Chapter 6: Here to help

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I was walking down the street with Foxy, when I saw Lolbit run towards her store because it was getting robbed. I ran to go help but before I could get close enough I saw 2 thugs point guns at her, I was scared and Foxy had disappeared. I ran after the thugs that had captured Lolbit. When I got there I saw Lolbit was tied down to a chair and she had tape on her mouth so she couldn't talk.

It was sometime later when I saw the thug literally cut of Lolbit's hand, that got me fired up and angry, I drew my claws out and walked out of the shadows.

"HEY WHATS GOING ON HERE!?" I yelled as loud as I could, I saw that Lolbit had passed out.

"CRAP IM CAUGHT!" The thug yelled then ran off with his friend. Sometime later Foxy returned.

"Woah what happened to Lolbit?" Foxy says to me. I didn't reply because I was suspicious about him, I thought it was kinda weird that he disappeared when the second thug appeared and showed up after the thugs left. Foxy sat next to me and asked me again. I finally replied.

"I don't know, I hope so, I called emergency not to long ago so they are on the way now" I replied.

A few minutes later Lolbit was taken to the hospital and me and foxy left to go to the park.

"Hey Foxy can I ask you something?" I asked Foxy.

"Sure what is it Mangle?" Foxy replied.

"Where were you when the second thug showed up when Lolbit was attacked?" I asked Foxy but no reply, was very suspicious about Foxy now.

I didn't know what to do, if Mangle found out she would break up with me, I didn't reply to Mangle, and I walked away.

"Foxy where are you going?!" Mangle asked me. I didn't say anything, my eye for some reason begun to bleed. I turn to face Mangle, Mangle was in shock for a moment from seeing the blood on my eye, then she came up to me and cleaned up the blood off my eye.

"Are you ok Foxy?" Mangle asked. I said nothing, I wrapped my arms around Mangle, and kissed her, she kissed me back.

"I am ok" I told her. Mangle smiled at me, then we both walked home. When we got home, we sat down and ate some food together.

"I hope that Lolbit will be ok" I say to Foxy.

"Same" Foxy replied to me.

"Wasn't there another thing that happened to someone else? It was Lolbit's friend, but I don't know his name" I say to Foxy .

"Yeah but I don't know his name." Foxy says back to me.

"Well I hope that they will both be ok" I say to Foxy .

"Yeah same" Foxy says to me.

I have known Mangle since we were 6 and we are now 18 and are dating. But it doesn't feel ok, because I'm hiding a secret from her. I don't want her to find out because if she did we would break up, and I love Mangle.

"Hey Foxy?" Mangle says.

"Yeah Mangle?" I say to her.

"I'm bored do you wanna do something?" Mangle asked me.

"Sure like what?" I asked.

"Why not we play a board game? Chess? I don't know I'm bored out of my mind" Mangle says to me.

"Sure I'll go get the board game now" I say to Mangle as I get up to go get the game.

"Ok I'll wait here" Mangle says to me.

"Ok" I say back to Mangle.

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