Springtrap x Reader

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Requested by: LilBeastCreations

(Hello sorry for the long wait, I hope you guys enjoy especially you LilBeastCreations! I didn't edit this so if you find any mistakes then I'm sorry I was just more focus on sending this out. Again sorry!)

I was riding my way over to Fox house, I look up seeing the sun glare down on me my helmet protected me from the heat, as well if I fall.

I had my ear buds in listening to a specific playlist, the song being Ringtone though it's remix version, I find it more appealing.

I pushed my feel sliding on the sidewalk, my skates looking dirty and run down. The wheel squeaks at times and it's starting to swivel.

My dad tells me to throw them out and even promises to buy me a new fresh pair, but I refuse every time.

My skates and I have history, my dad was the one that got me these when he came back from being oversea. He was gone for so long, making me feel alone.

Of course I had someone with me, her name is Lilian. She's my stepmom, she came a year after my mom and dad got a divorce. I never really trust Lillian, I don't trust anybody near my dad after my mom left for so she met for a minute.

My dad was really depressed and it took him awhile to get over my mom, I helped him get better. He never smiled, or played with me like he use to, he only cried and drink.

I never want to see him like that again.

"Oof-" I got distracted falling onto the ground, my wheel must've swiveled again, maybe I should get rid of them.

"(Y/N)?" I look up, then gasp "M-Meg? What are you doing here I thought you were home with Fox?" I ask,

She huffs crossing her arms and pouts, "I couldn't stand one minute with that loon. He crazy (Y/N)!"

I giggle, "oh don't say that Meg he is your bro-" she stops me putting a hand to my mouth,

"No he isn't." She says in a serious tone, but then smiles, "now come on I can't handle him without you" she punches my upper arm lightly, then takes my hand leading me to Fox house.


Once we arrived Meg was first to enter, "Fox?" She starts to call for him. When one answered I started to call for him too, I yell "Foox!"

His house looked to be in order, "I'm surprised he cleaned" I joked causing Meg to laugh.


A defensive Fox could be heard from the entrance a brown paper bag in his hand, I chuckle nervously "sorry Fox~" I sing.

"What's in the bag?" Meg asks, her eyebrow arching with an unamused look, Fox looks her way as he places the brown bag on top of his mildly clean counter.

Before answering he reaches his hand inside grabbing a singular shiny tomato,

"A tomato? Is that what's all inside?" You ask tilting your head in utter confusion.

Fox nods smiling like he was proud of himself, "yep! It's for Springtrap" he concludes placing the fruit (A/N: fite me!!) back in the bag.

"Oh, that makes sense." Meg smiles snapping her fingers finally understanding Foxs reason,

"Who's he?" You ask even more confused.

Meg looks over to you in shock but before she could say anything Fox intervenes,

"That's right you've never really met him, you were always busy with your dad weren't you?" Fox asks tilting his head.

You nod looking down your smile faltering, "I-I'd like to meet him though!" You said finding your smile again.

Fox nods giving you one of his own toothy smiles, "that's it, he'll like you trust me" he says patting your head then grabs the bag again and walks over to the door,

"Just don't go all shy on him" Meg teases pushing you slightly in a joking manner.

You giggle, "I'll try" as you push her back, you and Meg follow Fox out letting him lead as you didn't know where this Springtrap lived.

"How's your dad and Lillian?" Meg asks as she walks beside you,

"My dad is good, he's really happy! And Lillian.." you were silent for a quick minute, you didn't know for sure how Lillian was. Of course she was happy but more of with your dad. You don't know how she feels with you.

"She's good as well" you respond, Meg smiles and grabs your hand. "Well I'm glad you all are happy"

"Yeah me too" you smiles as you all stop at a run down house,

"Is this it?" You ask a little concern.

"Yep!" Both Fox and Meg respond in a union happily,

Fox walks up to the house knocking on the wooden door.

A few minutes pass and and it was silent,

"I-is he even home?" You question, tilting your head as you look to the place.

"He should be, hold on" Fox passes the bag over to Meg, not expecting the weight she nearly topples over.

Fox barges in and closes the door, a few seconds pass and a loud thump could be heard from inside.

The two argue and Fox runs out, and also a boy that looked a little older than you.

He looked like he had just woken up, "Fox how many times do have to tell you not to barge in!"

He had an irritated look as he glares to Fox who hid behind Meg, "we brought tomatoes and her!"

[Your POV]

Fox points to the bag and me,

I decide to save him outstretching my hand to him, "h-hi my name is (Y/N)! I'm friends with Meg and the bimbo that woke you" I chuckle nervously as my voice gets quieter at the last bit.

The more he look to me my face got more warmer,

He smiles and grabs my hand shaking it gently, he grins using his other hand to push back his dirty blonde hair.

"I suspected, it's nice to meet you (Y/N)!"

We kept holding hands shaking up and down just looking at each other,

Meg pulls me out chuckling making me blush more. Fox also seemed to find it amusing.

I look over to Spring seeing what he thought, he was also red.

"Lets continue inside!" he says trying to get out from the embarrassment making me chuckle a bit,

We all agree walking inside his house. It looked nice and well put together, he had parts and tools on a wooden desk.

'I wonder what he's working on?' Spring seem to have noticed me and smiles making my heart skip,

"I'm working on repairing a radio"

Meg tilts her head, "I thought you said you had gotten it to work?" She asks placing the bag on a small box.

