The Revelation

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Foxy POV

Mangle and I get on our horses and start riding east towards the steel mill. While we were riding, something crossed my mind. "Why the hell are the Funtimes up here? I thought they were chasing you guys in Dallas?" I asked.

Mangle simply shrugged. "I've been wondering that myself. Baby herself showed up to kill us. I'm curious if they were already up here or if they came up here at the same time we did. They sure as hell didn't follow us, or we'd be knee deep in dead bodies." She said. That was a good point. If they were followed, we would be at the town burning through half our ammunition... WAIT?!

"Baby was there!?" I shouted. "In the flesh. Must've thought it was a prime opportunity if she dragged her ass out from the shadows. And the score we almost made would've been a bonus, 'till it fell into lake, where it will remain until the end of time." She explained. Baby is known for doing one thing on her own.

And it was that manipulation that got the others killed.

"Chica told me about Mac and the others." I said. "Never thought I'd dread the day he wasn't talking."

Mac was never one to shut up. When he was here, I had to point a gun at him just to get 10 seconds of silence. Now, I'd point it at anybody if it meant bringing him back.

"Yeah," said Mangle, "but at least they died knowing we're safe. That should let them rest easier."
"Yeah, but still..."

If there's one thing I learned from their deaths, it's that you never really know what you got 'till it's gone.

And that not everybody can be trusted.

"Tell me that French bastard got what he had coming."

Mangle sighed. "No," she said, "Friedrich and his lot escaped to Washington D.C. before we could get them. I don't know how you liked them for that long. Being around them was nightmare." She responded.

I didn't actually like them. There's a difference between respecting someone and liking them. Friedrich and his group that got the others killed by telling the Funtimes everything they needed to ambush them at the bank. The second I hear their in the area, I'm coming for them.

Mangle suddenly stops. She gets off her horse, grabs her shotgun and binoculars and crouches in the snow. I do the same. We can see the steel mill just below us. I can see some Funtimes moving around something hanging in the middle. Mangle looks at what it is.

Her jaw slowly fell. She moves the lenses, revealing her wide eyed expression.

I take the binoculars,look at it, and immediately have the same reaction. The thing hanging. It's people, hung upside down. And we know the people.

It's Mac and the others.


That's right, I'm not dead, just really busy and distracted. Which, given school starts for me NEXT WEEK, is kind of justified. I will try to update this book as much as I can. But, once again, school starts for me next week. So the next chapter may take a while to come out. There's also the fact that I'm writing an Assassins Creed book at the same time. So please bare with on this. And on that bombshell, I will see you in the ext chapter.

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