Onnie x Reader x Oxy

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I was sitting in detention because I was 'late to class' as my teacher puts it. I let out a sigh knowing already that it was gonna be a long day there was no teachers in detention it was only me.

I reached into my bag grabbing a pair of my wireless headphones then grabbed my phone and pressed play on my favorite song. I then laid my head down and fell asleep.

[Time Skip]

I felt hands on my head and start to shake me awake calling my name, I start to wake up. "Mmm wh-what?" I heard a giggle that sounded like it belongs to a hyena, "she's/he's waking up." I look up to see two boys it was Onnie and Oxy.

Oxy was wearing the school uniform and it was weirdly buttoned up and had a yellow shirt underneath.

Onnie had on a white dead pool shirt they both had dark blue jeans I only knew them from Deuz. my face was red I scowl at both of them for waking me up, "what are you two doing here." "we were thrown in here" Oxy said with his elbow resting on top of my head.

I growl at him I wasn't much of a touchy person, but Deuz told me about there whole nice thing there doing now which is great because then they won't bully anyone anymore but now we have to be touchy feely with everyone and smile. 

"Come on (Y/N) don't be so tight" Oxy said I only roll my eyes at him starting to get annoyed, "just because Deuz said for me to be more 'nice' to you two doesn't mean I will" Oxy growled at my stubbornness. "(Y/N) you should be more opened we already have Maggie we don't need two" Onnie joked I let out a chuckle, "sorry guys just having a rough start of the day." They shrug "it's fine" Onnie said I smile glad that we could come to terms with one another.

"Hug!" Onnie yells which made me and Oxy jump but Oxy gladly hugs him. I then roll my eyes at both of them. They both took notice and look to me they then pull me into a group hug. I groan into the embrace but smiled secretly enjoying the contact.

I hope you guys enjoyed sorry for the wait kinda having writers block
But remember you guys can make requests to help me out
I'm open to anything No Lemon or Limes
Words: 423

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