eleven. unwelcomed

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veda henderson

      Hellfire club as well as Lucas's basketball game finished in no time. Things went smoothly until I laughed at Jason Carver's heartfelt love confession to his girlfriend Chrissy Cunningham. Sure, they were in love or whatever, but the public display was hard not to laugh at. 

   I remember Robin turning around from her position with the other band kids, shaking her head in amusement. When I looked back up, Jason was glaring at me. 

   Usually, I would cause a scene or anything like that, but it was Lucas's big game and I didn't want to ruin it for him. I think him scoring the winning shot was the first time I've been into sports. 

   After the game ended, I congratulated him and walked outside with him, splitting once I spotted my brother and realised I could go home. I couldn't help but notice Lucas's almost sad expression. Maybe, I should have dragged Dustin by his ear to the game with me. 

   I didn't see Eddie afterwards. Usually, I always see him walk to his car and wait until Dustin and I leave before leaving as well. Maybe, just maybe, I was slightly disappointed considering our conversation earlier. So much for caring. 

   Actually, that was unfair. I pushed him away from me like I always do. Despite the nature of our friendship, it was still the only one I had formed in this godforsaken town. I don't mean like, a friend you wave to on the street and talk to when you run into each other, I mean like a real friend, someone who you can spend time with and feel comfortable with. 

   I sigh, staring up at the pale white ceiling as I tapped my fingertips on my stomach. I couldn't shake the urge that I needed to call him. He had given me his landline number a few visits back but I never really used it, I never had to. 

   A hit would be really nice after the day I've had. 

   Going against my pride and better instincts, I fling my legs over the side of my bed before slowly creeping out of my bedroom. The heels of my feet lifted until I was standing on my tiptoes, slowly walking down the hallway so as to not wake any other members of the household up. I got to the kitchen in no time, almost jumping to the phone and dialling Eddie's landline with shaky hands. 

   It rings, one time, two times, three times.

   "Hello?" His voice fills my ear, relief washing over me when I heard his voice and confirmed he wasn't asleep. If he was, I'd definitely have to wait until morning for something. 

   "It's me, Veda," I whisper, keeping my eyes locked on the dark hallway. "Can I come over? I need something,"

   He sighs through the phone, the sound causing my eyebrows to furrow out of confusion as to why he sounded almost disappointed. "Veda, I'm not selling you stuff anymore,"

   "Oh, c'mon muffin. You were serious about that?" I laugh as if waiting for him to cut the shit and sell me something. 

   "Deadly," He confirms, a silence overcoming the line as I ponder on what to say next. He was clearly just feeling guilty about his side hustle, possibly due to the fact he has to look my innocent brother in the eyes nearly every day. But, that wouldn't stop him from getting money especially since he needs it. 

   Suddenly, I hear a noise from his end, a feminine voice calling out his name followed by rattling sounds as if he moved the phone to try to cover it. A bitter smile overcomes my face, my tongue moving to swipe the taste from the bottom of my teeth. 

   He didn't 'care about my safety' at all. I knew it was all an excuse, he just didn't want me to come over because he was busy with a girl. 

   "Tell your girlfriend she's just gonna have to share you for ten minutes, I'm on my way," With that, I press the phone back into the holder and ignore the sound of him protesting this on the other end. I don't care who he has there and what he does, I just want five minutes of his time so I can relax.

   I stuff my feet into my shoes, hurrying to my bedroom and climbing onto the window seal so that I could soundlessly fall into the bushes outside my window, leaving a gap so I can get back into my room later. Now, usually, I'd only have to make a short walk to Eddie's car but for obvious reasons, I'd have to find another way to the trailer park. 

   My eyes catch the sight of the moonlight reflecting on something metal, my head turning to see Dustin's bike neatly tucked next to the side of the house. 

   As I skip to the bicycle and throw my legs over the sides, peddling down the street with the wind blowing my shoulder-length hair back, I can't ignore the slight discomfort in my chest. If Eddie had a girlfriend or whatever it was, I didn't care, the thing that bothered me is that instead of telling me he was busy with her, he pretended he was worried about me. 

