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As we left off, Gregory has sneaked out of his home, and to make his way over to the Pizzaplex restaurant. Couple minutes pass, he then arrives to the restaurant, across the street, he was hiding behind some bushes and to spot the Security guard, Vanessa, guarding the entrance of the restaurant. Gregory was hiding into the dark shadows of the buildings to not be spot by her, and to arrive at the side of the restaurant. He walks up to the trash bin and to climb on top and to approach to the glass window and to look inside and spot all teenage kids having a blast in there...

Gregory: Man, Cass is really missing out...but theme again...I don't want to get her into trouble anymore...okay, now let's see...

Gregory was observing the window and to notice it won't budge open and notices lock to it...

Gregory: Damn it.

He looks around, and to spot a rock on the ground as he jumps back down, grabs the rock and climbs back up ...

Gregory: Don't wanna make too much goes.

He began hitting the lock on the window with the rock rapidly and as hard as he can as the lock of the window broke loose...

Gregory: Sweet! Now-

Vanessa: You again?!

Suddenly, Vanessa appeared and spots Gregory...

Vanessa: And this time it's only you! Won't be difficult now to catch you!

Gregory: ....Later!

Gregory opens the window and to climb in...

Vanessa: Hey wait!!

Vanessa rushes over to try stop Gregory, but was too late as Gregory has already enter the window into the restaurant...

Vanessa: No!! Not good!

Vanessa sprints to go into the restaurant and to catch Gregory...
Meanwhile, inside the restaurant, Gregory was now in the restaurant, and yet his eyes widen with surprise to look inside and what it feels to be in it...

Gregory: Woooah. Being inside feels way better!

Gregory started wondering around the Pizzaplex and to spot all the arcade games, the golf courses, and many more in the restaurant...then suddenly, he looks over and to see Vanessa trying to look for him...

Gregory: Shit!

He makes a run for it as Vanessa spots him running off and to go after him and trying to not alert or worries the teenagers around her.
Gregory was making a run for it down the hall, and notices a door slightly open as he runs in and shuts the door.

Gregory: Phew! I hope she doesn't find me here. But, where did I appear-AH!!

Gregory looks around to notice he's in a Room, and to startled as he yet spots one of the Glamrock animatronics in it, Glamrock Freddy, who happens to be powered off...

Gregory: W-Wooah.

Gregory walks towards Freddy and to observe him and walking around him, and notices a plug attach behind him, as it shows charging him up...

Gregory: He looks...taller, and brighter in person cool.

He then stands in front of Freddy,

Gregory: Ellis is going to be so jealous when I tell him.

Suddenly, Gregory out of nowhere had the urge to place his hand onto Freddy...he slowly reaches his hand, and touch his stomach, as his stomach suddenly opens up...

Gregory: It opens?! Okay that's-

Vanessa: Where are you!! I know you're around here, I saw you come over here, show yourself already!

Gregory heard Vanessa outside as she was looking him...

Gregory: Shit! Shit! I gotta hide!

Gregory was looking all over the room to hide from Vanessa, but can't even find one good single spot to hide from her...

Gregory: No No!! Can't even find somewhere to hide here!

Then suddenly, he looks over at Freddy and his stomach hache open...and notice he can fit inside perfectly...
Suddenly, Vanessa barges in Freddy's room...and yet Gregory isn't even nowhere to be found...

Vanessa: Nrgh, I could've sworn I saw the twerp came over here too. Damn it, just what kind of parents does he has that can't let access to his own child to even buy one single damn ticket to enter here, yet he breaks in. Just great.

Suddenly, Freddy's whole body moved as his head lifts up and his eyes open and spoke...

G.Freddy: Fully charged. Oh! Hello Vanessa!

Vanessa: ..hey Freddy.

G.Freddy: How are you? As of matter of fact, what brings you here to my room?

Vanessa: Nothing really, just looking for a brat that broke into the Pizzaplex.

G.Freddy: Oh my! That's sounds awful, hmmm...well I don't see this "brat" you're looking for anywhere here.

Vanessa: You think? Look, just do your thing okay? While you and the others do that, I'll keep looking for this kid.

G.Freddy: You got it!

Vanessa leaves the room...

G.Freddy: Oh boy! Showtime in any minute now!  Can't wait to put on the smiles of joy to all the teenage kids. I must go tell Chica and the others to ready up!

Freddy walks out of his room and to then spot the other Glamrock animatronics, Chica, Roxy, and Monty backstage readying up...

G.Freddy: My fellow friends!

G.Chica: Freddy!

G.Roxy: Sup.

G.Monty: Yo.

G.Freddy: Are you all ready to have a blast at stage? Cause I sure I am!

G.Roxy: Why of course, no one is ready to witness the best of the very best...which is me of course, but all of you are great too.

G.Monty: Gee, thanks for the compliment.

G.Freddy: Alright, lets us make our way to the stage, showtime will begin any second now!

G.Roxy: Let's go!

G.Monty: Rock n roll!

As they were heading to the stage and can hear the teenage kids cheering for them, Chicago notices Freddy paused for a bit...

G.Chica: Freddy? Something the matter??

G.Freddy: No really, I just feel...heavy? For some reason?

G.Chica: Oh, and here I thought I was the heavy one due to me eating pizza too much.

G.Freddy: Oh nonsense. You're perfect the way you are Chica.

G.Chica: Heh, thanks Freddy. Now come on, they're waiting for us.

G.Freddy: Right behind y'all.

We take a look inside Freddy's stomach hache, and inside we see Gregory, who yet was hiding from Vanessa, but yet to turn out he's stuck in there for a while now that Freddy is awake...

Gregory Mind: Crap.! I can't even get out, if I do these robots will figure me out and give me to that security guard away! ...I have to figure out how to get out of this mess, and get back home!

At the stage, all the teenage kids were up front in the stage, cheering for the animatronics to appear, and so they did as Freddy, Chica, Roxy, and Monty made their appearance and started singing songs for them.
As some couple minutes go by, the animatronics continue to play songs and support the kids around, meanwhile Gregory is still finding a way to get out without being notice...

Gregory: Damn it. How can I get out of here, better yet how can I without being notice?? If only-

Suddenly, he accidentally pulls a wire off Freddy, which has to do with his battery, as his battery suddenly drained low.

Gregory: Uh-Oh.

Outside, Freddy started to feel weird as his body started to stop moving and revived lots of errors through his body, and yet doesn't even know there's someone inside his stomach hache, the wire Gregory accidentally pulled caused Freddy to loose connection and fall down completely as the kids gasped and so as the animatronics...

G.Chica/Roxy/Monty: Freddy!!!


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