So sad

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It was a bad day and it was raining in that time
Twilight sparkle was bored like every time, she goes to the window and she looking the rain and she said: why I am so alone? My brother was marrying, my twin was always outside here... why?! Why I am so alone here, no one take care about me ???
And her tears start to be outside her eyes, it means she start to crying
A few moments later her mother said: twilight! Your friend coming here for you

Twilight: *trying to stop the tears and walking to the door* who's that friend?
Twilight: f-f-flash?

Flash: *smiling* hello twilight! I'm coming here for talking to you, I have anything to do, I love to talking with my best girlfriend

Twilight: *blushes* r-really ?

Flash: heel yeah

Twilight: follow me...

Twilight holds flash's hand and they goes to her room and twilight closes the door and she hugs flash and she started to crying and he said: why are you crying?

Twilight: *sadly* you are the most popular person who takes care about me...

Flash: thanks but why'd you cry

Twilight: because nobody takes care about me... I'm so alone at this days and I need my friends being so close to me but... they...

Flash: but they what?

Twilight: *so sadly* but they forgets me, all of them are forgetting me, cuz that I'm too alone

Flash: *hugs her* you aren't alone, i'll be always here for you, twilight... I don't wanna see you crying and sad, please, be happy for me

Twilight: I'm so sorry, flash but I can't be smile right now because I'm not just sad about my friends who forgetting me.... but... because...

Flash: because what??

Twilight: *crying* BECAUSE I HAVE MANY PROBLEMS!!!!

Flash: *scared* me too I have many problems but forget all of them and start to get a good life, just forget, i'll kill who making you remember and who makes you sad

Twilight: *smiling* I think I...i...I think I love you

Flash: *blushes* a-are you s-serous, twilight?

Twilight: *smiling* of course !!!!! I really love you

Flash: aww thanks, I love you too

And then twilight kisses flash, and he kisses her too and then they are kissing

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