   I knew it was all fake, but I think a part of me enjoyed being his friend and his artificial concern made it very clear he didn't want me as a friend. 

   Stupid metal-head punk. Never again will I be so naive. Anyone I meet through this activity is not considered a friend. 

   Soon enough, I reach Holland road, the trailer park lights creating a runway to show me where to go as if I were a landing plane. I dismount the bike, pulling it along side me as I walk through the different mobile homes in search of the own owned by the Munsons. 

   As I reach the familiar hunk of metal, I shake my mind of all the thoughts of anger. Eddie could do whatever the hell he wants. Screw him, he's no good anyway. 

   With a new sudden wave of confidence, I drop the bike to my side and step closer to the wooden steps. Before I could even drop my foot on the first one, the door of the home swings open, Eddie carefully sliding out the side of the door as if he was trying to hide something.

   It wasn't until I caught a glimpse of orange-tinted blonde hair and a Hawkins high cheerleading uniform that I smiled at him, crossing my arms over my chest and raising an eyebrow. "Carver's girl? Now I see why you're being such a tight-ass about this,"

   He gives me a confused look for a second before his eyes widen and his head shakes rapidly, his hands sticking out to copy the shaking, "No, not at all,"

   "Okay," I over exaggerate a wink, watching as he climbed down the three short steps, his white rebooks meeting me on the grass below. "Your secret's safe with me. Now, about-"

   "I'm not giving you anything, Veda. Hate me all you want, Little Lady, you're cut off," He explains, using his hands out flat to draw a quick cross symbol before dropping them back to his side. I just roll my eyes, growing annoyed. 

   "Is this because we had an argument? In my defence you brought up my dad's suicide," I grow angry, throwing my arm out in an accusing matter, suddenly feeling the cold overwhelm me. "If anything, you owe me for that-"

   "What? I didn't do that!" He exclaims in his usual high pitch, holding his wrists against his chest with his jaw slightly dropped. 

   "Saying 'You use drugs because you were there when it happened' counts as bringing it up," I use air quotes, making my voice comedically deeper as I imitated his words. 

   He opens his mouth and closes it repeatedly, looking around as if he could find a tool that would help him. I roll my eyes at his unnecessary attempt to defend himself. "Those drugs have broken your brain, Vey. I never said any of that--How the hell would I have even known that?"

   I pause, looking at his confused face. Shit. I've done it again. I really have to stop repeating things back to people when they don't know what I'm talking about, especially since I'm currently going bat-shit crazy anyway. 

   "Just forget it," I wave it off, closing my eyes in frustration after waving my hands as if I was holding an eraser that could wipe away this entire conversation. I open my eyes, taking a step closer to him until I was sliding past his body and getting up the stairs. "I'm sure Chrissy will be okay for a couple of minutes and then I'll be out of your hair,"

   "Veda, no," He says sternly, moving so he was standing beside me on the stairs, both of us standing sideways on the same step, staring at each other with challenge dancing in our eyes. I knew a part of him liked the fight, I could see it. "I'm not going to help you destroy yourself,"

   I swallow, looking away from his eye and across the trailer park where I spot the familiar sight of bright orange hair, her eyes meeting mine from across the field. Max Mayfield looked at me with confusion before she stood to her feet and walked inside her own trailer. 

   Great, now she's probably going to have questions or even worse, blab to my brother. 

   "You already have," I tell him, reaching for the doorknob just as he snatched my wrist. He pushed himself up to the step in front of me, dropping my wrist and turning so his back was against the door. As he leaned against it, I realised I must have unclicked the door enough for the pressure of his body to push the door open. 

   Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when that door swung open.

   From the right corner of the silver door opening, I saw Chrissy floating mid-air and not in the typical cheerleader way. Her eyes looked completely white from here, her feet dangling as she became further and further from the funky patterned carpet. 

   Eddie must have seen my face drain colour because he rolled his eyes and laughed, not turning around, "I'm not falling for that one again,"

   I wanted to scream, tell him to turn around and look or just run away, but I felt frozen as I watched her, looking into her glossed and empty eyes. 

   Not again, please not this paranormal shit again. 

