Jealous Deuz x Reader

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Hi.....this awkward......
Requested by: basiabd

You were walking in the halls on your way to your next class, some people gave you odd glances as you walked by whispering your name. You weren't sure what they were talking about but you had an idea.

"Is it because I'm dating Deuz?" You asked yourself stopping in your tracks before looking to everyone, they all jumped and turned back to do whatever they were doing.

Pondering the thought made you laugh, how can one boy who acts similar to a teddy bear strike fear in over a hundred kids.

You waved the thought off as you skipped to class humming a popular song you heard on the radio.

You're a transfer student from Little Hearts Academy for gifted students, you had gotten in because of your intellect you aced perfect grades in all your classes without any fail.

Your parents have always pushed you to be your best as the reason why the signed you up for that school.

It was great at first you made many friends, great grades a promising future, and you never felt more comfortable.

However it all ended when your parents fell short on money, your family wasn't rich so they couldn't compete with the prices of the school.

They wanted to sign you into the school for a better future, but it didn't seem that way.

You weren't upset at them you know they have good intentions, so you didn't make much of a fuse when they pulled you out of the school, even if you were leaving your friends.

But at least you'll still have a great future with your skill. As some classes in the school that you were attending now had classes just for you that matched and challenged your abilities.

One of those classes is actually how you met Deuz, as you walked into your class it was almost empty the teacher was gone leaving a note on the chalk board saying how 'he's going out to get a cup of coffee.'

You sighed going over to your desk that was by a window, placing your bag down you look out the window expecting someone.

"Hello lovely~" as if on cue Deuz pops up from the other side of the window, you've gotten use to it so you aren't as jumpy.

You open the window for him as he climbs his way in instantly taking you into a hug, "I've missed you so much" you roll your eyes, "we saw each other this morning" smiling at him, "and stop coming through the window you'll get caught one day and we'll both be in trouble" you scold as you both break from the hug it was Deuz turn to roll his eyes, "we haven't been caught yet, so I don't see a problem" one thing that you learned quickly was that Deuz is stubborn and jealous.

You turn your head dismissing the conversation, "whatever, go now before class starts so you don't get detention again" you kiss his cheek as he rubs out with a goofy smile just in time for your teacher to come in and the rest of the students.

"Alright kids let's get started!"


After the bell range signaling lunch, you left your seat and stretched. You were gonna text Deuz to ask where he wanted to meet for lunch as you were the one that got lunch first a boy interrupted you, he was those type of guys who thought highly of themselves and bullied other kids because they weren't as smart as him. You couldn't stand him, but he has taken a liking to you as he once said that you two would make a perfect pair for you both had the same smarts and should stick together because of it. He said it all with a smug look to which made you sick, you decline him multiple times as you were already dating Deuz. However you seem to have forgotten to mention him.

"Hello (Y/N), I was wondering if you would take me up on my offer of going to lunch together,

You groan, "never means never, get the hint!" You hiss at him packing your bag and stomping out the class. You hear a chime and see that Deuz was texting you.

Sorry I'll be late to lunch save me a seat💕

You smile, texting him back you didn't notice that the boy was following you looking over your shoulder,

"Who's he you're talking too" the hot snatches your phone, you turn around as you grab it back.

"None of your business! Just leave me alone!" You shout making yourself clear to him, but he doesn't catch the hint as he follows you to lunch and explains why you should be his girlfriend. Every time he talked made you feel as if you were losing a brain cell.

The guy takes it a step forward and try's to kiss you making you gag and try to push him away,

It wasn't until you notice Deuz walk in making you smile, he notice you as well and smiles to you, but it soon fades as he notice the guy trying to take advantage of you and marches over huffing.

He grabs the guys shirt collar picking him up from the seat glaring daggers, "what are you doing with my girl."

The guy snorts, "so you're the one that she keeps going after, I don't know what she sees in you, you're nothing but a small brain cell delinquent that has no future-" just like that Deuz punched him square in his face making you gasp, but a part of you was relived.

But some teachers were not, "Deuz, congratulations you've earned yourself a suspension!" The teachers walks over to grab him, but you grab his face and kiss him on his lips, whispering a small 'thank you, and teased a bit of how jealous he was.' His face turned bright red as the teacher dragged out of the now shocked cafeteria, but finally shouted back after coming out from his daze.


I hope you enjoyed
I'm sorry
Love you
Words: 1031

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