The Rescue

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Mac's POV

The lads and I are hanging from the feet down. We're in the middle of a steel mill on the top of a mountain. I guess this place used to have a lot of iron. That explains why someone brought up something about a mine. We heard the howl of a wolf in the distance. Then the unmistakable crack of a gun. It's unmistakable, but that doesn't mean it doesn't scare the ever living shite out of us.

"I wish they'd take these blindfolds off." Says Mary. 

At least one of these bastard Funtimes was decent enough to actually feed us when ( I'm assuming ) the other Funtimes weren't looking. He always whispered when he talked. I say this because he slipped me a potato from my home country ten seconds after the gunshot.

"They're getting jumpy. More so then usual." He said.

"D'ya still plan on getting us out o' here anytime soon?" I asked.

"Not if they don't settle down." He replied.

Apparently the Funtimes pushed this guy over the edge. He's been telling us about this plan of his. About how he'll get us out of this mess so we can find the rest of the gang. He'll head up to New York to get away from all this. After all, he only joined the Funtimes to provide for his mother. But once she died two months afterwards, there isn't really any reason to stay.

I can hear hoof beats in the snow.

"Suena como un caballo." says Fred.

"What did he say, Mac?" asked Vixen.

I find it ironic that I, the Irishman of all people, am the only one in the gang who speaks Spanish.

"He said it sounded like one horse." I replied.

The guy on the horse must be important seeing as he's asking about if we've talked, if everything is still on schedule. Then he talks to the guy who slipped me a potato.

"You! Come here!" he hollers. I can barely hear what the newcomer is saying. All I could make out are the words "Afton", "train", and "Explosives ready?". I also heard something about a mine a few miles west of here. Then came the sound of someone grabbing another person by the collar of the shirt (a sound I'm familiar with since Foxy did it to me all the time). The messenger rides off, and the "friendly" Funtime comes over too us and brings us bad news.

"I'm so sorry, I gotta go. I'll be back, I promise." He says.

There goes our only hope of getting out of here. Well, if he sticks to his word (which he has so far), we should be outta here a few days behind schedule. I don't care when, so long as I find the gang again.

"Bueno, mierda." Said Fred.
"Aye, ya said it." I replied.
"Hey, Mac?" Asked Vixen.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Still making your own luck?" She finished.
"Now is not the time to chastise each other." Chirped Mary.

I don't really care right now. All I can think about right now is how the gangs doin'. I haven't heard of them since we led the Funtimes away from them in Dallas. I just hope their doing okay.

Then we hear a gunshot come out of nowhere, causing the Funtimes to go into a frenzy. "SANTA MIERDA!!!" Exclaims Fred. The whole place sounds like a war zone in five seconds. Suddenly, the rope that suspends us in the air slacks, and we drop to the ground. I hear Vixen get crushed under our combined weight.

The gunshots continue for five minutes, then silence. Then we hear a female voice. "I'll look for the dynamite." It said. I recognized the voice, but it couldn't be who I think it is... can it? Then another voice speaks, a male. "Alright, I'll cut them free." It said.

Then we heard footsteps coming towards us. Since the others didn't hear him, they start to squirm to get away. But with no success. Then we feel a tug on the rope. Then it falls from our sides. We take off our blindfolds and see the faces of our saviors. And they're two faces we never thought we'd see again.

"Foxy, estás vivo!" Exclaims Fred.

Foxy hugs me the way a brother would. Vixen and Mangle pat each other on the back. Foxy lets go of me and puts a hand on Mary's shoulder.

"Mierda!" Fred exclaims, pointing at a large group of Funtimes coming towards us.

"Please tell me you can still ride?" Says Foxy.
"A few days o' hanging upside down doesn't do much to memory." I answer.

We unhitch the horses of the dead Funtimes. Chic sits behind Fred, Vixen sits behind me, and Mary gets a horse to herself.

Then we ride off to the lumber town that Mangle is leading us to.

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