   Suddenly, she slams against the trailer's roof, cracks leaking from underneath her petite frame. This causes Eddie to jump and turn around, his body tensing at the sight of the school princess pressed against his roof like a scene from the exorcist. 

   "What the-" He starts before he is cut off by the unsettling sound of Chrissy's legs beginning to bend in ways they shouldn't, curling to the side like a bendy straw. Then, her elbows were bent the wrong way and her eye sockets started to bleed.

   This time, a scream manages to escape my body at the same time Eddie does, his body turning quickly and almost pushing me down the wooden stairs. I could feel his hands firmly grab my shoulders, steadying my balance after I almost hit the grass, but, I couldn't peel my eyes away from the horror scene before me. 

   Poor Chrissy, she was so nice. 

   I only look away once I feel his hand in mine, tugging me towards his car in a panic and shoving me into the driver's seat before running to his side and jumping into the driver's seat of his van. I stay frozen, eyes stuck to the dashboard in front of me, using it as a blank canvas for my eyes to project the image of Chrissy's brutalised body onto it. 

   The sound of Eddie struggling with his car keys sounded like a faded memory before the car started and ripped us away from the scene. 

   Her bones, the sound of them shattering in her body. I lean forward, holding my hands to my ears and squeezing my eyes shut. 

   Whatever just happened made the Demogorgon and mind flayer look like a shitty horror movie. 

   "What the hell is happening!" I hear Eddie's girly scream breaking the barrier of sound that my sweaty hands created. I turn to the side, watching his panic and rushed movement as well as feeling the car swerve in all directions. "Why aren't you reacting?"

   "You're reacting enough for the both of us!" I defend, sitting up straight and gripping the handle at the top of the door out of fear of Eddie's driving skills. 

   "Your chillness is really freaking me out, Vey," He exclaims in a sing-song tone, taking a harsh turn around a corner. I could see his chest rising and falling dramatically, his mouth open slightly to allow him access to more air. He was scared. 

   "Eddie if you're going to be driving like a maniac then pull over and let me drive!" I yell over the loud sounds of his panicked breathing and screeching tyers. 

   "The only way I am stopping this car is if it breaks down and won't go any further!" He shrieks, looking from side to side as if he could see somewhere to go that he deemed safe. "Was that real? Was my batch spiked?"

   "You took drugs without me?" I ask, watching as he turned to me with wide eyes. I nodded, realising now wasn't the best time to be worrying about this. But, if I worried too much about the crumbled body probably stuck to Eddie's roof, I'll be stuck in a state of mind I don't want to be. "Look, just find somewhere to pull over and let's just calm the hell down!"

   "Calm down? I'm freaking out, man!" He ignored my instructions with a break in his voice. His hands gripped the steering wheel, using it to rock his body back and forth as he used his knee to bounce his ass off the seat repeatedly. I look from Eddie's distressed face to where the handbrake of the car was. Without thinking, I reach over and jam it upwards, forcing the car to stop in the middle of the dead road. "Why the hell-"

   "Shut up, Munson!" I yell, watching him finally close his mouth and lean away from me as his body slowly stopped moving so frantically, maintaining eye contact with me as he tried to regulate his breathing. "I know you're scared, but adding mileage to your car isn't going to change that. We need a plan. Is that okay?"

   He stays still for a second, his glossy brown eyes scanning my body before he nodded rapidly. It sounded like I was talking to a child, but he needed to be so he could relax and actually understand my words. "I know a place,"

"Good, that's good," I smile, leaning back in my seat and letting go of the hand brake. His hand quickly replaced mine, fixing the hand brake before driving once more, this time in a more calm manner. 

   I have no clue how I was so calm, despite the replaying mind video of Chrissy being mangled, it's like I never witnessed it at all. Maybe after the mind flayer and all the other upside-down shit, I've grown numb to it. 

   All I know is that a gate must be open again and Hawkins is about to be seriously messed up.

   I have to tell Dustin. 



I'm so sorry for the slow updates, I've been so busy and sick but i will be uploading whenever i can. 

tysm for 2.5k! i cant believe how fast this story is growing. 

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