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thers a reason why i word play



two months later

u and the flash team defeated many guys over the past two months, u help berry getting faster with your self not knowing your also getting faster your self, each boss he deafted without your help made u bileve each word he tells u, but it never change who u are, now its the same month when u left your home to here


i jump off a building closing mine eyes, how i get here? well i was helping a lot when a ble creature like thing was showing up pop by pop, i aw it move but it was hard, i went to chase it and i end up cahasing it on a roof but i stop feeling drain when i got up so when it show up what ever it was i back up till i fell off the building or more like making sure what ever it was dont get me

"hey sonic speed" i open mine eyes seeing flash putting em down i grab him"we need to run now!" i said" what why?" he said"no time!" i said he nodded picking me up after seeing i for some reason couldnt run and we went to star labs as we crash i took a breath feeling air coming back, catlin and cisco jump up coming by us"what happen out there??" he ask us, i didnt join them but i help them wen ever they needed me, i was running on mine own! geez!

"i dont know one mintue i was walking next i see someone falling and when i came to help it was sonic speed,for some reason she could use her speed and seemed firghten" i grip mine chest as i stood up" hey are u ok?" catlin ask me i dont know why but i look away" im fine, i just need to rest" i said trying not sound to cold but what ever did that scare me and i never scared

"hey" cisco said i turn to him when he back up we all worry what he saw, i was also worry"what what u see cisco?" flash ask as cisco held his head" i i dont know i saw blue and white and lighting all over with a man he had sonic in a box a glass one and she was on the ground, i couldnt see it clearly" mine heart clench 

i know that box but please please"cisco did anything else stand out? like the area?" i ask him he look sightly cunfused why i want to know what it looks like but notherless conply"yah it was wooden place like a barn or a house, there were shelfs maybe a work space?" he told me mine mouth went dry, no no he cant he wouldnt he shouldnt

"i i have to check something" i said


as cisco said what she ask her face pail a tiny bit" i i have to check something"she said and dash off, quick to do what ever cisco said to her"cisco can u tell what happen exactly??" he noded we got up, we went where he can show me it also, we both sat down as catlin ready to pull the lever" okay i will get u out if we got everything right?" we nodded as she pull we were suck into his latest vision

looking around it was weird like an old horror movie, then we heard sounds like lighting i turn mine head with cisco to see a man who face we cant see as we see sonic speed was on the ground trying to get out of the glass box but every time she use her speed or her voice it went up to blue smoke" u cant ecape from me!" the man laugh"this place look old he man knew her, maybe from fighting her?" cisco said i nodded i see a picture or a man with a little girl in front of a barn "cisco look" i said he turn and saw the picture" there a picture of a man with a girl very younge maybe the man?" i look back to see her staring at me and cisco i hit his shoulder twice before he turn as she got up again staring at us the man laugh"u can look at me all u want! i have to get something stay evil!" he laugh leaving she look

at us"okay do u think she starin right behind us?" cisco said"whats gong on?" catlin ask us" we dont know its like she can see us but were not sure" cisco said i went to her i move a bi she follow her hand point to the little handle that was sliding, i move it"w-who are u?" she ask us a bit scare" dont u know us and wait u can see us?" i said she nodded" with everything i do in here i known to supernatural"she said softly she rub her arms" do do i know u?" she ask me cisco came over"ayh we kinda wor together"cisco told her

"im only 10 i dont think i can work with someone liek u" she said as her figure turn small in our eyes as she change in our eyes, she shiver "hey hey hold on" i said" u cant it aprat of his paln" i look around"we cant move anything can we?" he shook his hand" only the cage since she ask us to" cisco said

ahe look at us" your diffrent...both of you...are we good friends?" she ask us"yah we are good friends" i told her she stood up her head went to the thing" u have to go this place not safe.." she said"but what about u?" i said she put her hand on the glass" i will break out of here before he knows it, mine speed and mine voice will be heard, once i do im moving to central city" she sid sternly but coughing a bit"careful"cisco said

"sorry im a bit weak without the speed in mine vains" she reply"why central i ask" wanting to know she the younger sonic speed i want to knwo the second reason other then the guy who doing this to her"my mom"her head went up" my mom live in central before that man met her i was born and my mom died, i saw so many letters she left me about her life"she smile sadly" i want to be like her big and strong, so no one get hurt" she stated nodding" u do your best because we know u will be a hero" she brighten"really?" we nodded" not giving up now!" she said as we fadded sh hit the wall and i saw some of the dust go back in her without her knowing

we came back as catlin look at us sonic show up with a disress" i felt something wrong what happen?" she ask us, she diffrent when i came back but i never found out what, besides i thought before i went back i was going see her identity in the other world but everything happen i couldnt but we were close in it"we went back and see more but we couldnt " cisco said liying to her, i was cunfused why he do that?

she sigh" dont go back there please"she said her arms cross"may i ask why?"catlin ask her" well that place has a magical force that no matter what power u use everyone can see u there, maybe cant hear u but can see u and hurt u real bad"she explain to us, thats why she saw us in there when we went back she knew the barn was

" i see" i said she pat mine shoulder"anyways thanks for getting me out there, a blue like crature got me and ,me being curiuse person, went to check it out and well didnt go well as u can see"she gave a ight laugh"u know the person, the man"her head snap to cisco, her eyes had some sort of glint but i couldnt place what it was

"somewhat i was worry he was alive" i was cunfused"what u mean 'he was alive'?" i question her head went up a bit likt thinking then turning"cause last time i heard of that man was when he died"mine eyes widen, no way then then why did cisco get that?

i look at cisco i can tell he cunfused by the thing as well, sonic went to catlin and whisper something that made catlin eyes widen a bit and look at her, she smile" speedster honer to not say nothing k? u need anything ask"she wink" i have to get going ok? im going talk to a person i can say im their friend for lunch" oh crap i said as berry we can talk for dinner, at joe house crap

"ok see ya" i said as she speed off three seconds later i speed off to joe's house, i told him i have a firend coming over and he fine with it since he wont be there till tonight

at joe house

i sat down with the food as i heard a knock, i got up and open to see sonic rubbing her arm she gave me a small smile"hi um berry"she said i nodded i offer her in and she came in, she and i sat down sonic look and laugh a bit"i glad there chicken wings here" i smile at this i think this will be fun

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