"It dose but it continues to glitch" he laughs it off,

"Hope you're not over working yourself bro" Fox says grinning,

Spring laughs again, "no promises" Spring chuckles.

I laugh along with them know exactly how Spring feels, I'm always worrying both Meg and Fox because of my lack of care and staying up.

I got off balance when laughing, I tried to balance myself up again like usual but my wheel swivels again making me fall on my butt.

Spring looks to me with concern as he comes over to help, "are you okay?" He asks picking me up.

"Yeah it's just my wheel" I said rubbing me tailbone soothing the pain,

Meg gets an idea as her face lights up. "Springtrap can fix it! He can fix anything!" Meg says smiling.

Spring blushes, "I can't fix anything Meg" he says bashfully.

"W-well if you can could you try?" I ask taking them off and handing them to him,

Springtrap nods giving me a determined look. "I'll give it a try, I've never repaired wheels before. But how hard can it be" he says waving the worry away,

I 'maybe I won't have to throw my skates away'

The thought excited me as I throw my arms around him not thinking, "thank you so much!" I was pinning Springs arms down so he wasn't able to push me off or react. Not that he was trying to, he just seemed frozen.

I look up seeing his face explode red, kinda like a tomato.


We all held conversation while Springtrap fixed my skates, I couldn't stop saying thank you to him. I was just so thankful for him,

Once he finished he handed them back to me so I could try them out and see if he successfully fixed my skates.

"Let's test them outside" Fox suggests as he places a hand on his stomach, "I'm kinda hungry" we all chuckle even Meg.

We all agreed and decided on getting ice cream, "we can test them in the park!" Meg also suggest before I put them on.

"Alright that sounds like a good idea!" I said as we all walk out,

Spring looks down at me noticing that I didn't have any shoes on only socks.

"Are you okay without shoes on?" He asks raising a brow,

I blush noticing myself I didn't really realize I always walk out without shoes at times so I don't mind most the time.

"I'm fine with it, I walk out without shoes all the time" I say, he didn't look satisfied.

'Was he worried for me?' I wondered,

"I-I'm fine really, please don't worry" I assure him,

I didn't know what to do, I reach over to grab his hand into mine hoping that might calm him.

'Why am I doing this?' I asked myself,

He looks down and blushes, "a-alright as long as you're fine" he says feeling better.

Is that really all it took, I gave him with a disbelief look before I chuckled. "You're cute Springtrap" I chuckle more, seeing as that didn't help his blush.

"You are too" he mumbles under his breath, so no one could hear him but me.


Once we all arrived at the park, Meg and Fox decides to order for all of us.

"We'll be back love birds~" Meg sings as she rubs off with Fox before I could say anything.

I blush hoping to forget that comment Meg made, Spring had started to walk to a nearby bench.

I follow after him not wanting to stand awkwardly alone, as I took a seat next to him it was silent. We would occasionally make small talk and get to know a little about each other but that was it.

But it didn't bother me, and it didn't seem to bother him either. I look down seeing as his hand was laid in the space between us, it was tempting to grab it and hold it.

I barley know this guy and I'm already feeling butterfly's in my stomach, why is that?

"So (Y/N), I was wondering if you-" Spring was interrupted by Fox who came with two ice cream cones in his hand, as well as Meg who followed behind him.

"We got the treats, sorry it took so long there was a line" he said handing me a cone of my favorite flavor, I shrugged it off not minding the wait.

"It's fine, thanks" I lick the ice cream humming at the taste of the flavor, it was so good.

"Did you try out your skates while we were gone?" Meg asks biting into her cone, you look up shaking your head "no I haven't."

I lean down grabbing my skates slipping them on with one hand, they were already securely tied.

Before I got up I noticed my ice cream seeing as it wasn't nearly finished I didn't want to trip and have it spilled all over the floor.

"I can hold your ice cream for you" Springtrap says, I nod "th-thanks" handing him my cone I stand and begin to skate. I smile as I go around both Fox and Meg, "they work! It's like they're brand new" I was so happy.

"Thank you Springtrap this means a lot!" My face was a little warm as I look over to him, I grab my cone from him giving him a hug as a thanks.

"It's no big deal but, you're welcome" he smiles hugging me back,

For the rest of the afternoon we walked throughout the park talking, Meg and Fox left awhile ago saying they were tired from today.

I didn't mind staying out with Spring seeing as I still had some time left before going back home.

"(Y/N), I wanted to ask you something before"

I look up at him tilting my head, 'that's right he was interrupted before.'

"What is it?" I asked, we both stopped with the sun going down showing a nice display of colors around the park.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime" Springtrap rubbed the back of his neck nervously,

"Wh-what!?" I blush not prepared for the question. "I-I wouldn't mind but, are you sure? I'm nothing special and-" he stops me by grabbing my hands, they felt warm and comforting.

"And I don't care about that, you're special to me that's why I want to you a chance, which is why I'm hoping you'd do the same for me." He stares at me his eyes looked so sparkly from the sun.

I shy away from his look, "y-yes I'll give you a chance and go out with you!" I smile bringing him into a hug, now losing coins of how many times I've hugged him.

"Thanks (Y/N)!"

Hi! Sorry for the wait
Hope you enjoyed
Words: 2302

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