Bonnie x Shy Reader

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Request by kami_ailce

You were at the park all by yourself sitting on a park bench drawing in your sketchbook of a beautiful flower in front of you. You came to the park for fresh air as you just finished a whole seasoned marathon of your favorite show also because you're mom threatened to take your TV if you didn't. You were so focused on the flower and you're drawing that you didn't see a boy in purple hair and glasses coming towards you.
"Hello" he said quickly grabbing you're attention
"H-hi I-I mean he-hello" you tripped over words as you desperately tried to calm you're beating heart.
"My names Bonnie, what's yours?"
"I-Im Y Y/N" you could feel your face heating up from embarrassment or maybe it was because you liked him and he's the first ever handsome cute guy that has ever talked to you.
"That's a nice name, what are you drawing" he asked as he sat down next to you peering over you're shoulder to see your unfinished drawing.
"Um th-thank you, I'm uh drawing a flower" you could hear yourself start to mumble, you showed Bonnie you're drawing.
Wow you're really good he said truly amazed at you're skills.
"Th-thanks you" cracked a smile and blush started to creep up your face.
"You have a pretty smile" Bonnie as he gave you the sweetest yet goofiest smile you've ever seen, and if made you smile and giggle too.
"Would you like to be friends?" He asked you sat there debating the last time you made a friend was a long time ago you lost contact with them after they moved they were busy with their own life, they made new friends and they totally forgot about you. But maybe he could be different.
"y-yeah sure".

Sorry this took so long I was spending time with family and I just got back I've been also having trouble on how I should write this. I don't want to disappoint you so maybe next time for future reference be a little more specific or maybe just put a genre sorry again. I hope you like it.
Love you all💜
372 words

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