Fred x Albino (male)Reader

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Requested by: Estella2007

I was new to this school my dad got a new job here so we moved and it was pretty far which I'm happy for. A lot of people used to bully me and call me so many mean names back at my old school it was always about how I looked. Why, why should it matter of what someone looks like on the outside it's what's on the inside that counts. But there comments always got to me no matter how many times my dad or myself said. I always wore black clothing it was my favorite color, don't know why but I looked good with it. My mom died when I was three of a disease my dad kept pictures of her she was beautiful she looked like me. My dad said that she was the beautiful woman that he had ever seen.
I walked through the doors of my classroom every one just stared at me with either disgust or concern. Except for one it was boy with brown hair he looked normal but I got a good look at his eyes seeing that they were completely different it was pitch black and he had white pupils. He looked cute, after I introduced myself I sat down next to the boy but he was still staring at me or tried to make it as subtle as possible which he was totally failing at. The teacher was giving us a full class period to what we wanted, some people were looking at me and whispering things I feel like such an outcast.
I felt a tap on my shoulder it was the guy who was staring at me his eyes were still the same black and white pupil.
"Hello handsome my name is Fred" he purred as he held out his hand for me to shake which I did his hand was warm.
"Hi Fred you're pretty handsome yourself" I flirted back not knowing how the hell to do this, but I just went with my heart. The compliment made him blush a nice pink it was cute. He chuckled "maybe I could show you around the school sometime if you'd be up for it that is." He asked starting to get a little nervous towards the end. I snickered "I'd like that Fred thank you" I can't believe this it's to good to be true a hot guy wants to hangout with me but is also talking to me I feel like crying.
"Maybe during lunch I can give you a full on tour and maybe use the remaining to eat outside."
I chuckled "yeah I like the sound of that Fred" our conversation didn't stop we kept talking till the bell rung and I forgot all about the judging looks it was great we were both disappointed when class was over but we couldn't wait till lunch. He even told me that he would introduce me to his friends. Before we left he grabbed my hand a placed a kiss on the back of it.
This is going to be fun.

Hope you guys liked this one
Love you guys
Words: 530

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