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I got up after hitting the wall.
"Mike, Mike, Mike, don't you ever learn, I mean you came back to your old job that almost got you killed, and for what... a stupid pay check of 100 dollars, stupid" Freddy said.
Freddy Fazfucker, he's a little bitch.
"No...the only reason I came here...was TO PROTECT MY FRIEND" I shouted as I ran at him.
I was getting ready to punch the fucker when he grabbed my hurt arm.
If it wasn't broken before it was now.
"Shit" I said quietly as I grabbed my arm.
"M1K3" mangle shouted.
"L34V3 M1K3 4L0N3" she said.
"Shut up you stupid girl Fox. I mean no wonder you and foxy are friends. you both are annoying, stupid, always trying to protect this goof, and have the most annoying voices I have ever heard" Freddy said.
"Fuck y0u" mangle said.
"What did you say to me" Freddy said grabbing her second head.
"Leave her alone" I said.
"Dose some little bitch have a heart" he said.
"LEAVE HER ALONE" I screamed.
He punched me right in the stomach.
I fell right to the floor. the last thing I heard before passing out was Freddy laughing and leavening.

I awoke in a small room. dang my head hurts. my whole body hurt. my shirt had claw marks and...blood?
I looked around the room I saw mangle and foxy in the corner and......Mike?
He didn't look good if that even was him. I tried to walk over there but I remembered my leg. I started to crawl instead. I got over there and to my surprise it was Mike!
He looked bad though. I checked his pulse...good still alive and he was also breathing but he was breathing...hardly. what had happened. I looked at his arm. his arm did not look good at all. it was red and bruised and maybe broken.
"M-Mike" I said softly.
No response.
I went over to foxy and mangle, they were both tied up.
"J3r3my" mangle said.
"Jeremy me lad" foxy said.
"Here let me untie you guys" I said.
I had untied them and they told me what had happened.
Then the door started to open.foxy and mangle ran to the corner so I didn't get in trouble.
It was Toy Freddy.
"What" I asked.
He just looked at me and laughed.
"You idiots, you and Mike, sign up for this fucking job and, look, you end up stuck in kids cove" he said.
"I know" I said.
I was an idiot. I got me and Mike stuck in this death trap.
"And Mike over there, he probably won't make it out alive" he told me.
"Make his injures worse and leave him for dead" he replied.
"YOU JERK" I said before I tried to kick him.
I had just kicked a hard metal suit with my hurt leg.
"Idiot" Freddy said.
"You b-
Freddy grabbed me by my throat.
"Don't mess with me" Freddy said before dropping me to the floor.
Then he left.
"Ye ok lad" Foxy said.
"y-yeah" I replied.
"N0 th3r3 g01ng t0 k1ll m1k3" mangle said.
I crawled back over to Mike with foxy and mangle.
"M-Mike" I asked again.
"M-MIke" I said a little bit louder.
"Huh" I heard escape his mouth.
"M-MIKe" I asked almost yelling.
"Wa-huh" he said.
I knew he wasn't fully back with us.
"M-MIKE" I shouted.
"What jack-ass" he said with his eyes closed.
Good he was still alive and now awake.

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