the serect

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i know but this is a bit diffrent




 a week later

 i pace a bit in mine place, cisco gave the other side of me the suit saying its a way of making peace when he single me out using flash, i may use him for stuff but i can tell her trust worthy even if he dont know he a meda

"im here calm down" i turn around smiling a bit then mine eyes narrow" um why are u battered??" i said seeing a bruse cheek on mine friend" hey calm down i came right?" he said i cross mine arms" riiight and i cant get cold" i said a bit sarcastic he rool his eyes"funny now why u call me? i dont think i can help u" he said i huff" i need turn in two but for now one is needed" he rose a brow" okay first one then" i rub mine neck" i need a look " he blink" u know i cant do that to u, sure u have two powers in u but to many times you will go crazy" i sigh sitting down" then who? this i need to know zeak this is inprotant" he hums" i  know i can feel a diffrence in time" he said waving him arm in the air

i hum, then i shot up changing mine suit"ok with this suit what a name to be call?" i ask he smirk"with your voice and your speed i saw sonic speed" i smirk"good now u think u can handle the ride" zeak eyes widen"oh no u don-" we were at star labs with everyone there of course flash had his mask and looked like taking it off when i came in with zeak, he fell back on the ...bed?"dare" he groan laying back on the bed"um " i turn to them, i blink seeing i was misturn i saw two older men here two girls, i both know, and cisco with flash including me and zeak

"sorry but i need your help well like a coroperation" i said mine hand behind mine back"on zoom" zeak head shot up"hodl up hold up there!" he got up i help him stand" u call me a week ago and to ask me for a favor and this what i hear?? zoom?! the guy with blue lighting?!" he said not happy oh wait

"oh no i forgot what happen" i said rubbing mine neck, a guy like zoom call zoomer with blue lighting got him real good and i had to save his lift by giving him some of mine lighting save him but i had to nuse him back with the pain of getting hurt by two diffrent kinds of lighting

"no way" he said crossing his arms"why he so upset?" cisco said" he can help us with zoom but in the past a guy name zoomer and he also had blue lighting, he waas the first i ever face and was very hard i ask mine friend to help in containing him seeing who it was but he got shot with blue lighting and almost cause him to die" he huff"then the only way to save me was for er to get her lighting and some of her speed to me it work like a charm but i lost mine powers for a whole two months two! u know what that did to what i do??" he said not liking the idea of going back to see what zoom planning any anything else

"so he can help bit how?" flash ask i look at the boy" he can tell u threw his powers what zoom planning for the next attack" everyone was shock"h-how?" irsis ask me" i am zeak i am the soon to be gardin of time" he said bowing a bit i know everyone didnt bileve him" and trust me im the real deal i mean medas and people with speed like that one and her" i huff with flash, we both look at each other

"so why cant u find out and tell us?" cisco ask me" because i done it to many times, i do it to help people with huge huge stuff, if i do it a number a times it will affect me, i seen it on three people who were liek me" i stop not wanting to think of how they...

"how did it afect them?" catlin ask softly seeing mine disconert"i got the idea of asking one of u since u guys been targeted from that party a week ago" flash step forward" u where there? where were u" he ask me

" i was the reason he back off from her and the other girl" i said" so how did u?" i shook mine head putting mien leather finger to mien lips"i speedster never tells well i dont "i point to him"dont know about him" i flash mine eyes to that guy in thw wheel chair and look back


as the girl talk she seem familier but she so stren and she very well wants to help everyone she meets, i want to ask well, i step up"what do we have to do for this to work" her friend zeak and her turn her head in sprise"wait flash u sure u want to? it will cause dissy spells for a while and yourspeed will drop and go at its highest without even knowing" she said" and worse case u will have a short tearm for a day without memory" she added " if u do it and it gose wrong it will cause them if it gose smoothly u all have to worry about the slow and high of your speed" her friend said coming behind me, i turn around looking back seeing him by cisco and irsis

