Onnie x Reader x Oxy

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Requested by: 0scribs6

"I can't believe you two idiots convinced me to come here." I said in a defeated tone,
"Hehe come on (Y/N) it'll be fun" Onnie chuckled as he faced me with a toothy side grin.
"Yeah you'll love it" Oxy growls as he agrees in a gruff voice.
"It's to hot out and if we would've stayed home we'd be melting popsicles, this is a nice way for us to cool down (Y/N)."
I smacked my lips as I looked away from Onnie as he made fair points, I hated whenever he was right.
"Well are we going to get in or not?" Oxy growled in irritation.
"Fine" I groaned I never really liked the pool I hated getting wet so usually I would try to stay in the shade. But I don't think these guys would let me, as I was thinking I heard Onnie take a running start shouting cannon ball then jumping in totally getting a side of me wet. I groaned in irritation at him as he rose back up only to giggle to see my pissed off face.
Onnie and I seemed to be having a staring contest, as I was distracted I felt Oxy wrap his arms around me and pull me into his bare chest I didn't know his intentions at first but when he started to reach down to scoop under my legs I finally realized it.
I quickly tried to escape his hold but he was to fast as he took a step back with me in his arms and ran to the edge only to throw me in without warning and then jumping in himself.
"You stupid fox!" I yelled at Oxy when I rose back up. Both Onnie and Oxy were laughing my hair as it was now a mess, but they weren't just laughing at that they were laughing at me I puffed my cheeks now at my wits end with these boys.
"Hey lets play Marco Polo" Onnie suggested Oxy finished a couple of giggles as he agreed. I was to stubborn to say anything still upset but I still agreed, Onnie agreed to be it.
"Hehe Marco" Onnie called out with his eyes closed.
"Polo" Oxy and I called back to him, the round went on for five minutes until Onnie finally caught up to Oxy.
"No fair you were looking!" Oxy said with a growl.
Both me and Onnie giggled, "pay back for when we were younger." Onnie said triumphally, Oxy huffed as he said that he wanted to be it this time.
After a couple rounds of Marco Polo we decided to play something else,
"Why don't we see whose the faster swimmer?" Onnie said with a grin, we both agreed and we all readied at the side of the pool.
"3" Onnie started,
"2" Oxy got into position,
"1" and I finished,
"GO" we all said.
I pushed myself from my feet the wall to give myself an extra boosted. I'm not the best swimmer but I consider myself an alright swimmer.
It was a tie between me and Oxy, Onnie wasn't to far behind.
We all decided to take a break and get something to eat.
"Let's get popsicles" Onnie said like an excited child.
"Yeah" Oxy said
"Cool" I said as I got out, I helped Oxy but then let go when he was edging out making him fall back.
Both Onnie and I started laughing, finally Oxy made it out and gave me an annoyed expression.
I couldn't help but chuckle "pay back my friend" I said in a mocking tone.
After we all fully dried up we headed home to get popsicles from out of the freezer.
We all ended with a lazy day on the couch sucking on popsicles. It was such a nice way of being cool, "thanks for coming out with us (Y/N)" Onnie said looking at me as we were all watching our favorite show.
"You're welcome I guess thanks for inviting me" I said as I kissed his cheek. "Hey no fair I didn't know this was a kissy party!" Onnie giggled at Oxy's pouty face, I groaned at him but gave him a smile as I kissed his cheek as well.
"I love you two idiots."

Hope you guys liked this story
Love you all
Words: 731

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