Saturday, January 8th Part 5

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Author's Note - Hi guys! Sorry for the delay. I've honestly been all over the place lately, especially with this election coming up. I'm terrified that the current president is going to win again. He's already done so much damage these past 4 years. I'm honestly really scared. Please if you're old enough to vote and you haven't already, vote democrat and spread the word. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story!

It took us a while to get "Mr.Wolf" to stop chasing us around and tickling us and I was finally able to get to know Lily a little more. She's really adorable and super bright for her age. She has some of the same powers as Aiden but most of her powers are really unique, like she can water bend. I still don't quite understand Aiden's world but I hope that one day I do. 

At least I know I'm not going crazy because Emily can see Aiden too. 

Before I knew it, I was back at the house getting ready for the special evening Aiden and Steven are taking Emily and I on. "Isn't your mom going to notice that we're gone?" I asked Emily as we got ready. "I told her we're going to the movies with some friends." She said and I nodded. "Are you nervous?" I asked. "Well, I'm not even sure if Steven likes me." Emily said honestly. "Do you like him?" I asked, making her blush. 

I'll take that as a yes. 

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't like me Alaina." Emily said. "He's probably just shy." I said. "Aiden isn't shy." Emily mumbled. "Every guy is different Emily. And maybe it's better this way. You're more outgoing and you got the shy guy. I'm the shy one and I got the outgoing guy." I pointed out. "I guess you're right." Emily said. "Of course I am. I know I would be nervous if I were Steven. I mean, look at you!" I exclaimed and Emily giggled. "Thanks." She blushed. Right when we were done getting ready, I texted Aiden that we were done and both Aiden and Steven appeared looking adorable. Especially Aiden. He was wearing a black long sleeve dress shirt with gray pants. 

I smiled and said "You both look great." Emily nodded and Aiden did something I always love to see. He started blushing. "You look amazing Alaina." He said and my smile widened. Steven was staring at Emily with a blank face. Aiden turned and frowned at Steven before nudging him. Then Steven cam out of his daze and said. "You look great Emily." Emily blushed and said thank you also. "Actually, can you two give Steven and I a moment?" Aiden said, still frowning at Steven. We both nodded and the two of them vanished. "I wonder what that was about." I asked. "Yeah same." Emily said. 

Aiden's POV

I decided to pull Steven away from Emily and Alaina before our outing because he was crashing and burning. And I know he likes her. 

We appeared back in my world and I immediately went back to frowning at Steven. "What the hell? You're blowing it big time!" I said. "I know I know. She's just way so beautiful. You saw her right?" Steven said. "I don't even know man. I was too busy looking at Alaina." I said, blushing again thinking about her. "How do you do that?" He asked. "Do what?" "You are so open about how you feel about her in front of everyone. What if I do that and she rejects me? I don't think I can handle that man." He said. "I don't know how I do it. I just do it. Alaina could have easily rejected me but I decided she's worth taking that risk for. Is Emily worth the risk?" I asked him. He nodded saying "Yeah, definitely." "Well then suck it up and start being honest before it's too late." Aiden said. "Ok ok. Thanks Aiden." Steven said. "Just remember to thank me to the wedding bro." I said and we both chuckled before returning to the girls. 

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