October 4th

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Title: Runes
Prompt: "Your feet stink!"
A/N:  Takes place after season 9.  This is so random IDK. XD

"Let the tournament begin!"

Loud explosions echoed through the skyscrapers of the city. The ninja stood at the City Square Gardens unmoving and confused. Some of the other elemental masters took off running in all directions. Others stayed with the ninja.

"What just happened?" Kai looked at the team for answers.

"Uh, crazy dude floated from the sky and claimed 'there can only be one' blah blah blah, never found out the winner on Chen's island, blah blah blah, we will fight to know who is the strongest elemental master, blah blah blah. Classic villain stuff." Cole summarized flippantly.

The others gave each other sideway glances.

"Yeah, we got that part. Is that guy for real though?" Lloyd questioned, like he was trying to determine if this was all some weird dream or side effect of one of Wu's teas. The ninja turned their attention as more explosions reverberated through the city.

"Apparently." Zane said, scanning their surroundings for clues.

"We don't need another tournament to see who is the strongest elemental master. We all know that title belongs to me, Master of Fi-yah!" Kai proclaimed, gesturing to himself. The others rolled their eyes in unison.

"Can we just TKO this crazy dude and go home? We were supposed to have an elemental master celebration, not fight each other." Lloyd said, quite annoyed.

"That sounds like a great plan. Zane, where did crazy dude go?"

"I believe 'crazy dude' announced himself as 'Master of Runes'. My scanners are not picking up his bio signs."

"Master of Runes? Runes are not an element. What is he going to do? Bore us to death with ancient writing?" Jay questioned, unimpressed.

"Taking out this fool should be a walk in the park," Cole said while cracking his knuckles.

Another explosion rang out nearby followed by a scream.

"This 'fool' is getting on my nerves," Nya said, grabbing for her weapons.

The Master of Mind and the Master of Light took off running towards the sound of the scream, only to be suddenly engulfed in blinding white light. A square box of force fields surrounded them, inscriptions of runes dancing around all four sides.

"What the--" Kai was cut off by the sound of a small object skittering towards him. It rolled awkwardly, coming to a stop at his feet, red light flashing with increased frequency.

"Grenade!" Zane yelled and Cole surrounded it with earth as the other ninja jumped away. Unfortunately, Cole's earth shield was not enough and the blast sent everyone spiraling.

Nya found herself thrown a block away from the garden center. She slid ungracefully on the ground, finally coming to a stop near gross dirty feet wearing the most bizarre sandals she had ever seen. She looked up and found the owner of the feet dressed equally bizarre and covered in too much hair. Bolobo. The weirdo that attacked Jay in the bathtub on Chen's island.

Nya chuckled, remembering when Jay told her that story. He spared no details, causing her to turn bright red. Kai mocked her relentlessly, pointing out that she still cared for Jay even though they were broken up. She put itching powder in all of Kai's clothes for the following week as revenge.

Bolobo slammed his staff on the ground, pulling Nya away from memory lane. He grunted then pointed to force fields climbing around them, decorated with a strange written language, like the one they saw surrounding the Masters of Mind and Light.

"Well well well, look what we have here!"

Nya and Bolobo snapped their heads up, spying the Master of Runes floating above on a weird hover-board.

"Master of Nature vs. Master of Water! Who will win? I'm on the edge of my seat!"

Nya felt like pointing out that he was not sitting, but instead directed her attention back to her opponent.

"You will be easy to defeat, little girl!" Bolobo growled at her. A smug smile spread across Nya's face as her arms glided in a familiar pattern to control her element of water.

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing!" A tingling surge washed over her as water blasted fourth and struck the hairy Master of Nature.

"Enjoy your bath! Oh, and by the way, your feet stink!"

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