stelena: you're in love with her

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Prompt: "Oh my God. You're in love with her!"

Summary: In which Stefan and Damon's little sister realises Stefan is in love with her best friend


"See you tomorrow, guys." Caroline Salvatore said, waving to Bonnie Bennett and Elena Gilbert who waved back at her, leaving the Salvatore manor.

As Elena prepared to walk out the door, she bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm sorry." she said, looking up at a man. He had green eyes, light brown hair and was very handsome.

"No problem." He said with an easy grin that made Elena's heart flutter, "I'm Stefan, and you must be one of Caroline's new friends." Elena's smile faltered. Was Caroline... "Yeah. Yeah I am."

Stefan smiled again, "I'm so glad my little sister has someone looking out for her. She can make very, ah, irrational decisions at times." Oh, little sister. Right.

"Care's a good friend. I'm Elena, by the way. Elena Gilbert." Elena said, shaking Stefan's hand. Electricity flowed between the gripped hands.

"Stefan? Can you give Elena a ride home? Her uncle John just called and he can't make it." Caroline yelled from downstairs

"Yeah sure." Stefan said, helping Elena into his car.

As they drove to Elena's place, the two talked and found out they had several things in common (they both watched pretty little liars as a guilty pleasure, they both love dark chocolate and they would much rather read than party.)

"Wow." Stefan chuckled, shaking his head as Elena confirmed they had a mutual interest in panic! at the disco.

"Wow, what?" Elena asked, feeling slightly self conscious

"How did I not know you until now?" Stefan asked, shaking his head. Elena was amazing

"I don't know." Elena laughed, relaxing

"Where's your house?" Stefan asked, slowing down on the road she'd told him.

"There!" Elena said, unhappy that their time was over.

"We'll talk again soon?" Stefan asked hopefully

"Yeah. I'd like that." Elena said softly
Six weeks later

"Is Elena coming over tonight?" Stefan asked. Caroline narrowed her eyes at him for a second before widening them, "oh. my. GOD. You like her, don't you? Oh, I knew it, I knew it!" Caroline clapped her hands, bouncing up and down

"What? I don't like her." Stefan lied, looking away

"No. You love her, don't you. I can see it in your eyes, brother." Damon teased

"Oh, don't you start, Dame, when are you going to ask Bonnie Bennett out?" Caroline asked, jabbing a finger in his direction

"Bonnie? What?" Damon asked, blinking in confusion

"Oh this is amazing! Double dates, no, triple dates! Ooh, maybe they'll even get you to shower!" Caroline squealed, mentally preparing any plan to get her best friends and brothers together

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