the ball and the serect out

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a month later

things were weird since the time u met everyone that involved with that flash, still dont know ou couldnt heart to know who he is so u put a name out that u didnt know like if irsis catlin and cisco were there if there was two more it would be added to your voice maker and u go but when the word flash and the name pop up u wouldnt wan to know, as u couldnt do that to the male

u were at the party u throw for the ceramony of the news here, u already had the others in the other places so u leave the place u love home here, and your super glad u had super speed or else this would be a lt longer, plus u going open a new place in star city with a firend going there soon(yes there is a book for that but not now we got this one!)

so while u putting drinks and telling the waters what to do nicely and a bit weirdly since your young and well never had much free room all the people coming in and u ran into cisco and irsis and their plus one~


i smooth mie blue blouse with mine black jeans all nice and loose, cant have them burning can i? i turn around to see cisco and irsis talking i went over, i see irsis in her nice red dress and cisco in a nice suit"hello cisco and irsis" i said as i came over, irsis smile"hey y/n!"irsis said i smile at her" hey y/n" cisco said smiling a bt i gave it back well i cant stop smiling!" ok can i share a serect?" i said they nodded" im to over joy right now i feel like im going to burst!" (haha u thought u were going to tell them your serect didnt u? nope! welllll .....)i told them they laugh as the girl with the very light dirty blonde hair and a boy i think i ran into once with dark brown hair, its very dark huh

i look at them with a smile"hello" i said"welcome to the convention of (name of the news place or place) news i comend u to have a good time till the caramony starts" i told them" hello i bileve we met once im catlin snow"she said shaking mine hand" i know mis.snow and i read a bit about u, u have a impressive amout of data in that brain of yours its no wonder u were comended for the awards in the science departent on physics" i told her she turn a bit pink"why thank u" she said i smile gently at her as i face the male with the very dark brown hair is it black or is it mne eyes? meh

"hello i dont bileve we met before, im berry allen"he said i smile" im y/n l/n i am your friend irsis boss... i dont think u work here" we gave a bit of a laugh" no i dont i dont think i would be good as a news reporter" he commented i smile" i wouldnt say that but i do have to go" i smile at her" i am sorry i cant stay and talk with u all but i have other guest to attend o mine bussy little workers " i said smiling as i let go of berry hand and grabs irsis's" if u need anything wave down a water to get me ok? or say something that weird" i told her she laugh a bit and nnodded i left


i look around making sure no one was around as i close mien eyes and did what i now call an sonic screen, may have guards for humans but with this blue moving guy i am not taking no chances and i havent face him yet i open mine eyes, nothing weird or out of the ordinary....

"miss the caramony" a girl who was with me when i was with these things said i nodded, smoothing out any wrinkles as i step up and tap the mic everyone went silent"hello welcome to the caramony of(place) news this will be giving out to the reporters not only because how they act or how many aricals they post  but from when i work with them and when they knew what to do and not cause trouble for anyone but most of all i have to say how they acted, some people who i try to get to know someone will butter up once they found out i own (place) news and i hated that, some acted very cocky, no offence its a great thing to have but u need be polite and kind even cocky with it as well, when telling me their tails "

i sad going a bit on with everyone i met in this city, i smile at the end" okay we will begin with the most proudest menbers i met" i started from the proudest the bravest the smartest the clumsy ones, mine self included, the weird ones, aain mine self in cluded, and all others

when i got down to the last one for over all i smile as the second to last person left

"now for the last award go for over all, this person i met a while ago who didnt care i was the owner in fact this person laugh at how young i was even ask how i was very...energenic for how i raise this new stand up to the top! wel second best i cant beat gitters i love there coffce and food way to much"they laugh i grin nodding as they clear a way for irsis she blink in suprise seeing the way clear"irsis west can u come p here with this energenic girl?" i ask smiling she was to shock i almost laugh but kept it down"um can someone she knows help her up here?" i ask leaning on the mic as her friend catlin cam nd help her i see her other two friends cisco and berry clapping with everyone once she got up, i smile at catlin
mis.snow please meet with me after the party" i told her as she nodded leaving to her friends i smile at irsis

