The Cutie Next door

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Chica x Reader

You recently moved into a new neighborhood since your father got a new job he said it would be closer to his work.

You were a little upset since you had to leave your friends not that you had a lot but, the friends that you did have you loved and cared about. You begged your parents to not move away from your friends but they only said 'you'll just have to make new ones'.

"Aren't you excited Y/N" your mother asked as you pulled out the headphone plugs from your ears. "If you mean excited to go back then yeah" your mother just rolled her eyes and looked ahead. As your father silently mumbles something about you under his breath.

When you got to the house your dad opened the trunk and grabbed the bags and boxes. While your mother handed you the keys and allowed you to pick your room.

[Chica POV]
I looked out my window as I saw a car pull up to one of the houses for sale. I silently prayed there was a kid my age in the car then out stepped a (boy/girl) that looked my age. I gasped then quickly grabbed my coat and shoes slipping them on then headed out to greet them.

[Your POV]
I picked a room with a window facing another houses window. It seemed like a girl room I was a bit curious but then again I didn't want to seem like a creep so I payed no mind. My mom came by to give me my boxes and bags so I started to unpack.

While I was putting my posters up on the wall I heard a knock at the door. It couldn't have been my mom since she was the type to just barge in and my dad was still outside so I decided to open it. It was a girl she looked about my age. "Hello my names Chica I live next door to you" she was so cheerful it was adorable. "U-uh h-hi my name is Y/N" she giggled then walked in letting herself in. "Wow I love your room Y/N it's so cute" she said as she looked around "th-thank you" I didn't expect her to walk in then complement me it kinda caught me off guard. She turned back to face me "so where you from?"

We were talking for hours it was so much fun I didn't want it to end. But she seemed to have noticed that the sun was going down. "Oh man I gotta go it's almost dinner" she gave me a sad smile "what already" I said as we both got up. She laughed as she looked at my disappointed look "Y/N we've been talking for hours" Chica said as she headed for the door. She then turned back around to face me "I had fun Y/N maybe we'll see each other at school, then I can show you to my band."
'She has a band wow she's amazing'
"Yeah I would like that" I said as she gave me one last smile before leaving. 'Maybe this won't be so bad after all'.

Hey guys sorry I've off lately high school is literal hell for me.
But I hope you liked this and it makes up for my time being late. Thank you for being so patient I really do appreciate it. I'll make another one so don't worry. Anyways love you all.
Words: 592

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