Nightmares x reader

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[Readers POV]

I was walking around one of the alleyways with my black bag. I had dark blue jean shorts over my ripped tights and had on back and white converse. I also had a white T-shirt with a red flannel shirt rapped around my waist. I had a spray can in my right hand and my skateboard on my left. I was trying to find a clean wall to work on until I finally found one.

I put my bag and skateboard on the ground I put on my mask to cover my face from people so they won't recognize me and from the chemicals. I was about to start when "well, well, well what do we have here?" 'Oh great' "looks like a mouse stepping on our lands" I heard a gruff voice "ooh a mouse boss lets play with it" I then heard an annoyed sigh "it's a waste of time." I sighed then turned around while dropping the can on the floor it was the Nightmares the leader Deuz took notice to my shocked expression "what? Scared now that it's us take the mask off" he demanded 'if I didn't do what he says he could beat me up' I sighed then pulled down my mask.

"(Y/F/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N) I didn't expect it to be you" Deuz said shocked but still keeping his on his grin, "yeah it's been awhile" I said then pushed my hands into my pockets.

looking around the alleyway it looked a little different I was then pushed back a little by a strong force or two. It was Onnie and Oxy they were hugging me it took me awhile to give into there touch but I finally hugged back, "we missed you (Y/N)" Onnie said still having that goofy smile that I always loved, Oxy nodded. "But Maggie missed you more" Oxy said teasingly, Maggie she growled at him while he had on a snarky grin.

I laughed Maggie then walked over to my direction pushed Oxy out of the way she stared at my intensely till she quickly hugged me I was shocked, me and Maggie weren't ones to get along and we butt heads a lot so this was surprising.

"Don't ever leave us again" I was even more shocked. I then quickly hugged back "don't worry I won't" she then let go, "so why did you leave (Y/N) were you not happy or somethin" Deuz said already interrogating me causing me to sigh, "my family signed me up to a military academy for the summer. I didn't get to tell you guys my family knows about you and they kept tabs on me and they still do."

I said looking down "I'm sorry" waiting for them to just throw me out until Deuz hugged me his hugs were always comforting but he rarely did it because he thinks it makes him weak I missed them.

"It's okay (N/N) we understand your family is just looking out for you and wants your best interest so don't worry about us" I was trying to hold back tears but some slipped and I started to sob. Onnie was wiping my tears while Maggie was rubbing my back and Oxy was petting my hair which he always did to calm me down. "I missed you guys so much" I finally chocked out they all laughed then hugged me.

"We love you (Y/N)."

How long has been since I made another one of these.
Sorry guys to keep you waiting my cousin is here and we're spending time together.
I hope liked the story and if you did request some other FNAFHS characters that I should do
Words: 627

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