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Meanwhile, at (YN)'s home, the time was now 11pm, almost midnight, Cassie was up as she went to go use the bathroom. Once she got out, she notice the lights of the living room on still. She slowly walks up and notice the TV on still, and there, she spots her father watching TV still...

Cassie: Hey dad.

(YN): Oh, hey sweetie..

Cassie: Having trouble sleeping?

(YN): ..Something like that yeah...but also...

He suddenly turns the volume up for Cassie to hear it as well, it got her attention, and to saw the news on the TV...

News Reporter: We're are just told that the famous Pizzaplex Restaurant in town has been immediately shut down due to one of the animatronics malfunctioned during on stage performing, the owners have cleared everything that they won't open the restaurant for within 5 days until they find the problem that caused one of the animatronics malfunction for the kids safety.

He then lowers down the TV...

Cassie: Woah...that's crazy.!

(YN): Yup. Nothing new to me though...

Cassie: I hope it wasn't Roxy. Don't you at least feel bad for one of the animatronics that got malfunctioned?

(YN): ...Not one bit.

Cassie:'s okay, I understand...

(YN): ...Cassie.

Cassie: Yes dad??

(YN): ...Am I a good dad?

Cassie: Wh-What?? Dad, what kind of question is that?

(YN): ...I just feel like...I'm not doing the best I can with you and Gregory...I feel like I'm slowly failing as a father...ever since you and Gregory came to the house with me...and your mother...I felt like I was doing a good job raising you kids....but until when she....past away, I felt like it wasn't the same, and the fact I'm not even trying enough...I don't know, maybe I'm just in my head a lot...

Cassie felt horrible the fact (YN) is taking the blame of not being a good father...which is lie to her. She walks up to him, a doesn't say a word, and hugs him...

Cassie: Don't ever say that dad, no matter what you think, you're the best dad we ever have.

(YN): ...Thanks Cassie,I just need to hear it, that's all..

Cassie: You don't need too, it's just a reminder no matter what, you'll always and will be a great dad to us.

(YN): ...Well, not just the two of you...

Cassie: ...I know.

(YN): ...Gregory didn't mean to say that to you, right?

Cassie: I know, he didn't mean it, it was just out of the blue...I'm not mad at him anymore. Also, doesn't matter what happens between us, we're still best friends...or siblings, I suppose.

(YN): Heh, whatever you want to say it sweetie...but, I also want to be better with Gregory as well, no matter how hard I tried with him...he yet keeps making trouble.

Cassie: He maybe, but I know deep down in his heart he still cares for you, he just needs...time, you know?

(YN): Yeah, I know...well, since you and I are still up, how about we get some late night McDonald's?

Cassie: O-Oh! Yes!

(YN): Good, wake Gregory up if wants to come with us, if not I'll bring him food.

Cassie: Okay!

As Cassie jogs her way, she stops for a sec, and to call his dad...

Cassie: Dad.

(YN): Yeah?

Cassie: ...I love you.

(YN): I love you too hon.

Cassie smiles and to jog her way to the room to go wake up Gregory...
And as (YN) was about to grab his keys and wallet...he then heard...

Cassie: DAD!!


Meanwhile, at the Pizzaplex, it was minutes away to be close for tonight due to Freddy being malfunctioning. Chica and them helped out taking his body to his room and to charge his battery up which caused him to malfunction for some reason. As they left him charging up, they all huddle up ...

G.Chica: I hope he's okay afterwards.

G.Roxy: Wonder what made him go nuts?

G.Monty: This never happens, he always the prepared one, but for some reason it happen today.

G.Roxy: No kidding.

Suddenly, Vanessa, the security guard arrives in the room...

Vanessa: Hey, what's going on here?

G.Roxy: Nothing, we just charge Freddy's battery. Now we have to wait for him to wake up and sees he's himself.

Vanessa: Hm, well y'all can worried about that later, right now, I need the three of your help.

G.Chica: What for??

Vanessa: ...Someone is still here in this restaurant.

G.Monty: Wait really?? No way.

G.Roxy: Didn't you evacuate all the kids here?

Vanessa: I did, but, I have a feeling that there's one kid hiding somewhere here, and he's trouble. So I need you three to help me catch him, and bring him to me.

G.Roxy: For what?? It's not our job to look for some kid hiding in this restaurant.

G.Monty: Besides, we're restricted to roam around the building, we can't break the rules.