"rsis u are one of a kind, not saying that everyone one of a kind cause it would be weird if only one person diffrent and everyone has the same look" everyone laugh i smile seeing her smile big i hand her a tissue she took it wiping her eyes "u are brave and very kind, even when face of danger u never back down because of what u do and what u know" i said poking her chest"your heart guides u to what u know, and what i know is for certain" i said turning grabing the award and turning back

her eyes were fill with tears as i hand her the award" irsis west this award i honbly give to u for being the good hearted person u are" i said giving her a smile as he grab it and hug me everyone clap"thank u so much y/n"she told me i hug her back"of course u are the best and i mean what i said " i told her she broke the hug "i have a offer for u and yes this will be brost cast now after your speech"her eyes widen"no no i cant i look horribe" i grin wiping the mascara that was a bit running and smile" u look beautful" i told her as she gave her speech

i almost tear up at what she said and i laugh at what she call her old job a good place but hell to much coffce if i wasnt me, i smile as she back up i gave her anothe rhug"okay irsis west i told u i will brost cast because i already told this during the others as well, irsis do u mind becoming mine assasint" her eyes widen" your pay is a bit higher u be with me when i need u to be and yes i will ask u to to many times to make coffce for me"everyone laugh at that

"sure!" she stutters we clap as i smile i heard wind when a the guy in blue came " oh my lord a blue guy!" i blurd out irsis and some of the others look at me weirdly, the guy with blue speed look at me with almost a tilt head then i notice he stop looking at me but at irsis i went in front of her mine eyes narrow" who ever u are blue muffen u cant touch anyone here under mine watch!" i said sternly but couldnt help but giggle at the name i call him" sorry sorry but that your blue and i dont know what to call u so" i said gigling he suddenly in front of me and i stop" i am zoom"it said or he" so sir or mr.soom why are u here?" 

i ask him"to get at flash" he look at irsis i glare at him holding him, mine eyes flash (eh eh?) with lighting his mask open when he spoke noted i noted everything since i seen him" u know for a man in his mid to late 20's u still have this speed" he didnt move" or how that suit of yours is made out of carbin to match skin which is why it moves when u speak" i added

he went closer to irsis i went by her" u take her i will go after your blue utt lighting" i threaten"oh? with what power?" i grin i learn u can send our seed in her teeth to make the lighting apper in your theeth without anyone seening unless your a speedster, he badck off a bit as i grin wider the sparks were growing" oh i dont know" i said as some sparks fly" i can make something come as fast as i can" i saw him back up"but not without that speed soon" he rush off i sigh i look at irsis not noticing hoe berry catlin and cisco saw how he was frighten by me

"are u ok did he hurt u?" i ask her she shook her head" why he back up?" she ask me i can tell she shooken up" i had this new thing i been working on off track and made it look like i had lighting coming off me like a speedster dose, i got it when me and cisco talked about it a bit ago" i told her she seem to under stand i did it to show her she nodded then i blink as it dissapper she blink in suprise"wow!" she said inpress"yep i move mine finger or blink it turns off if i open a full smile it happen " i told her she smile now calm

"go home ok? u been out of it when that zoom guy almost got u" i smile" u want me take u home??" i zk her"no  thank u y/n i got mine friends" they came up as we went to them, haft hafr" ah see to her getting home, i care for irsis same as u" i said " stay sane or not normal or what ever people saying these days" i shrug as i smile at catlin as i reach mine bag" oh i almost forgot" i havd a wrap box to her"whats this" she question me, i smile

"open it i can tell u a hint u miss an place like this in your section," i smiel twirling" now i have to make sure everyone else is a ok from outside! if that zoom guy got in i have to make sure mine friends who came here on a favor to protect us didnt get hurt or worse" i said going off, i pop mine cell out and dial just cause i move here dont means i didnt go were i need to all the time

"hello?" a deep voice said"hey its me i need to turn in a favor"i said mine eyes trun steel

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