Chapter 10 (Death+Shark)

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Acting nice is hard. I don't like it, the dark she-cat thought with a snort. I just want to rip Flowerpetal's throat out already!

I need to kill something, and I know who, her eyes darkened as she stood and began walking towards the exit, only to be stopped by Eclipsestar, who looked concerned.

"Are you okay?" the tabby asked.

"I'm fine. Just going to take a walk," Deathclaw replied.

"Oh, can you hunt a bit while you're out?" Eclipsestar asked. "Lilyblossom's close to kitting, and she's definitely going to need prey."

Deathclaw nodded. "I was planning to hunt anyways."

"Okay! Be safe out there," Eclipsestar meowed before trotting away.

Be safe out there, Deathclaw repeated Eclipsestar's words in her mind. I'm not a kit, you idiot. I'm also able to take care of myself. I'm stronger than you.

She left camp before anyone else could talk to her. She doesn't like to talk. She's always angry and is a big meanie beanie.

Deathclaw made her way towards the rogue border, and to her surprise, Sharkshade wasn't there. She wandered around until she found the commander by the river, which was in MoonClan territory.

Well, at least no one will question me killing her, especially since she trespassed, Deathclaw thought with an evil grin.

She snuck up to the slim she-cat, and waited for a brief moment before she lunged, teeth bared in a cruel smile.
Deathclaw clearly hates me, and will no doubt try and-

Her thoughts were cut off as a heavy weight rammed into her. Before she could react, she found herself forced under the water.

Ah, she's trying to drown me? I figured she'd use her claws.

Sharkshade managed to land a hard blow to the MoonClan deputy, though the she-cat's grip didn't loosen.

All while her head was under water, the commander had to deal with Deathclaw trying to beat the everliving life out of her. But she knew what she was, and Deathclaw did not, so it would come in handy later on.

It wasn't too much longer before Sharkshade's eyes began to close. The last thing she heard was a malicious laugh of triumph.
Yes! I killed this stupid piece of foxdung! She'll never be able to stop me now!

Deathclaw grabbed the she-cat's limp form and tossed her aside, a wicked grin on her face. She knows that Bloodclaw would question what had happened, but Deathclaw already had an idea. I'll just say she threatened me again. Which isn't actually a lie.

Now, I need to get rid of her corpse, and then go hunt for that mouse-heart, Lilyblossom, she thought with a scowl.

Deathclaw ended up going across the river and just dropping Sharkshade's body there before she left to go hunt.

After a while, she returned to camp, holding a fat rabbit, and two plump squirrels. Normally, MoonClan cats didn't catch rabbits, as those speed demons are hard to catch, but Deathclaw managed to catch one anyways because she's basically the only smart one in the story, aside from a few others.

Deathclaw gave the rabbit to Lilyblossom, and she put her squirrels on the fresh-kill pile. She wasn't going to eat now. She was too happy that she killed Sharkshade.

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