G.Chica: Yeah, and besides, Freddy won't like it either knowing he likes to follow rules strictly.

Vanessa: ....Funny you three say that. If you can't help me...then maybe y'all can help "her".

Suddenly, Vanessa pulls out something, and happens to be a white rabbit mask, and puts it on...

G.Roxy: ...This is a joke, right?

G.Chica: I like the mask.

G.Roxy: Chica.

G.Chica: Sorry.

G.Monty: Anyways, How is putting a mask-

Suddenly, the mask's eyes began to glow orange as the animatronics looked at it...and yet they couldn't take their eyes off from the white rabbit, as if they began to be like control knowing their eyes began glitching too. Vanessa then spoke as the white rabbit character...

White Rabbit(Vanessa): You three will do as I say, anything I say and order, you three will do, understand?

Roxy/Chica/Monty: Yes.

White Rabbit(Vanessa): You three will find a Boyd that's lurking around this restaurant, and needs to be stop, if you three find him, bring him to me, understand?

Roxy/Chica/Monty: Yes.

White Rabbit(Vanessa): Good, now go out there and search for him.

Chica, Roxy, and Monty are now under controlled, or to be say mind controlled by the white rabbit, as they were ordered to find Gregory and bring him to her. As they left the room, Vanessa takes the mask off...

Vanessa: *chuckling* That went easier.

Then, she suddenly began to hear mumble voices coming from the mask for some reason, as if the mask was speaking through her telepathically...

Vanessa: Don't worry, I got it under control, once they find the boy, and bring him to me, I'll get rid of him for good. Besides, he'll just see me as a security guard for Freddy, he won't be much help, that's why I sabotage his system before the show started, even if he tries to contact anyone, it won't work. should keep him asleep a bit longer, I hope. Anyways, I gotta find that brat too.

Vanessa leaves the room and to continue her search...
Suddenly, inside Freddy's stomach hache, Gregory heard everything out there that Vanessa dm the white rabbit said, his heart felt like it dropped to his gut and trying his best to calm himself down, not only that, he now knows that he wasn't the one that malfunction Freddy at stage, which happens to be Vanessa, who sabotaged him before the show...

Gregory: I-I gotta get out of here! Damn it! How can I open-

Suddenly, Freddy wakes up and notice he's in his room, looking himself at the mirror...

G.Freddy: Showtime already?? Wait...Strange, I am experiencing a malfunction, and my charge is t complete yet.

Gregory: *Oh come on!* Will you shut up!?

G.Freddy: Who said that??

Gregory: I did! Down here.

G.Freddy: Down where?? I do not see you still.

Gregory: Okay listen, you were sleeping so I opened your stomach hatch and climbed inside.

G.Freddy: My stomach hatch?? That place is reserved for oversized birthday cakes and piñatas. It's not safe there!

Freddy's stomach hatch opens as a little boy comes out of it...

G.Freddy: There you are.

He started scanning the little boy

G.Freddy: Scanning complete. Hmmm, how odd. your guest profile is unknown to me. Who are you?

Gregory: Im...Gregory.

G.Freddy: Gregory. I must notify the office.....huh, connection error? I cannot connect to the main network.

Gregory: It's her. She cut you off. She's not going to let you call for help until she finds me...Wait! Quiet! I hear footsteps!

Gregory quietly walks up to the curtains and takes peak outside and see Vanessa with a flashlight, looking for him...

G.Freddy: Oh, that's the security guard, her name is Vanessa. Maybe she can help-

Gregory: No! I don't trust her.

G.Freddy: Why not??

Gregory: I don't know who she is, but she's trying to get me. Isn't there some other way for you to communicate with me besides talking so loudly?

G.Freddy: Ah, of course. Here take this, a novelty Freddy faz-Watch.

Gregory: Okay...this Can work I guess.

G.Freddy: By the way, where are your parents??

Gregory: I..I don't know them, nor where they at...

G.Freddy: Awww.

Gregory: But...there is someone else that's taking care of me. Alongside with someone too, my "sister", But...I'm sure he doesn't even know I'm here...

G.Freddy: Why say that??

Gregory: ...He and I...didn't get along that well...he's probably asleep by now. And I need to get back home till morning.

G.Freddy: Of course. I'll do my very best to help you. But unfortunately, I'm unable to leave this room, you'll need to go to the maintenance room on that door over there and find your way to the door that'll let me out of my room.

Gregory: Okay, I can do that...let's get to it then.


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