"see im the person of-" he apper by the other speedster"-time" she held a scoff and mutter something" im sure" i said cisco came up" u sure u want to do this?" he held back mine name since we dont know hers" hey calm down i will do anything in mine power to make sure he dont go into any bad sides or nyone who says they go instead of flash"

she said clearly not liking me going maybe because she been it and delt with any side affects"hey i got a name for u since u wont tell us your real name" cisco said"oh what?" she said in intrest lace with her voice" sonic speed" they blink he smirk" ha! i knew it" she huff" well thats two all in favor of mine name going like that?" she look around i dont know why but i raise mine hand, so did joe wells did as well

" so all angest?" none rose hand she nod" okay i guessing im sonic speed.....wait dose this mean i have to make a name for mine self??" she said looking at catlin" no u dont have to?" she said a bit unsure, she sigh" is it oka if i take a walk? i feel a bit tense air" she turn to her friend" i ring when they made a dision k?" he noded as he faded away" just recall what i said" she nod as he left

she walk out wells wheel by me"she has something up but what she planning for zoom may be helpful" wells said i nod sitting down" do u think she plotting agsint us? i mean she can be but being nice" catlin said coming over cisco shook his head"no she seem legit like she knows something but cant say, maybe when she went to what ever the guy dose she saw us and she saw something and want to make sure nothing bad happens?"

cisco said irsis nodded" im with him" i look at joe as he sigh rubbing his chin" berry go see if she ok, even if she bad or good no one should be alone, we'll call u if we have aanswer for what she ask us" i nodded rushing to her as she was sitting down i went by her we had our masks on"hey" i said

she look up then back to staring outside" hey" she says back i sat by her"u ok?" i ask her she shrug" im ok"she answer" is that an honest answer?" she shrug" i dont really know anymore, mostly im alone fighting " she told me i look at her her eyes was close" it just so weird"she said after a bit

"what is?" i said/ask" this meeting someone like me seeing that person has a team and they trust each other and i never seen so much trust" i listen to her, she sounded so sad but not like she had no idea how to feel" it just u always have people in your life that treat u normally?even with powers?" she ask me i blink

"yah and there all in that room we were in, i know that what im telling u" i grab her black glove hands" is the truth" sh look at me with cunfused and uncertainly in her eyes"but how u know? noone ever treating u li-" she stops closing her mouth shut before completing her sentance i narrow mine eyes bt didnt say anything but i will keep it in mind" how about i show u something that tells u that i fully trust u?" i said she turn to me in cunfusion"what like where u work?who u are?" she said"actually yes"she blink in suprise"oh no u dont!" she said i cut her off by covering her mouth with mine hand

"im going tell u where i work and how to reach me, not only by my team but in a way only u would know, and i wouldnt know it was by u or i will"she blink not bileveing me as i pull out mine card from work and gave it to her, she hestent on grabbing it but got it, she turn it slowly and blink not wanting to bileve it"barry allen?

he knows u and i can contact u threw him?" she said not wanting tobileve it"yes and only u would be able to ask him about me that he can tell and to get me to talk when ever u want "i told her she blinks not wanting to accepted it then she took a big sigh and pull out a small thing and gave it to me, her eyes were close as i took it i turn it over and saw it was irsis boss on it"y/n l/n?" i said"who she ?" i ask not knowing her

"she a way to contact me, she wasnt allow to say anything, "she tells me i grab her hand "i will make sure this dont go into over power" she nod mutely"u can only ask her anything about me but not mine identity and u can ask for me, only u! ok?" she said i nodded

"of course" i said i feel like this is a break trew as we went back, she clean her self up from her hair alomst showing i didnt get a glampst 

i saw everyone faces" so?" i ask she nodded"were ok but were doing it here to monitor it" she smile in relif"oh i thought u were going ask someone who was um no offence but without powers" i said i nodded" like cisco or catlin or wells same with joe"we laugh as i saw her eyes flash with something but didnt say anything

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