Saturday January 8th Part 6

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Author's Note - This is going to be a long day for Alaina and Emily. 

(Back to Alaina's POV)

Aiden and Steven return and teleport us to a random street. However, it no longer looks like we're in America anymore because wherever we are, it is night time. "Where are we?" Emily asks Steven. "Look up." Steven told us and we both did. In front of us, we realize theres a row of buildings, kind of like a strip mall. The building we're standing in front of has a glow-in-the-dark sign that reads "Escape the Giggles." 

"Are we in your world again?" I asked and both Aiden and Steven nod. "This is one of the most popular first date spots in our world. We rented it out just for you two." Aiden said. "Of course it's something that has to do with giggles." Emily smirked. "Maybe next time I tickle you," Steven teased, squeezing Emily's sides and making her giggle "Try not to be so beautiful when you giggle." He said still squeezing her sides, making her giggle and blush. "Are you even trying?" Steven said, still tickling her. "Quit it!" Emily giggled, pushing his hands away. 

Is it just me or is Steven finally being adorable?!

Steven stops tickling Emily but whispers something into her ear, only making her giggle and blush even more. I smile and look at Aiden. "Is this you're doing?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. "Nope, that's all Steven. He really likes your friend." Aiden said and I smiled at how he wasn't taking the credit. "So when you two both vanished before our date..." I asked. "We were just going over our plan for the date one more time." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled at him and shook my head. "What? You don't believe me?" He asked, tickling my waist as he did. "Okay okay! I'll let it go." I giggled and he smirked before stopping. Immediately when he looked away, I smiled at him again. "Stop smiling at me like that Alaina." Aiden whined. "Make me." I teased. He smirked and said "Trust me, I will." "Are you two ready?" Emily asked. "Yeah. Let's head inside." Aiden said, taking my hand in his as I tried to decipher what he meant just now. 

When we walked in, the first thing we see is a glow in the dark themed front lobby. THere's a counter and some guy sitting at the desk. He's rather good looking but he's only okay compared to Aiden. "Hi! You must be Aiden and Steven." The guy said, smiling when he sees us. "Yes. This is Emily and that's Alaina." Steven introduced us and we waved. The guy smirked and said "You two are in for quite a rollercoaster this evening." Emily and I both looked at each other completely confused as to what's going on. "They're humans right?" The guy asked and Aiden said yes. 

Why is that a question? What kind of people do they get here? I'm trying to be patient with Aiden and let him tell me on his own time what he is but it's getting harder and harder everyday. 

"Aiden and Steven, you can both head to the back and get ready. We'll start shortly." He said. "What is going on?" I asked Aiden. "He's going to explain the game to you. Can't wait to make you giggle." Aiden said before kissing my forehead and following Steven into a random room in the back. The door to the room said "Ticklers Only." (Of course) I tried to see what was inside the room but they barely opened the door and they closed it right when they got inside.

"Ok. Since you're human, you'll need to use the restroom and wear this wristband while you're inside." The guy said, giving me a purple glow in the dark wristband and Emily a green glow in the dark wristband. "The wristband is what helps you see the virtual reality. Also, since you're going to be giggling a lot in this game, it also counters the effects your laughter might have on your bladder." He said casually. 


"Any questions?" He asked. "Um, yeah!" Emily said. "What game? How do we play? How to we win? Are we getting tickled?" Emily started. The guy smiled and said "In your world, there's something called an Escape Room. Is that correct?" He asked and we both nodded. I love escape rooms but they're so expensive so I've only been on "This is very similar to an escape room but it is more like a virtual reality escape room with a lot of tickling." He told us. "You're going to have a bunch of missions to complete just like in the escape room. However, in this escape room, your true end goal is to escape your tickle monster." He said. "The boys will be able to tickle you whenever they want for as long as they want throughout the game. Only Aiden can tickle Alaina and only Steven can tickle Emily. However, they are going to be invisible to you the entire game." He said. "Ooooh yeah let me go ahead and put this on then." I said referring to the wristband, making Emily and the front desk guy laugh. "Do we get to work together?" Emily asked. "Yes. You both will be able to help each other but you both individually need to complete each task in order to move on." He said. "Will we be able to hear the boys?" I asked. "Only when they tickle you so they can tease you." He said. "Perfect." Emily said sarcastically. "So basically what you're telling us is we're fried." I said. "Pretty much yeah." He said and we all laughed. "The guys you came with must really like to hear your girls laugh. People hardly ever bring humans here." He said honestly, making Emily and I blush. 

