Kids Cove

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I had just gotten out of the grip of old Freddy when he came down into the office. shit. Jeremy had just passed out and dislocated his leg. Damit.
My arm hurt like hell I didn't know if it was broken, cracked, dislocated, or just hurt but I didn't care I looked at foxy and ran.
I ran and ran hopeing that that Jeremy my best friend was ok. I kept on running till I found Kids cove. perfect place to hide. I just ran in there went I saw Freddy he hit me over the head and I blacked out.
When I awoke I saw Jeremy in the corner of the room. then in the other corner I saw foxy and mangle.
I tried to move but my arm. it hurt so bad, I looked at it. my arm was all red and floppy, probably broken. I didn't care. I went up to Jeremy. I made sure he was alive, he was...good. then I noticed his shirt had large claw marks and noticed on parts of his skin I could see though his clawed shirt he was bleeding, not a lot but he was bleeding.
"FUCK YOU FREDDY" I said with tears in my eyes.
I might lose my best friend, wait my only friend that still comes when I'm hurt and there when I need him.
than I rushed over to foxy and mangle. once I got over there they powered on.
"Mikey are you ok" foxy asked.
"I'm fine, BUT WHAT ABOUT JEREMY" I screamed in between tears.
"Mike toy Freddy came in and and I couldn't help him toy bonnie shut me and mangle off" he replied.
"1ts tru3 m1k3" mangle said.
"Ok" I said.
I took my phone out of my pocket and called Baliey.
"N-no we aren't fine, me and Jeremy, my arms broken and Jeremy is bleeding and hurt" I told her.
"When do I need to get there" she asked.
"Soon" I said.
I heard the door coming open.
"I have to go I lov-" Freddy came in and I hung up.
"Well Mike I see you found your friends" he said.
"Why-why are you doing this" I asked
"Because I hate foxy he ruined my life I'm ruining his and all his friends life's" Freddy told me.
I know what he meant. the bite after that they couldn't walk around anymore no more freedom.
"Just leave me alone mother fuc-
Right then Freddy punched me in the face and I flew into a wall.
"Want to say anything else with your big fucking MOUTH MIKE" Freddy said.

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