Monday January 10th

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"Um helllooooo!" I heard someone yell in my ear early in the morning. "Hmmm?" I said, still half asleep. "Alaina wake up! You have an appointment with the citizenship office today." I finally recognized the voice as Aiden. "I know. Just give me five more seconds." I told him and he chuckled. "Come on. Your parents are already up and getting ready." He said, doing soft spiders on my sides, making me giggle a lot. "Stop it!" I giggled out. "I'll stop when you open those beautiful eyes of yours." He said and that's when I realized I still had my eyes closed. I opened them to see him smirking and still doing spiders on my sides. "I opened them!" I giggled, trying to get away from him but he pulls me closer and tickles me some more before stopping. "Get dressed! The guy is going to be here in like 30 minutes!" He says before vanishing. I sigh and lay back down with my eyes closed, only to feel him tickling me again. "Okay okay! I'm up for real this time!" I giggled. 

Eventually, I got ready and went downstairs to meet my parents. Aiden popped up there too and we all went outside at 8:58 to wait for the citizenship people to take up to Flawless. "How does this exactly work?" My mom asked. "Yeah why can't you just pop us over?" I asked. "Well, technically, I could only do that with you because I like you and I was still in that grace period. I probably broke a few rules too." Aiden said, making me laugh. "Wow. You turned yourself into a criminal for me?" I joked. "Shut up." He said, making me laugh. "For a human to officially travel to flawless, you have to go through our transportation system. It's basically a travel capsule and it's really cool. You'll see." He explained. "Oh cool...what's a travel capsule?" My dad asked, making me and Aiden laugh. "Oh right you guys don't have those on Earth. It's similar to what you guys call a spaceship but more luxurious. It also turns invisible so that we can keep the secret of Flawless alive whenever people travel using it." Aiden explained. "Aiden!" We hear someone say. All of us turn around and what looks like a big clear elevator with seats surround the interior floating in the air with a mini staircase. We also see a girl who look about my age standing in front of the travel capsule with a huge smile on her face. "Poppy!" Aiden exclaims, running up to her and giving her a big hug, spinning her around which makes her giggle just like it does for me. I frown at the scene but decide to trust that it's no big deal. Aiden puts Poppy down and she immediately turns to me. "You must be the reason why I hardly see Aiden anymore." Poppy said, making me blush. "This is Poppy, my cousin." Aiden explained and I internally sigh with relief. "Nice to meet you." I said with a smile, putting my hand out to shake her hand but instead she engulfs me in a huge hug, which makes me smile even more. She's so sweet! "I'm so excited to get to know you! You seem so cool already!" Poppy said. "You do too!" I told her. She comes out of the hug and then looks at my parents. "And you must be the amazing parent's of that amazing girl!" Poppy said, giving them both hugs as well. "So nice to meet you Poppy." My mom said. "Nice to meet you guys too. I know you must have millions of questions and I'll answer as many as I can. The citizenship office will also answer your questions too." Poppy said. "Okay so shall we?" Poppy asked and we all walked up the steps of the travel capsule. 

"Welcome to the Flawless Transport Agent 3000 from Lily Island Airport. Please take a seat and allow the automatic seatbelt to secure you safely." An automated female voice says as we sit down on the chair inside. We all take our seats and right when we do, seatbelts shoot out from the sides of out chairs, strapping us in. It startled me quite a bit but not nearly as much as it startled my mom. "Oh crab cakes!" My mom squeals, looking like she actually meant to say another word that starts with C. We all giggled at her and the female automated voice continued to talk. "We will soon be ready for take off. Before we initiate the invisibility setting, to ensure no one from Earth sees the capsule, would you like to be able to see the capsule moving or would you prefer not to be able to see anything?" The automated female voice says. "It's asking if you want to see outside while we're traveling." Aiden said. "I guess." I said. "Yes ma'am. The invisibility setting has been activated. You can see outside but no one can see you. Please stay seated during the ride. You should get to your final destination in about 5 minutes and 30 seconds." As she talked, the capsule starts to rise up above the ground and I begin to squeeze Aiden's hand. "Thank you for choosing the Flawless Transport Agent 3000 from Lily Island Airport." She says and finally, the capsule zooms into the sky.

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