ten. vecna's cult

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veda henderson

           I cancelled my therapy session for tonight.

   The thought of sitting in a room while Mrs Kelly dissects every word sounded torturous. Yes, it was her job to do so and she hadn't done anything wrong, but I'd rather not have her tug up any more memories, especially tonight.

   It was hard for me to face Dustin after that. I think I sat silently in the video store for about an hour and a half, ignoring how Robin and Steve stared at me and whispered to each other. I didn't tell them what happened, there was no way to explain it without them thinking I was crazy and needed to be locked away in a looney bin. 

   Dustin knows about a lot more than he should, more specifically he knows about my little addiction. I wanted to trust him with that secret, but Dustin is a mummas boy and I'm not sure if his pure conscience could handle lying. 

   The sky started to dim before I knew it, Steve moving to turn the open sign to close. I didn't say a word to them as I got up and walked out of the store, biking home in silence. It was a weird place to come, but it didn't feel like I had really anywhere else to go. I didn't have any friends, any family--nothing. 

   When I did arrive home, my Mum started questioning me about where I rushed off to, scolding me for running out without telling her and making her worry. I only nodded, her voice turning into a ringing in my ears. Dustin hadn't told her anything yet, something I was thankful for. 

   So, here I was, in the front seat of my mother's car again with my little brother in the passenger seat, silence engulfing us as if it was slowly stealing all of our air. I gulp, turning to him for a second before returning to the road. "I was lying, y'know? I was just trying to get under your skin because I was having a rough day," 

   "I know, Veda. Eddie would never sell you drugs," Dustin laughed it off, a small rising to my face at his easy-going attitude. His optimism and sunshine always warmed me, even if I was the moon only sending cold wind his way. "I swear he's got a creepy thing for you,"

   My eyebrows furrow, wondering what made Dustin think that Eddie had a thing for me considering he only ever saw us interact at Hellfire. 

   "Eddie won't want to hang out with me when my whore sister breaks his heart!"

   No matter how authentic they were, his words bang around my head like church bells of a ghost town strung by the wind. I couldn't forget about the conversation even if it was all in my head.

   "Well," I begin, trailing off as I turn the car into the parking lot of Hawkins High School. My eyes immediately shift between all the cars parked in the usually empty spots, my memory reminding me that there was some sort of basketball game happening right now. "Let's hope you're wrong,"

   Dustin almost runs out of the car, leaving me behind in order to catch up with Mike and Lucas's little sister Erica Sinclair. I can't help but laugh when she turns around to walk with them, an American flag dropped over her shoulders like a cape. I'm guessing she's Lucas's replacement since he's busy with his basketball game tonight. I smile, I've always liked her. 

   Shaking my head, I begin to walk after them all while holding myself for warmth against the cold air. I'm not sure what temperature it is, but it must be low. 

   "Veda..." The sound of a creepy, raspy voice calling my name causes me to spin around quickly. Nothing was there, not a single stone out of place. 

   Just as I begin to ignore the creepy name-call and turn around to catch up with Dustin, I hear the voice again. This time, it sounded much closer, yet quieter. Almost as if whoever it is was behind me, whispering in my ear. "Tell them I'm coming, Veda,"

   That was all it took for me to suck in a harsh breath, taking off into a sprint into the school without daring to look back. Whatever was talking to me, I'd rather it stay hidden. The last thing I need is a creepy image to join the voice. 

   I burst through the glass doors of the school, no one else occupying this end of the school except me and the sounds of my shoes hitting the floor. My fear combined with my dizziness due to withdrawing made it hard to focus on anything around me.

   Walking around a corner, I risk turning my head back just to see if someone was playing a really convincing prank on me and was following me in some shitty Halloween mask, but all I saw was empty tiled floors and fluorescent lights. 

    A gasp leaves my mouth as I feel my body collide with something unfamiliar. My eyes and mouth are wide as I turn around, ready to scream for help before the stranger clamps their hand over my mouth, moving their free arm around my waist to keep me still. 

   I'd never admit this out loud, but I'm incredibly relieved when I see Eddie's concerned eyes staring back into my frightened ones. I let out a breath, feeling his hand remove itself from my mouth and his arm drop from my waist after he assured himself I was okay. "You look like you've seen a ghost,"

"Shit, I think I did earlier today and now I'm just hearing more," I laugh, jolting my hand up to thread my fingers into the roots of my hair. My smile quickly fades, my eyes moving to the corridor behind me where I still saw no one. Then, I turn back to Eddie who only looked more concerned than he did before. "I mean, I think I'm going insane, Eddie. I'm so scared, I don't know what's happening,"

   He hesitated, following my previous gaze to the end of the hallway before turning back to me. "Vey... are you sure you're not just, y'know... weaning off that shit?"

   I stare for a moment, blinking as if I could wipe away the memory of what he said. I shake my head, taking a protective step back from him. Looking down at my scuffed shoes, I reply "Yeah, you're right,"

   "No, Veda, I didn't mean-"

   "No, I get it. I'm just a junkie going crazy, huh?" I scoff, looking up at him and tilting my head with a raised eyebrow. His assumption hurt me, I'll admit. I thought someone referred to as Eddie 'The Freak' Munson would at least try to believe me. 

   "That's not what I said," He stated sternly, his tone causing me to gulp once again and look down to the floors. Almost instantly, I felt his hand on my chin, lifting my head up so that I would look at him. He bent his neck slightly, head turned so that he could keep eye contact. "You look like you haven't slept in days. Come to hellfire and rest,"

   "No," I close my eyes, shaking my head and stepping back enough that his hand fell from my face. I open them once again, looking up to meet his eyes. "I'm just going to go to the game. Have fun with your campaign,"

   Without letting him say another word, I turn and walk down one of the empty hallways that led towards where the basketball game was being held. I understand Eddie's intentions, but he only made me feel like I was out of my mind even more.  

   I don't want to be like my Dad, I don't want to hurt people close to me without even realising because I'm so out of touch with reality that I think I'm saving them. But, I can't deny the fact that I'm imagining conversations and having hallucinations. I can't trust that anything or anyone around me is even real. 

   Even the way I went off on Dustin earlier was nearly heartbreaking. I'm already starting to hurt people without meaning to. He's my little brother, and I screamed in his face and confused him because I'm going crazy. 

   I just want to protect him from evil, all kids need to be sheltered from the Horrors of real life.

   Maybe, I'm just a curse. 



tysm for 2k reads ahh!

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