Monday January 10th Part 2

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The Flawless Transport Agent 3000, or we can just call it the FTA 3000 for short, shoot up into the sky extremely quickly. I watched as in mere seconds, Earth was a distant blue marble. "Woah." Me, my mom, and my dad all gasped. "It's cool isn't it?" Poppy said with a smile. "I still find it amazing and I've traveled back and forth multiple times." Aiden admits. Within two minutes, we couldn't even see Earth or it's moon anymore. We continued zooming for about 2 more mintues before we saw something that looked like Earth except it was bigger and was a marble of every color imaginable. "Is that..." I started to ask. "Your new home? It sure is." Aiden said, making me smile. It's beautiful! "You are so lucky Alaina! This place looks gorgeous!" My mom said and I smiled at her. "You're lucky too! You'll get to visit whenever you want!" I told her. "We're definitely coming here for vacation." My dad exclaimed, making my mom laugh. The capsule reached the atmosphere of Flawless and approached the top of a huge futuristic looking building. It kept getting closer and closer but there was nowhere for the capsule to land. "Aiden are we going to crash into that building?" I asked, getting concerned. "You'll see." Aiden said and I frowned. "What do you mean we'll see? Is this even safe?" My dad asked, starting to panic. But before anyone could answer him, we made contact with the building and did NOT crash! Instead, the entire capsule went through the building similar to how a ghost can move through walls. "Oh." My dad said, making me and my mom laugh at him. "That was amazing!" I said as I looked at what seemed to be the Flawless Airport. It looks more like a mall than an airport with so many food places that I don't recognize and stores that I also don't recognize. There's not a lot of people in the airport. I'm assuming it's because not a lot of people are traveling on a Monday morning. I also noticed a bunch of huge charging pods holding Flawless Traveling Agents like the one we're in right now. Ours is currently approaching an empty one. "Welcome to Silver Hill Interplanetary Airport. Please stay seated until we have landed completely. The weather in Silver Hill today is Sunny and 70 degrees. It's currently 12 pm. Thank you and we hope you enjoyed your travel experience with the Flawless Transport Agent 3000." The FTA 3000 says right before it lands in the travel pod. When it does, our seatbelts unbuckle and the doors of our capsule open and form steps we can use to exit the capsule. "This is the most advanced technology I have ever seen." My dad says in awe. "Yeah we have really cool people here that come up with such amazing ideas." Aiden said as we all step out of the capsule. "Alright let's walk over to the citizenship office so you can do your paperwork." Poppy said as she lead us through the airport.

The citizenship office was inside the airport and it didn't take long for us to fill out all of the paper work. It's different from what I'm used to on Earth. Only a small part of it was logistical stuff. For example, my parents helped me fill out my medical history, I gave them my birthday, things like that. We did it all through a computer. Then, the other questions were more fun. They had me set up my F-Tab. If we're being technical, an F-Tab is like an iPhone, and iPad, and a laptop all rolled into one. Everyone on Flawless has one free of charge and we use it for almost everything. My keys to my home are even on there. I can fold it up so it's as small as a phone or expand it so it's as big as a laptop screen. It also comes with a keyboard. They also had me scan my body because apparently at the stores in Flawless, they have an interface where I can try on my clothes on my tablet instead of trying them on in a dressing room. It was all very overwhelming but really really cool. Then, it was time to see where I would be living. Aiden's home!

"So you already met Lilly." Aiden said as we drove to Aiden's, well our home. I looking out the window in awe of my surroundings. I've never seen a more beautiful city in my life. The trees were greener and taller. The leaves looked so much softer, more like feathers than leaves really. The buildings were all different colors and shapes. They looked modern and futuristic and even though I didn't recognize any of the businesses I saw, I was excited to learn more about them. "I have 3 other siblings though." Aiden told me and I turned around. "My older sister Mia is the oldest. My older brother Chris is the second oldest. Then it's me and then Lilly and then my younger brother Brandan." Aiden said. "My older sister lives with her fiance but she'll still be at the house when we get there." Aiden explained. "She's so excited to met you." Poppy interjected. "Really?" Aiden and I asked at the same time. "They all are. Especially your mom Aiden." Poppy said and Aiden groaned. "I hope none of them embarrass me. Especially Brandan. That little trickster." Aiden said. "It will be fine." I told Aiden, snuggling closer to him to calm his nerves. It was cute to see him so nervous for me to meet his family but it was also making me nervous.

We entered a neighborhood called Ocean Blue. It's of course amazing. The entrance on it's own looks like the entrance to a palace. The houses we drive pass are all huge and unique from one another. Then, the car finally comes to a stop in front of the prettiest house of them all.

Well maybe I'm a little biased because it's about to be my house!

"Welcome home Alaina." Aiden whispers and I smile. My day couldn't get any better...or so I thought.

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