Freddy x (male)Reader

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Requested by: breenaackerson3

"Freddy please-"
"No stay away Im weird you heard them I don't want them to bully you just for being near me" the toddler sobbed
"I don't care you're special"
The boy stared at the girl in disbelief as he crumbled down and cried.

[Present Day]
"Freddy hey!" You called out as you ran up to the brunette teen.
"(Y/N) h-hey how are you"
"I'm great" you stopped right in front of him.
"That's good let's go"
You chuckled "alright this'll be fun"

"What flavor are you getting?" Freddy asked as he licked his ice cream.
Placing your index finger on your chin,
"Maybe (F/F) ice cream" you said.
You grabbed your cone and Freddy paid,
"thank you" you both said.
"Your welcome boys"
"And thank you Freddy" you said as you kissed his cheek you could see his face turn red. You couldn't help but giggle,
"Let's sit on the bench there by the pond."

[Freddy's POV]
For the longest time that I've known (Y/N) he's always got my back and has always been by my side supporting me and has never left even when I showed her Fred.
I love him, he's everything to me and I'm everything to him.
"Ha you think he loves you? He's just probably hiding how he truly feels."
"Quite Fred Im not listening this is suppose to be our day"
"Yeah our you, me, and him"
"Freddy!" I heard (Y/N) call out to me I looked over to see his concern face.
"You're stronger then him, I know it and you know it."
I could feel a tear slip down my cheek.
Gosh I love him so much.
"Why, why do you stick around me (Y/N)"
Freddy asked as he laid his head on my chest as I brushed my fingers through his hair.
"Because I... I love you I've wanted to say that for the longest time. You make me feel things that I've never knew before."
Freddy lifted himself up to look at me he grabbed my chin as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Are faces got closer and he kissed me and I kissed him back.
"I love you Freddy always will" I grabbed his chin then kissed him.
I love you.

I hope you guys liked it sorry it was a little short.
Love you guys
Words: 406

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