Home alone (twily x flash)

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It was a hot day in twilight sparkle's house, her parents, her brother and her twin are going on a trip and they leaves her alone with flash sentry
When their car are so far to twilight's home she goes quickly to the kitchen and flash are following her
She start to eating and drinking some coke and flash asked: twilight, why you are doing all this???

Twilight: because I'm so hungry and I can't eating like this in the normal days with my mom

Flash: okay...

A few moments later... twilight goes to her room and flash follows her again, she takes her laptop and she says: flash, come on here close to me, I'll show you my pictures when I was young

Flash: oh my god really? Of course I wanna see you when you was young

Twilight showing flash her pictures when she was young, the album started to jar pictures when she was a baby and flash asks: is that you when you was a baby?

Twilight: yeah it's me, I'm so ugly, no ?

Flash: stop twilight, you was so beautiful kid

Twilight: oh my gosh thanks

Flash: you're welcome....
Flash: and is this is you again with your twin

Twilight: yes it's me

Flash: you was so beautiful too
Flash: you're not just beautiful here... you are always beautiful

Twilight: oh my god thank you

Flash: you are welcome, twilight

One hour later and they watched twilight's old pictures and when they're finished twilight Puts her hair in flash's shoulder and she plays with her hair and she said: flash?

Flash: yes?...

Twilight: can I ask you something please?

Flash: of course you can, what is it?

Twilight: when I wasn't here, have you talking to another girl

Flash: *blushes and worried* what ?! I-I didn't

Twilight: flash... don't lie at me, we are a friends it's ok if you was talking to another girl

Flash: eh okay... I was talking to sunset shimmer and your twin... I'm... I'm s-sorry

Twilight: it's ok.... you know that sci-twi is my twin and sunset shimmer is my friend, they can't being in love with you

Flash: *sadly* okay...

Twilight: aw... don't be sad, it's okay don't worry about it

Flash: thanks, twilight

Twilight: you're welcome, flash

And a second later twilight and flash being silent for a minutes and twilight shout and she touch her left hand: AAAAH!!!!

Flash: what's going on!!??

Twilight: my hand, I think it pain cuz a little bad think who bites me

Flash: what is this bad think

Twilight: *blushes* okay I'll tell you the story

Flash: the story of what ?

Twilight: yesterday I was dreaming that I touch a snake and it bites me in my left hand who I writing and eating with

Flash: and...

Twilight: my hand are pain because I remember this dream

Flash: it's okay, dont worry about it, it's just a dream it's anything and you remember that because we was silent, let's talk about something

Twilight: awww thanks flash, you are the best guy who I know in my life

Flash: *blushes* nah it's anything

Later twilight goes to try some dresses
She was trying first a purple short dress with a pink flowers and she asks flash: what do you think about this?

Flash: you look beautiful as always

Twilight: thanks
Twilight: *trying another dress* and this

Flash: you look cute, this dress is so cool for going to the partys

Twilight: great !!!!

And twilight trying a BTS shirt with a short jeans and a basket and she said: what do you think about this style


Twilight: thank you very much, flash

Flash: no problem I'm here for you twilight

A little minutes later twilight and flash stills together and twilight started to be sad but flash does not see her... and a moments later she starts to crying and here flash seen her and he said: oh my gosh why are you so sad and crying?

Twilight: I just remember a bad things who are happening to me

Flash: oh... don't be sad, I'll be here for you
Flash: for example, tell me one of them

Twilight: ok i'll tell you this story...
Twilight: when i was 12, the teacher wasn't here and I was draw in a copybook who I was writing a bad words to someone who I really hate, this people comes to me and she said: hi twilight, let me see this copybook. I told her no, she takes it from my hands and she sees this bad words, and she said: what's this??!!!, I answered: this is a BAD words to you b_ch, and then we started to fighting, another girl comes and I thought that she gonna help me cuz I thought that she is a good friend and she slapped me in my cheek and she shouted at me: STOP IT!!!! STUPID GIRL... and then I started to....

Flash: oh my gosh is it true

Twilight: yeah...

Flash: *puts his hand in her shoulder* aww... don't be sad, forget all this, look, if you found this girl again i'll kill her

Twilight: *blushes* awww you are the cutest guy who I know in all my life, thank you so much

Flash: *blushes* what?! pffft it's anything

And then twilight kisses flash in his cheek and flash are really blushing in this moment and he said with a little voice: oh my god... she's the best...

Twilight: what?

Flash: ah n-nothing

Twilight: I think you said something, tell me don't worry

Flash: okay... I'm just saying that you are the best

Twilight: *blushes* aww thanks

Flash: you're welcome

    And an hours later... twilight's parents are back and the end

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