After we both used the restroom, put on the wristband, and took off our shoes (another requirement for the game) the front desk guy lead us to the two double doors in the back. It read "Escapees only." "When you both get inside, there will be instructions for your first mission." He said and we nodded. "Good luck." He said as he opened the door for us. When he did, I saw a beautiful beach. I saw a tropical island. I looked at Emily to confirm whether she was see what I was see and she nodded at me. We walked in and the front lobby guy closed the door behind us. When he did, the door disappeared. "We are so getting tickled." Emily said. "She's right about that." I hear Aiden say as I feel him squeeze my side one time. I squeal and jump away from the feeling. "What happened?" Emily asked. "That was Aiden reminding me he can tickle me whenever he wants." I blushed. "Okay this isn't going to be easy but we are strong independent woman." Emily said. "Exactly. We got this. Let's find those instructions." I said. Emily nodded and we started walking through the beach part of the island. The beach had no other people so we were looking for objects that stood out to us. "Maybe we should go into the forest." Emily asked and I nodded. When we did, the first tree we saw had a sticky note glued to it. "It says to read it out loud." Emily said. "First Task - Get.." I started but then I felt Aiden start to squeeze my sides. " No no!" I squealed and giggled. "Aiden please!" I squealed, falling to the ground hoping to escape his tickles but nothing seemed to work. He finally stopped and Emily looked terrified. "Okay. I'll try to read it again. I said, taking a deep breath. "First Task - ..." I started only to feel Aiden start tickling my thighs. "AH! AIDEN!' I squealed, falling to the ground again. "Yes princess?" He teased while squeezing my thighs and kneecaps. "EMILY YOU SHOULD READ IT!" I giggled. "Okay, give me the note."  She said. I reached out my hand to give it to her and then Aiden started tickling my armpit, making me bring my hand back down. "HE'S IN MY ARMPIT!" I squealed. Emily laughed at me and kneeled down to take it from me. When she did, Aiden finally stopped. I frowned before realizing what they were doing. "Emily, read the note." I said cautiously. "First ta-" Emily didn't even get through her second word before Steven started tickling her. "They don't want us to read the note!" I said realized. "Alaina take it so he can stop!" Emily squealed. I take it as Emily yells "Shut up Steven!" through her giggles and starts blushing. Emily slowly stops giggling and I smiled before asking "What did he say?" Wiggling my eyebrows. Emily blushes before saying "We'll talk about that later. How are we going to read the letter without them tickling us?" Emily asked. We both started thinking and I realize we probably have to run around the island like idiots and read it really fast, hoping they won't catch us and tickle us. I didn't know how to tell Emily without getting tickled on the spot so instead, I decided to put the plan in motion without her and hope she would figure it out. I immediately start running and reading the note really fast. "First task - get past the dogs of h...." I started. This is when I felt Aiden grab me and tackle me to the ground. I was almost done so I fought through the urge to stop. "happiness and retrieve the stone." I giggled as I felt Aiden start kissing my neck softly. In seconds, the world around us changed and we were now in a random field of grass. Emily caught up to me but Aiden was still tickling me! "I'll get you next time. I promise." Aiden said in between kisses. "You wish." I giggled. "Oh really?" He said in between giggles. "Yes really." I giggled. "I beat you and theres nothing you can do about it." I teased, only making him add squeezing my sides to his ticklish assault. "Games not over yet princess." He whispered into my neck before he stopped. 


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