Chapter 5: Kidnapped

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I woke up and I was tied down to a chair, I screamed for help, but it was helpless I was muffled by the tape on my mouth. I was scared out of my mind. The thug ripped the tape off my mouth, I screamed and yelled for help.

"SHUT IT LITTLE FOX!" The thug yelled at me, I could see a few torture tools, I immediately shut up, I knew what was coming.

"Good" the thug smirked at me. I was disgusted by the look on his face.

I was screaming in pain after having my hand cut off.

"PLEASE STOP!" I screamed and begged.

"I WILL DO ANYTHING JUST STOP!" I cried in pain and fear. The thug ignores me and continues to torture me. I had passed out.

"HEY WHATS GOING ON HERE!?" A strange fox yells.

"CRAP IM CAUGHT!" then thug ran away.

"Hey wake up!" The fox woke me up. I knew that scent I couldn't remember who it was, she is a white fox like me, I noticed she had pink on her, it was Mangle. I was happy to see Mangle, but I couldn't say anything because I was in pain.

"It's ok Lolbit Your going to be ok" I say to Lolbit who desperately needed help, Lolbit didn't say anything back, I knew it was because she was in pain, with that I called the emergency, I bandage up Lolbit for now and Foxy showed up not long after.

"Woah what happened to Lolbit, Mangle?" Foxy asked me. I didn't reply I was focused on helping Lolbit. Foxy came up to me and sat down next to me.

"Is Lolbit going to be ok Mangle?" Asked Foxy.

"I don't know, but I hope so, I called the emergency not to long ago so they are on the way now" I said to Foxy.

The ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital, I was in so much pain.

"What's you name?" The doctor asked me.

"My name is Lolbit" I said in pain. I was rushed to the hospital. When we got to the hospital I saw a bed made of steel and a blue mat was covering something, I realised it was a dead body it was covering, I had caught a small glimpse of what it was covering, I saw a rabbit ear that was white. At that very second I started to cry, because I knew it was WhiteRabbit.

I was rushed into a surgery room, I was put asleep and the doctor had done wow surgery on me, I woke up and I had a hook for a hand, I was told that I had to stay in hospital for a whole month. So I was in a room where I would rest, it was a month later that I was then able to get out of the hospital. I rushed to the doctors.

"Excuse me is WhiteRabbit here?" I asked the doctor.

"I'm sorry he didn't make it, when you arrived at the hospital he died" the doctor said to me sounding sad.

"Where is he? I can help him" I say in a serious tone. With that the doctor rushed me to him.

I told the doctor to leave for reasons.

"Sir can you please leave I need some time to get my stuff prepared so I can help WhiteRabbit" I say in a serious but polite manner, With that the doctor left.

"It's ok WhiteRabbit I'm going to help you" I say to him.

When I got my stuff ready I begun to make a potion of health and regeneration. I had the help of Shadowbonnie and his parents as well, they helped me get what I needed to make my potions. It took me about 2 and a half hours to make my potions but after I made WhiteRabbit drink them, he was now resting, we were just waiting or him to wake up now, which felt like hours.

"Get better soon WhiteRabbit" I say to him then I sat on a chair next to him.

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