished her eyes held fire in them but understanding in her face" oh y/n" she hug me gingerly knowing im a bit hurt i smile she poke mine lip i blink seeing a bit of blood on it" u fell and bust your lip geez y/n your mose clumsy then when u fought those guys(note this took a day or so ok? because she didnt want her to go back and didnt want to leave her other apt. clare also was a but hurt and needed rest)

i hug her back i smile big" im just glad your ok, did u know how worry i was?? dude i litterly drop everything one i saw your mom and save your arse" i said she giggle she was happy im glad" and i thank u for saving mine ass bro"she hit mine shoulder i acted like i was in pain and put a hand there, she knew i was faking and roll her eyes

"want something to eat or drink?also your not leaving mine side till he put away" i said she nodded and she look at me like'wtf man i know this'

i order a coffce and some fries and she also order a coffce that was call a red eye and some fries,we sat down after getting it i smile at her she look at me wondering why im so cherry"what?" she said wiping her stash giggling a bit" it just i havent seen mine best friend in 2 years"i said to her" mhm and last time i know u just got this sonic voice? hows that?" i lean back after eating a fri"code name? sonic speed"she smile trying not to laugh at that"funny wait for real? who made the name"she said intrested, she almost like cisco but also catlin as well thats why i met cisco first to see what he like and then catlin

there two people with perks but they remind me of clare very much"a friend name cisco, he works with this guy name flash"she hum" i heard a guy like" i gave her a knowign eye" and running around like a hero, so u know?" i nod"berry allen" i told knowing she wont tell i told her everything these past two years,even when we went back we talked till 3, she went to bed i went downstairs and her mom look at me" calm down she sleeping right now" i told her she relax so much"thak u thank u"she repated" but this might be hard for u to hear but the man who after her might come at u to hurt and get information from u because your her mother, so because of this i cant allow u to know where she is" i told her 'even though she up stairs' i thought

"its fine im fine with it im just glad one of mien daughters are ok"she gave me a light hug like normal, or as she call her easy hug"your mine other one and im happy to know your also ok" i hug her back"if someone ask for me send them upstairs im working up there and will be up there for most of the time but this place is a fort, like how me and clare made ours and it never falls? its like that only no one can break in"she nodded i set food down for her and told her good night i went upstairs to see her sleeping peacefully i sat next to her

i move som hair out as i smile at er, she move a bit but kept sleeping ' i promise u clare and miss.sring i will protect u;'i thought as i fell asleep having the alarms on to inform me

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